
作者:Yosi Behar

EU nations commit to fighting anti-Semitism


Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz, German Chancellor Merkel, French President Macron, UK PM Teresa Mai, Hungarian PM Victor Orban… ratified an unprecedented declaration committing to Combat anti-Semitism and protect Jewish communities in all 28 EU member states; The declaration underlines the importance of education about the Holocaust and urges. The EU's police agency Europol to point-out anti-Semitic terror content online to internet service providers. EU funds are available to improve security.

Saudi king urges united front against Iran

沙特國王薩勒曼在利雅德峰會提及; “科威特,阿曼,巴林,阿拉伯聯合大公國和卡達應該保持對伊朗的統一戰線。這要求我們所有人與我們的夥伴合作,以維護該地區和世界的安全與穩定,”。

Saudi King Salman In Riyadh summit; "Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, ‎the United Arab Emirates and Qatar should maintain a united front against ‎Iran • This requires all of us to work with our partners to preserve security and stability in the region and the world,".

Australia recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital


Australian Cabinet national security committee Decision culminates with opening of consular office in Jerusalem; newly appointed Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that he is officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

義大利內政部長Matteo Salvini
Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini


"I am proud to be in Jerusalem, The Capital of Israel. Israel is a bulwark defending Europe…" Salvini, talks terrorism, BDS with Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan and visits the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum. Salvini, deputy Italian Prime Minister, is considered the driving force in Italy's government and a rising star in nationalist movements sweeping Europe.

BDS illegal in all Chilean Cities


It is illegal for municipalities to boycott Israel, the Chilean National Comptroller Herman Lopez determined this week; The law also prohibits “arbitrary discrimination that is based on considerations such as nationality and that cause a deprivation, disturbance of threat of the exercise in fundamental rights,”.

Church renovation lifts Christmas spirit


Renovation of the Church of the Nativity is lifting spirits in the biblical town of Bethlehem ahead of Christmas, offering visitors a look at ancient mosaics and columns that have been restored to their original glory for the first time in 600 years. "It became such a beautiful church. Every Christian in the world would love to see it now."

El Al direct flight to Las Vegas & San Francisco

El Al Israel Airlines宣佈開通直達拉斯維加斯和三藩市的航線。來自內華達州,亞利桑那州,猶他州和俄勒岡州的基督徒遊客的上升趨勢。

El Al Israel Airlines announced its direct route to Las Vegas and San Francisco. Israel is seeing a rising trend of Christian tourists from Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Oregon.

Kineret up 6 cm after last weekend rains


Despite the desalination plants, the Kineret (Sea of Galilee) still supplies 33% of Israel's water needs. Mekoprot project to fill the Kineret with desalinated water is being built…

光明節 - 照亮黑暗


Antiochus IV, a Hellenistic king of the Seleucid Empire, wished to impose Pagan culture in the Land of Israel. He did so through destructive decrees forbidding Jews from fulfilling their commandments. The family of the Hashmoneans, residing in Modi’in near Jerusalem, led a revolt that culminated in the victory over the Seleucid Empire and the establishment of Jewish rule in the Land of Israel; This victory, occurring 2,200 years ago, continues to be a milestone for generations, Teaching us about dedication to our values.

Israeli-sponsored community center opens in South Africa

該中心位於約翰尼斯堡的貧民窟,在以色列駐南非大使的幫助下進行了翻修。儘管BDS對地方當局施加壓力,要求廢除該專案,在光明節期間該中心正式揭幕; “該社區對在索韋托生活的兒童和成年人的生活中發揮著不可或缺的作用......”以色列駐普利托里亞大使一直在推動當地人口的社會專案,全國各地的農業,婦女賦權等等。

Despite pressure by the BDS on local authorities to scrap the project, the center—located in the slums of Johannesburg and renovated with the help of Israel's ambassador to South Africa—unveiled in Hanuka; "plays an integral part in the lives of children and adults living in Soweto…" Israel's ambassador to Pretoria has been promoting social projects involving the local population all across the country in the fields of agriculture, women's empowerment and more.

'CropX' tell farmers how to irrigate and fertilize

基於“土壤互聯網”的CropX自動灌溉系統 - 最近完成了亞利桑那州,德克薩斯州和內布拉斯加州的精確農業專案,其技術可以取代農民做出有關灌溉和施肥的決策。這節省了40%的灌溉用水,同時增加了10%的作物。

CropX automated irrigation systems based on "Internet of the soil" - recently completed projects in precise agriculture in Arizona, Texas and Nebraska, which show that its technology makes it possible to replace the farmer in making decisions about irrigation and fertilizing. This saves 40% of irrigation water, while increasing crops by 10%.

NIS 30 billion plan to thwart missile strikes

安全內閣周日批准了一項300億謝克爾(82億美元)資金用於國防軍裝備以阻止導彈襲擊; “增加國家的緊急情況抵禦能力,即使在多個戰線的情況下,”為以色列國防軍分配大量資源以保護整個前線戰線,增加以色列國防軍的導彈武器庫並制定先進的防禦措施,以色列將有能力在發射導彈後立即消滅敵人的導彈。

The Security Cabinet approved on Sunday a NIS 30 billion ($8.2 billion) plan to arm the IDF with defense weapons to thwart missile strikes; "increase the country's emergency resilience, even in the case of multiple fronts," Allocating massive resources to the IDF for the protection of the entire home front, increasing the IDF's missile arsenal and developing advanced defensive measures aiming that Israel will have the capability to neutralize enemy's missiles immediately upon their launching.