
作者: 科迪.阿切爾 (Cody Archer) 
來源:復興以色列事工 2019年4月5日。蒙允轉載。 

根據全球統計數據,現今有超過 2億的耶穌信徒正遭受極度的迫害 -主要是在中東、亞洲和非洲,但我相信聖經的教導說當時候到了,如此的迫害會成為此地上每個國家的常態。

在我二十幾歲剛成為新信徒時,我生命中的一位領導曾經對我發過預言:“科迪,現在就要深深紮根在神的話語裡,因為將來會有一段時間,可能是因為你的信仰而入獄,神的話會被奪走。 ”對於一個新信徒來說,這是鼓舞我的話嗎!!?實際上,我對此預言並不等閒視之,在過去十年,我幾乎每天都花不少時間來思想神的話語。

“心” 的訓練





˙但這一切的事以先(看之前幾節經文 - 假彌賽亞、戰爭、大地震、飢荒、瘟疫、可怕的景象......),人要下手拿住你們、逼迫你們、把你們交給會堂、並且收在監裏、又為我的名拉你們到君王諸侯面前。..... ” 路加福音 21:12 如果你認為在迫害和災難來臨之前,你會被提,你將大為震驚。

˙路加福音 21:16 警告我們的親屬和屬靈的家庭及朋友會背叛我們,並會加害我們致死。

˙“你們要為我的名、被眾人恨惡。”路加福音 21:17 深思這個字 -眾人。無神論者、其他宗教和人文、世俗社會的人今天可能在某種程度上容忍我們,但這種寬容不會永遠持續下去。你準備好被眾人唾棄嗎?

˙人要把你們趕出會堂.並且時候將到、凡殺你們的、就以為是事奉 神。” 約翰福音16:2 蒙蔽之力如此之深,以至於人們會認為他們殘殺我們是替天行道。

˙在耶穌再來前,新法律將通過來對峙信徒,使我們成為世人眼中的罪犯。呼籲各國擺脫他們的罪行不是因為耶穌是通往神的唯一途徑,耶穌被視為是世界和平的主要障礙。因著無法無天,許多人的愛會變的冷漠,我們在受到攻擊時,期待人的幫助或憐憫是無望的,透過媒體、訴訟、罰款、監禁等剝奪我們的財產,蒙蔽扯謊和攻擊等......卻大行其道(以賽亞書 24:5-6;馬太福音24:12;希伯來書 10:34)。

˙敵基督被視為理所當然並與聖徒爭戰,且贏得勝利。(但以理書8:23-25;啟示錄13:7)我相信像在以斯帖記3 章和但以理書3 章經文中的預言模式,在耶穌再來前,會透過法律,迫使人們進行敬拜假神,猶太人的毀滅會再次出現。




Preparing for Persecution
by Cody Archer
April 5th, 2019

According to global statistics, over 200 million followers of Yeshua are undergoing high levels of persecution today–primarily in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. But, I believe the Scriptures teach that the time is coming when such persecution will be the norm in every country of the earth.

As a new believer in my early twenties, a leader in my life once spoke prophetically over me: “Cody, go deep in God’s word NOW because there will be a time in the future where it will be taken away from you, probably because you will be put in prison for your faith.” What an encouraging word for a new believer right?!!! Actually, I took that word seriously and have continued to devote much time to meditating in God’s word almost daily for the past decade.

Heart Training

As I study the end times one of the themes that continues to catch my attention is that of persecution. More and more in my quiet times I have been picturing myself being arrested, beaten, put in prison and even martyred for my faith. I am training my heart now to walk in love for Yeshua and stand up for my faith when those times of extreme pressure come.

My sense is that this heart posture is almost nonexistent in most of the Western Church today. Even If you and I don’t end up facing high levels of persecution, I believe it is wise to prepare our hearts, and the next generation, for what is coming.

What is Coming?

So, what should we be preparing for? Here are some scriptures I have been meditating on:

˙“But before all these things (read verses before – false Messiah’s, wars, great earthquakes, famines, pestilences, fearful sights…), they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons…” Luke 21:12 If you think you will get raptured out before persecution and trouble come, you will be in for a BIG shock.

˙Luke 21:16 warns us that biological and spiritual family and friends will betray us and put some to death.

˙“You will be hated by all for My name’s sake.” Luke 21:17 Consider this word – All. Atheists, people of other religions and humanistic, secular society may tolerate us at some level today, but this tolerance won’t last forever. Are you ready to be hated by all?

˙“They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think he offers God service.” John 16:2 The deception will be so deep that people will think they are doing God’s will by killing us.

˙Before Yeshua returns, new laws will be passed against believers, making us to be the criminals in the eyes of the world. Calling the nations to turn from their sins and not budging on Yeshua being the only way to God, will be seen as major obstacles to global peace. Because lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold, we should not expect human help or mercy when attacked, but instead the plundering of our possessions, major lies and attacks through media, lawsuits, fines, imprisonments… (Is 24:5-6; Matt 24:12; Heb 10:34)

˙The antichrist will be granted to make war with the saints and overcome. (Dan 8:23-25; Rev 13:7) I believe prophetic patterns in scripture like in Esther 3 and Daniel 3 where laws were passed forcing people into false worship and the destruction of the Jewish people, will emerge again before Yeshua returns.

˙As it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so it will be also be in the days of the Son of Man. (Luke 17:26-30) The wickedness, violence and sexual perversion seen in the days of Noah and Lots are rampant again today, and will continue to be directed against believers in an ever-increasing way (Gen 6; 19).

In conclusion, Jews and Christians will be the most hated people on the earth. But do not despair about the future, there is good news! The greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit and harvest of souls will be happening simultaneously with this global persecution (Acts 2:17). There will be a remnant of faithful believers in every nation who will obey God over man (Acts 5:29), and not love their lives unto death (Rev 12:11).

Lord help us to apply Yeshua’s exhortation to watch and pray always that we would be strengthened to resist compromise, sin and fear (Luke 21:36).