
聯合國大會表決通過 反對美國承認耶路撒冷為以色列首都

聯合國大會 2017.12.21 以128票對9票通過決議,反對美國承認耶路撒冷為以色列首都的決定,要求美國撤回這項無效的決定。另有35個國家棄權。

來自以色列邀請緊急代禱:2017.12.21 聯合國大會
2017年12月 埃及全球回家聚集--進入以賽亞書十九章

How to Pray After President Trump’s Declaration Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israe
瑞克·萊汀斯牧師 2017年12月8日於耶路撒冷


1. 歡喜快樂!


2. 抵制黑暗的權勢



令人驚歎的是,儘管新聞報導了在拉馬拉、加薩、希伯倫等地爆發大規模抗議示威,隨後還演變成暴力衝突。可是在爭議中心的耶路撒冷城內,示威行動的規模卻相對較小,並沒有發生“重大事件”, 而且很快就平息了!請與我們認同,當我們仰望主繼續向煽動暴力之龍的靈執行“禁言限制令”,耶路撒冷相對的平靜將延續下去。 

3. 揭露陰謀


4. 重新對齊列國 

11月29日,在一個於聯合國進行的禱告會中(當天是投票承認現代以色列國的70周年慶),我們有幸宣告現代以色列建國得以存在的權利並非由“聯合國”賦予,而是“聯合神”所賜。祂在祂的主權裡與亞伯拉罕立約,以撒和雅各一脈相承,是關乎救贖和應許之地的約。祂對亞伯拉罕也賜下關乎以實瑪利血脈的極大應許(創世紀 17章第4-8節和第18-21節)。


我們還在聯合國宣告,這是一個列國轉換的季節:從不敬虔的對齊,要轉變為祝福他們國家的敬虔對齊。我們呼召許多對抗神話語和揀選的“山羊”之國,變成與祂的話語和揀選對齊的“綿羊”之國。 為你的國家能正確與全能主的話語和揀選對齊而禱告。 





2013 爭戰:誰將在耶路撒冷的聖山上接受敬拜?
2014 聖殿山異象和822回家聚集
2015  警醒禱告˙列國都在斷定谷為遠東國家的教會與神對齊禱告
2016-2017 耶路撒冷禧年
2016-2026 世界靈魂豐收的十年
2016 全球聚集:以色列
2017 一個審判伊斯蘭教眾寶座書卷的異象


How to Pray After President Trump’s Declaration Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel

This has been a very eventful week here in Jerusalem as President Trump broke with 70 years of tradition to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.   Here are some ways we have felt led to pray afterwards:

  1. REJOICE!  Join in the celebration of the government and citizens of Jerusalem and Israel that at long last, the USA has recognized “the obvious” – that Jerusalem was already the capital of the Jewish people 3,000 years ago; and since the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948, has served as their chosen capital. 
  2.  RESIST THE POWERS OF DARKNESS.  Friday, we were praying in SuccatHallel, facing the Temple Mount, as thousands of Muslims were there for Friday prayers, and were expected to erupt into major violence afterward.  The Lord reminded me of a vision I received in October and November of 2014 (to read the full vision, click here: https://www.succathallel.com/2014/11/a-vision-of-the-temple-mount-a-menacing-dragon-and-a-season-of-increasing-shakings/)

I felt the Lord wanted us to come into the courtroom of heaven and ask the Lord as Supreme Judge to once again issue a “gag and restraining order” against this dragon spirit of incitement to violence in Jerusalem.

Amazingly enough, the news reported that, although there were major demonstrations that turned violent in places like Ramallah, Gaza, Hebron, etc., that in the City of Jerusalem, which the controversy was all about, the demonstrations were relatively small, with “no major incidents”, and soon over!  Please agree with us that the relative calm will continue here in Jerusalem as we look to the Lord to continue this “gag and restraining order’ against the dragon spirit of incitement to violence.

3.  REVEAL.  There has been some concern expressed in the media here, that in the future, this recognition of Jerusalem as capital may be used as part of plan to pressure Israel to give in to demands in “peace” negotiations.  We have been praying in the past weeks for President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu, King Abdullah of Jordan, and President El Sisi of Egypt for protection, and that they will not fall into, or be part of laying any snares or traps that would go against the Lord’s plans for blessing Jerusalem, Israel, and the Middle East.  Pray that if there are any such hidden agendas, that those will be revealed and foiled.  Pray that, as in the past, Islamic leaders will be like Pharaoh whose heart was hardened to fulfill God’s plans.  

4. Realign the Nations. In a prayer gathering in the United Nations, on November 29th (the 70th anniversary of the vote to recognize the modern State of Israel), we were privileged to proclaim that modern Israel’s right to exist was not given by the United Nations, but by the “United God”, Who in His sovereignty made covenant with Abraham through the line of Isaac and Jacob concerning redemption and concerning the Land, yet also gave Abraham great promises over the line of Ishmael (Genesis 17:4-8, 18-21). 

 We proclaimed in that prayer gathering in the U.N. concerning Jerusalem and the Temple Mount the word of the Lord in Psalm 2:6,10,11): “I have appointed my king on Zion, my holy mountain…Therefore you kings, be wise; be warned you rulers of the earth.  Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.” 

We also proclaimed in the U.N. that this is a season for nations to shift and change from ungodly alignments into godly alignments that would bless their nation.  We called for many “goat” nations rebelling against God’s Word and choices, to become “sheep” nations, aligning with His Word and choices.   Pray for your nation to rightly align with the Word and choices of the Lord Almighty. 

Finally, in our prayer time back in SuccatHallel  yesterday (8 December), a strong anointing was there to proclaim the verses from Isaiah 54:10-15,17: Though the mountains be shaken
 and the hills be removed,
 yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
 nor my covenant of peace be removed,”
 says the Lord, who has compassion on you.  “Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted,
 I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with lapis lazuli.  I will make your battlements of rubies,
    your gates of sparkling jewels,
    and all your walls of precious stones.  All your children will be taught by the Lord,
 and great will be their peace.  In righteousness you will be established:
 Tyranny will be far from you;
 you will have nothing to fear.
 Terror will be far removed;
 it will not come near you.  If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing;
 whoever attacks you will surrender to you…no weapon forged against you will prevail,and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. 
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
 and this is their vindication from me,”
declares the Lord.   

Rick Ridings
8 December, 2017 in Jerusalem