
每日先知性話語:2018年11月08 / 09日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者10月預先領受、於11月按日發佈):

New hope is here that might look different than you expected.

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者當日領受、當日發佈):

神不僅僅想要使你存活 - 祂想要你興盛/茁壯/繁榮、即使有粗陋的斑駁/斑點在你的生命中。
God doesn’t want you to merely survive—He wants you to thrive even through the rough patches in your life.

布蘭德·庫尼曼(Brenda Kunneman) 每日先知性話語:你有一個新名字

“要正向地說到你自己,主說。因為、我已經為你贏得/買贖回一個新的身份。無論是哪些人以負面的方式來聲稱你,我都已經改變了它、並已經賜給你一個與它相反的新名字。” 賽62:4 你必不再稱為「撇棄的」;你的地也不再稱為「荒涼的」。你卻要稱為「我所喜悅的」;你的地也必稱為「有夫之婦」。…
You Have a New Name: “Speak positively of yourself, says the Lord. For I have purchased for you a new identity. Whatever others have said you are in a negative way, I have changed it and given you a new name that is opposite of it.” Isaiah 62:4 Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah…

貝弗·羅賓森(Bev Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

一個改變正在來到。這是一個美好的改變、而沒有什麼事導致你的擔心,但是它將是一個明確的改變。你將會進入將產生所渴望之結果的軌道。不要想會有什麼發生而導致這個改變失敗。這正是改變的時候了。現在是時候來將你自己運用到新的方式,就像你以前完成過的一樣。成功正在很快來到在未來中。 傳3:6 尋找有時,捨棄有時;保存有時,拋棄有時;
A change is coming. It's a good change and nothing to cause you concern, but it will be a definite change. You will get on the track which will produce the desired results. Don't think of what happened to cause the change as failure. It was just time for the change. It is now time to apply yourself to the new way, just as you did before. Success is coming soon in the future. Ecclesiastes 3:6 (AMP) "A time to get and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to cast away."

凱文·羅賓森(Kevin Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

我想要你行在愛中、同時行在我的權能中。當你為別人禱告時、當你與別人交談時,要行在我聖靈的能力中。要像以利沙那樣大膽勇敢,他請求以利亞身上一個聖靈雙倍的恩膏。他祈求是否可以得到以利亞所擁有的恩膏之外袍的雙倍產業。不要膽小害羞。要向我求雙倍的能力、權柄、與力量。 王下2:9 過去之後,以利亞對以利沙說:「我未曾被接去離開你,你要我為你做甚麼,只管求我。」以利沙說:「願感動你的靈加倍地感動我。」
I want you to walk in love as well as in My power. Walk in the power of My Spirit when you pray for others and when you talk to others. Be bold like Elisha, who asked Elijah for a double portion of the Spirit who was on him. He asked if he could have a double portion of the anointed mantle Elijah possessed. Don't be timid. Ask Me for a double portion of My power, authority and strength. 2 Kings 2:9 (NLT) "When they came to the other side, Elijah said to Elisha, "Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken away." And Elisha replied, "Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit and become your successor."