
2018 每日先知性水流
( by Doug Addison、Bill Burns / Marsha Burns、Bev Robinson、Kevin Robinson、Jonas Bohlin ...)
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

每日先知性話語:2018年2月17 / 18日
中譯:David 職場恩膏

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語:

Taking time to pull back and rest will give you strength for what is coming ahead.

比爾·伯恩斯(Bill Burns) 每日先知性話語:

我的眾先知發表古老的事物以及新的事物。這條道路已為你敞開、讓你放開/鬆手那綁/紮在過去的事物,以致你可以開始這個新的冒險。因為,在過去的幾週裡,無論是什麼在攻擊你或是束縛你,這都是(你)被釋放並爆發的日子、以致你可以在這個季節中行走這條我恩膏的路徑。我已經宣告,一個嶄新的恩膏正臨到我的子民。這是一個比你曾經行在其中的恩膏 還要更強而有力的恩膏。它將會打破每一個綑綁的枷鎖。它將會釋放被擄者、並將讓你行走在新的權柄之地。它將會帶來你實現我的目的話語的彰顯、以及喚醒那些還不像它們應有之樣子的事物之話語的彰顯,主說。你所要做的就是相信。我將會行在你面前、預備我話語的道路,然後你會跟隨並領受它的祝福。
My prophets bring forth things old and things new. The way is open for you to let go of things that are bound up in the past so that you may begin this new adventure. For, whatever has assaulted you in these past weeks, whatever has bound you, this is the day to be released and break out so that you may walk the path of My anointing in this season. I have declared that a new anointing is coming upon My people. It is a more powerful anointing than you have ever walked in. It will break every yoke of bondage. It will release the captive and will cause you to walk in a new place of authority. It will bring the manifestation of your words to fulfill My purpose and to call things that are not as though they are, says the Lord. All you must do is believe. I will go before you and prepare the way of My word, and then you will follow and receive the blessings of it.

貝弗·羅賓森(Bev Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

幾年前所發生的(屬靈)大事/事件一直充滿淹沒你的心思。這對你來說是非常特別的,因為你看到我在同一個(屬靈)大事/事件中、以幾種強而有力的方式在運作/作工。當這個大事/事件結束的時候,我並沒有停止這個權能。現在要以同樣的強度看著/倚靠我。我並沒有改變。我的權能仍然在這裡/在場、要讓你看到。要看著/倚靠我、而不要只看著/倚靠我的權能。我愛你、而且正在教導你。 申33:26 耶書崙哪,沒有能比神的。他為幫助你,乘在天空,顯其威榮,駕行穹蒼。
Events which happened years ago have been flooding your mind. It's very special to you because you saw Me operate in several powerful ways within the same event. I didn't stop the power when the event was over. Look to Me now with the same intensity. I have not changed. My power is still present for you to see. Look to Me and don't just look to My power. I love you and am teaching you. Deuteronomy 33:26 (NAB) "There is no god like the God of the darling, who rides the heavens in his power, and rides the skies in his majesty;"

凱文·羅賓森(Kevin Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

要看到這個:沒有什麼能夠撲滅/壓制你的屬靈的攪動/騷動。很多時候,有反對者和憤世嫉俗/玩世不恭者試圖扼殺與挫敗這歡慶/慶祝的靈。不要允許你魂的敵人熄滅我在你靈裡所點燃的熱火/熱情。就如你正在經歷的、也一直在經歷的那種火焰,現在乃是讓這個火焰發展成為一個經過充分訓練/成熟的野火的時刻 - 那讓我的火全然地焚燒。不要抵擋那燃燒在你內心最深處的火熱/熱情。 羅12:11-13 殷勤,不可懶惰;要心裡火熱,常常服事主。在指望中要喜樂;在患難中要忍耐;禱告要恆切。徒缺乏,要幫補;客,要一味地款待。
See to it that nothing quenches your hoopla. Many times there are naysayers and cynics who try to snuff out and dampen the spirit of celebration. Don't allow the enemy of your soul to extinguish the combustion I have kindled in your spirit. It is when flames, such as the one you are and have been experiencing, progress into a full-fledged wildfire, that my fire is all consuming. Don't resist the enthusiasm burning deep in your innermost being. Romans 12:11-13 (MSG) "Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality."