
每日先知性話語:2018年11月13 / 14日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者10月預先領受、於11月按日發佈):

You will need to rise above negativity right now and not get discouraged.

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者當日領受、當日發佈):

Take heart! God did not bring you this far to quit on you now.

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

我已經呼召你進到一個需要你的覺察之嶄新的恩膏。當我揭露我的目的時,你能夠透過留意看與聆聽、來增進你屬靈的分辨力。我渴望你刻意地上升到一個你能夠領受智慧與指引的更高之處。秘密地/平靜地、且強有力地來執行我的指示/命令,主說。 詩101:6 我的眼目必看顧國中的誠實人,使他們與我同住;行為正直的,必要侍候我。
I have called you to a new anointing that requires your awareness. You can improve your spiritual discernment by looking and listening as I reveal My purposes. It is My desire that you deliberately ascend to a higher place where you can receive wisdom and direction. Quietly and powerfully carry out My instructions, says the Lord. Psalm 101:6 My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with Me; he who walks in a perfect way, he shall serve Me.

布蘭德·庫尼曼(Brenda Kunneman) 每日先知性話語:你是一個橋樑

“要尋求與那些可能與你不同的人 或是那些你可能總覺得沒有與之連結的人 之搭橋聯繫的方式。要知道 如果他們在正直與真理中依循著我,那麼、當你舉起並發揚他們在為我做的美善之事的時候,會有很大的益處,主說。” 羅12:18 可能的話,總要盡你們的所能與人和睦。
You Are a Bridge:“Seek ways to be a bridge with those who may be different from you or those who you may not always feel connected with. Know that if they are following Me in integrity and truth, there is great benefit when you uplift and promote the good they are doing for Me, says the Lord.” Romans 12:18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

貝弗·羅賓森(Bev Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

一次啟動太多的事情 將會造成後來的混亂。我知道你沒有意識到你正在一次啟動大量的事物、因為這任務太大了。你不想要在你剩下還要做的所有事情上再加上混亂。停下來思考一下是好的。如果它堆積太多,它將會淹沒你、並造成沮喪。要停下來評估一下。我將會來幫助(你)。 賽41:10 你不要害怕,因為我與你同在;不要驚惶,因為我是你的神。我必堅固你,我必幫助你;我必用我公義的右手扶持你。
Starting too many things at one time is going to cause confusion later. I know you don't realize you are starting a lot at one time because the task is so large. You don't want confusion on top of all that you have left to do. It would be good to stop and take account. If it piles up too much, it is going to be overwhelming and cause discouragement. Stop and take stock. I will help. Isaiah 41:10 (ESV) "fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

約拿斯·鮑林(Jonas Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

我想要你知道我已經讓你可以得著/取用我的祝福與豐富。我向你敞開天堂、而且我的計劃是讓你活在豐富之中。我已經將這個世界的財富提供給你,因為你已經被嫁接到我所揀選的子民身上。我已經構思/設計了一個計劃,在這當中你將行走在一個來自列國之“雙倍的產業”之財富中。要領受它;要行在當中。 賽61:7 你們必得加倍的分,代替你們所受的羞愧,他們因自己所得的分而歡呼,代替羞辱,所以在他們的境內,他們必擁有加倍的產業,他們必有永遠的喜樂。
I want you to know the blessing and abundance I have made available to you. I open the heavens to you and My plan is for you to live in abundance. I have provided the wealth of the world to be yours because you have been grafted in to My chosen people. I have designed a plan in which you will walk in a "double portion" of wealth from the nations. Receive it; walk in it. Isaiah 61:7 (NASB) "Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, Everlasting joy will be theirs."