
代禱的層次 Levels of Intercession
教師:琳達‧海德勒 Dr. Linda Heidler

投影片 1-36

拆毀不義之王位 Tearing Down Thrones of Iniquity

As we saw in the last session, the goal of intercession it to make a way for the will of God to be done on earth as it is in heaven. In order to do this, we must do several things:

Meet with God

Confront the Devil

Strike and hit the mark

Today I want to go into more detail about how to accomplish each of these, because each of these is accomplished through a different expression of intercession.

First, I want to give a picture of what our current spiritual structure looks like.

In every territory, spiritual forces compete for control of the people in that territory. Many of these are demonic forces which gain control by tempting people to sin. The sins of the people defile the land and become anchor points for demonic power to imbed in the land.

This is what was going on in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Satan did not just want them to sin. He knew that if they sinned, then he gained control of their territory.

When they sinned, they lost dominion and Satan gained dominion over the whole world.

This is still his plan today. From territory to territory, he tempts people to sin. The more they sin, the more power he gains to rule in a territory. As God is enthroned on our praises, the devil is enthroned on our sins. He establishes what Ps. 94:20 calls a “Throne of Iniquity”.

From that “throne”, he can rule and issue his decrees over that territory. This is what Lk. 11:21 describes as a, “Strongman” who guards his territory. The sins on the earth empower a throne in the spirit over a territory.

From that throne, Satan rules and the spiritual atmosphere is darkened.


This is the situation many places in the earth find themselves today. The Strongman is ruling from his throne. His throne is his stronghold.

2 Cor. 10:3-6 tells us that we are to tear down strongholds.

To do this, we must be empowered from a throne that is higher than the throne of the strongman.

We must operate in the power of a throne that rules with greater authority than the throne of the Strongman.

We must be empowered from the throne of God.

This takes us to the first step in intercession, we meet with God. Often, to meet with God, we must overcome the demonic forces in our territory.

The main ways we meet with God are through prayer, praise, worship and reading the word, which are also the ways we break demonic power.

When we break through the resistance to these forces, we come into His presence, into His throne room. Ps. 22:3 says that God is enthroned on our praises. When God is enthroned, He can issue His decrees. He can declare His will in heaven that He wants to manifest on the earth.

Once we have the ruling from the highest throne, we can begin to confront and resist the ruling from the lower throne, the throne of Iniquity, where the Strongman rules.

This is the second level of intercession, confronting the enemy.

This is the most intense part of intercession. This is where we need our spiritual armor and our weapons of warfare that Eph. 6: 10-18 describes. We must have our shield of faith, which protects our will, our decision making power, against the attacks of the enemy.

We must have our helmet of salvation, which guards our minds against demonic attacks. 

We must have our breastplate of righteousness, which guards our emotions against the attacks of the devil.

We must have the belt of truth, the knowledge of and faith in the written word of God, to guard us from mortal wounds.

We must have the sword of the Spirit, the prophetic word of God for the current situation, to allow us to overcome the decree of the Strongman.

As we war, we keep God enthroned on our praises. We worship as we war.

As we maintain our praise and worship, He continues giving revelation to empower us to overcome the rule of the Strongman.

This is how you strike and hit the mark, the third level of intercession.

When we do this, we should expect to see tangible results.

Let me give you a testimony from where we live, in Denton, TX.

Some years ago, as Chuck was communing with the Lord, He told him to look at racial issues in our city.

As we looked into this, we became aware of a great racial injustice that had occurred in our city. This had been covered over and hidden from the history of Denton, but the Lord uncovered it for us. Here is the story.

Early in the 1900’s, there was a thriving African American community in Denton named, “Quaker Town.”

They had businesses, banks, doctors and schools. While they were within the city limits of Denton, they were a self-contained community.

They were peaceful and prosperous.

The State of Texas established a women’s university near Quaker Town. Some people in the city said that it was unsafe for the women’s university to be so close to Quaker Town, even though there had been no crime or threat to the safety of the women on campus. This was based purely on racism.

The City government passed an ordinance claiming the land, on which Quaker Town was built, for a city park, forcing Quaker Town to relocate. The residents and business owners were required, by law, to sell their property to the city.

The city gave them a fair price for their property, then taxed them on what they had received, leaving them little to start over. The only land they could afford was land which no one else wanted. One land owner sold another plot of land to a black family. He was murdered and they left.

This injustice had empowered a spirit of racism to rule in Denton. The Lord assigned us to confront this spirit and overcome it. The strategy He gave us was to contact Black pastors and invite them to a night of praise and worship at the City Park that had been built on the land where Quaker Town had been.

Several Black pastors and members of their congregations met with us. After a time of praise and worship, we confessed the sin of the White church for the injustice of Quaker Town. Instead of defending the Black community, many White pastors had led the to effort to remove Quaker Town.

We asked them to forgive us, and then we washed their feet.

We were amazed at the gracious forgiveness that these Black pastors extended to us. They forgave us and embraced us. We all wept together at what God had done.

Over the next several months, we had repentance and reconciliation meetings between White and Black churches across the city.

It was a wonderful season of healing and unity. We developed strong, ongoing relationships with Black churches in Denton.

In intercession, we had ascended to the throne room and received an assignment to confront and overcome the spirit of racism. We had followed God’s strategy of praise, worship, confession, repentance and reconciliation. We knew that the spirit of racism had lost its hold on our city.

The year after all of this, a white racist group, the KKK, announced that they were holding a rally in Denton. This group had gone to a nearby city the year before and the result had been three days of riots. They planned to come to Denton to stir up racial hatred and violence.

They were schedule to come on a Sunday, so that morning, two White pastors and one Black pastor met at the location of their planned rally. They took communion together and decreed, as the spiritual authorities of the city, that the spirit of racism could not operate in our city.

The Black pastors told their people to stay away from the rally. The White pastors told their people not to go, even just to see what would happen. All of the local news stations sent crews to report on the event. All of the police were on duty. The entire city was tense, waiting to see what would happen.

When the time came for the rally, one van with five KKK members showed up. They began to shout their racist slogans, but there was no one else there to hear it. Every one stayed away. Even the other members of the KKK did not come. After a few minutes, they got back in their van and left.

Nothing like this had ever happened with the KKK before. There was always trouble when they came into a town. We had the confirmation that the spirit of Racism was broken in our city. We have had no further racially motivated incidents since then. This is how intercession should work.

You ascend, above the Throne of Iniquity that is ruling in your territory.

You receive revelation on how to confront this throne.

You engage in the warfare necessary to overturn this throne.

You submit to God and resist the Devil until he runs away.

Throughout this process, you maintain worship and use your spiritual armor and weapons. You follow the prophetic revelation that God gives during the process of this intercession. The end result is victory for the Kingdom of God.

For you here in Taiwan, I pray that God will activate intercessors, release revelation and strategy, and overcome thrones of iniquity from territory to territory.