

Day 2 (10th of March)

Learn from Daniel's dedication and focus in God's kingdom (though living under pagan kings like hostage, was forced to abide by foreign law, faced many tests and temptations, occupied by duty and challenges as a prime minister).

Scripture Portion:
Jn1:12-13; 1Jn 3:1; Daniel 9:1-20; Mt.6:16-18;

1. Meditate on God's Word and receive more of His love into our hearts.

2. Once again, humble ourselves like Daniel and ask God to reveal the area in life we still yet submit fully to the Lord.

3. Confess our sins, failure and unfaithfulness before the Lord. And ask God for forgiveness.

4. Proclaim aloud Daniel 9:4 “Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments..." three times or memorize this verse.

禱告焦點 Prayer Points:

1. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem before the 70th Independence Day of State of Israel, especially when nations are against US government's decision to shift US Embassy to Jerusalem by May 2018.

2. Pray for the God's divine protection upon His church, especially when we are entering the feast of Passover (Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday) when God's people are remembering and celebrating the deliverance from the slavery of sins and the victory our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had won and His resurrection.
當 神的百姓紀念並慶祝 神救贖我們脫離罪的綑鎖和奴役,和救主耶穌基督的得勝並復活,預備自己的心進入逾越節期(受難日和復活主日)之時,求主超然保守祂教會的平安。

3. Pray for all the church members who are to appear in all levels of exams in the coming months.

4. Continue to pray for God's sovereignty in all level of governments and pray for all who are at authority positions in our land, so we will live a peaceful life.
為 神在各級(中央和地方)政府中掌權而堅定站立,並不停止的為國中所有執政掌權者代禱,以至於我們能夠平安度日。


Do pray together with prayer partner or family in the evening.

Have a blessed Sabbath!