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Prophetic Word: How to Break Free from Limitations
Doug Addison
Aug 23, 2018

We all go through seasons when it seems like we are not being acknowledged or released into our fullest potential. God uses these times to train and develop foundational character in us. Sometimes this can feel like “house arrest.”

Limitations ending

Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name. Then the righteous will gather about me because of your goodness to me. Psalm 142:7 (NIV)

Many people have been in a place of lockdown or house arrest. It could be that you are limited by your previous season or people who did not recognize the promotions that you’re going through. This is common, and it happened with King Saul, who did not recognize David.

I’m not speaking against leaders with this prophetic word and I’m not wanting you to mistrust them. I’m saying that it is important to ask the Lord to realign you for the next season. Even if you don’t get along under your current boss, pastor or leadership it is important to bless them.

It is important to ask the Lord to realign you for the next season

This word is not for everyone. But there’s a chance that God is moving you into a new season and out of spiritual house arrest. I encourage you to pray about this and ask the Lord how you should respond.

The best way to get through these trying seasons is to rest in the fact that God has your best interest in mind and He is making all things new.

My house arrest for 4 years

I just got healed of 4 years of chronic illness that put me in house arrest. Suddenly, I couldn’t do what I used to do. I could no longer travel, and I went through a major time of testing and trials. But as a result, for the first time in my 59 years, I have entered into a level of peace and rest in the Lord I have never experienced. He restored my heart to understand love and peace.

Praise and gratefulness are key

Praise and gratefulness are wonderful outcomes of your release—even before you are fully out of your limiting season. Even if your situation doesn’t look like it really changed, praising and showing gratitude while in the prison (house arrest) will bring you more freedom.

Even if your situation doesn’t look like it really changed, praising and showing gratitude while…

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. Acts 16:25–26 (NIV)

Focus on God’s goodness, beauty and awe. In His love, prison walls of any restricting house arrest will grow dim—to the point of being gone.

Don’t run, but rest

We are entering into a new season of freedom, peace and rest. So what does that mean exactly for you?

We are entering into a new season of freedom, peace and rest.

Difficult times, being misunderstood and betrayal are being cut off from you. Instead of house arrest, God is giving you a place of peace. God is changing your house arrest into a house of rest.

Listen. How you treat people behind the wheel of your car, how you act and treat people on the internet when you don’t agree, and how you treat your children and family members can reveal if you have any fear or lack of love operating in your life.

Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest … Hebrews 4:11 (NIV)

God is encouraging you to keep trusting Him and know that His prophetic promises and words are true. You are free from the chains that have kept you in confinement and restriction. Your freedom—a new freedom—is yours!


Doug Addison