
每週一妥拉 2017/7/9-7/15








*民數記25: 11, 13.祭司亞倫的孫子,以利亞撒的兒子非尼哈,使我向以色列人所發的怒消了;因他在他們中間,以我的忌邪為心,使我不在忌邪中把他們除滅。這約要給他和他的後裔,作為永遠當祭司職任的約;因他為神有忌邪的心,為以色列人贖罪。』

希伯來字Kinah在聖經上可以翻成熱心忌邪神聖的熱心是對某件事或某個人的熱愛而焚燒著熱情的忌邪。我們必須要知道的是,同樣的字若是由肉體點燃就變成『嫉妒』(箴言23:17)。大衛唱到他對主的殿的熱心如同火燒(詩篇69:9),這首詩歌也成為要來彌賽亞的預言(約翰福音2:17)。撒迦利亞書1:14記錄了耶和華對耶路撒冷的熱心,而以賽亞書9:6-7說到祂對祂兒子與祂公義國度的熱心。非尼哈則對『尊榮他的神』(25:11,13充滿著熱心(或忌邪的心)。(備註我們必須依據何為神的義之知識 (羅馬書10:2-3),否則可能會釋放不加區別之人的怒氣,並不能成就神的義(雅各書 1:20)。很重要知道的是,Kinah可能也會被用為一種肉體發動不聖潔的忌邪,那不過是嫉妒而已─箴言23:17)。



*列王記上19:11-12. 耶和華卻不在風中;風後地震,耶和華卻不在其中;地震後有火,耶和華也不在火中;火後有微小的聲音『微小的聲音』也可以翻譯成『靜默時刻的聲音』。對那些充滿熱心的人而言,領會這時刻、孕育神的話是很重要的。在洞中,以利亞說他對耶和華『大發熱心』,但神卻必須讓他知道,烈風、崩山碎石、地震再加上熱心仍不夠─強大的逼迫使以利亞感到心灰意冷、拒絕與害怕,在暴風的中心一定也需要神安靜話語的穩定同在。當他降服在神的話語時,主才能釋放指令要他『回去』(15節),繼續進行神對他的呼召。儘管在以色列的喧鬧聲中,要領會並擁抱『靜止沈默的時刻』並不容易,卻很重要。詩篇4:4字面上說:『你們應當畏懼,不可犯罪;在床上的時候,要心裡思想,並要肅靜。』(這裡的肅靜與列王記上的微小的聲音是同一個希伯來字)。 



*民數記26:1-2:瘟疫之後,耶和華曉諭摩西和祭司亞倫的兒子以利亞撒說:你們要將以色列全會眾,按他們的宗族,凡以色列中從二十歲以外、能出去打仗的,計算總數民數記26:64-65: 但被數的人中,沒有一個是摩西和祭司亞倫從前在西乃的曠野所數的以色列人,因為耶和華論到他們說:他們必要死在曠野。所以,除了耶孚尼的兒子迦勒和嫩的兒子約書亞以外,連一個人也沒有存留。』 


*民數記 27:15-16. 摩西對耶和華說:願耶和華萬人之靈的神,立一個人治理會眾。』



*民數記27:18-20: 嫩的兒子約書亞是心中有聖靈的;你將他領來,按手在他頭上,使他站在祭司以利亞撒和全會眾面前,囑咐他,又將你的尊榮給他幾分,使以色列全會眾都聽從他。』

列王記上19:16, 19並膏亞伯米何拉人沙法的兒子以利沙作先知接續你。於是,…以利亞到他那裡去,將自己的外衣搭在他身上。』








下週的閱讀進度(7/16-7/22)是『雙倍閱讀』:I『支派』Matot),讀經內容包括:妥拉─民數記30:1—32:42;II『旅程』 Masssei,讀經內容包括:妥拉─民數記33:1—36:13;先知書(受苦的先知書2)─耶利米書2:4-28; 3:4。 

馬汀和娜瑪賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis



From ancient times there has been a weekly portion (Parashah) from the first five books of Moses (The Torah) and an ending (Haftarah) from the Prophets read on the Sabbath in synagogues around the world. This portion is given a Hebrew name drawn from the opening words of the Torah passage. An illustration of this practice appears to have been recorded in Luke 4:16 where Yeshua (Jesus) arrived in the synagogue in Nazareth and was asked to read the portion (Isaiah 61) from the Prophets. We have found that in perusing these weekly readings, not only are we provided opportunity to identify in the context of God's Word with millions of Jewish people around the world, but very often the Holy Spirit will illumine specific passages pertinent that week in our intercession for the Land and people of Israel. The Haftarah, unless otherwise noted, will be that read in Ashkenazy synagogues around the world. The references for all texts are those found in English translations of the Scriptures.

The Parashah for this week 9-15 July 2017 is called Pinhas-"Phinehas":

TORAH: Numbers 25:10-29:40
HAFTARAH: Jeremiah 1:1-2:3 (First "Haftarah of Affliction/Admonition")

Note: During the three-week period "between the straits" (the 17th of Tammuz through the 9thof Av) the usual Haftarah portions (for this week, I Kings 18:46-19:21) are replaced by special "Haftarah's of Affliction/Admonition"), calling Israel to sober contemplation of her sin and her deserving of severe judgment-and of the Love of her God still drawing her to repent and return to Him.



 "I have been very zealous for YHVH God of Armies."
 (II Kings 19:14; From the Haftarah usually accompanying Parasha Pinhas)
 Statue on Mount Carmel of Elijah slaughtering the prophets of Baal.

*Numbers 25: 11, 13. "Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aharon the Priest has turned back My wrath from the children of Israel, because he was zealous with my zeal among them, so that I did not consume the children of Israel in My zeal.He was zealous for his God, and made atonement for the children of Israel".

The Hebrew word Kinah Biblically may be translated either zeal (NKJV) or jealousy (NASB). Holy zeal is a burning passionate jealousy on behalf of something or someone good and deeply loved.Phinehas was zealous for "the honor of his God" (25:11,13 NIV). In a psalm foreshadowing the coming Messiah, David sang of his zeal for God's House (Psalm 69:9; John 2:17), which consumed him. Zechariah 1:14 records YHVH's zeal for Jerusalem-and Isaiah 9:6-7 speaks of His zeal for His Son and the establishment of His Righteous Kingdom on Earth.

(Note: But zeal must be based on a knowledge of what is righteous before God (Romans 10:2), otherwise it may be released in indiscriminate human anger which cannot work that righteousness (James 1:20). It is important also to know that kinah may be used for a kind of unholy jealousy ignited by the flesh, in which case it is refers to mere envy-Proverbs 23:17).

PLEASE PRAY: For the awakening believers in Israel of a burning zeal, a holy jealousy for the things of God, based on truth and knowledge (Rom 10:2)-a zeal which will be necessary in turning away God's wrath so that his people in this later generation are not consumed.

The Voice in the Still Silent Moment

*I Kings 19:11-12. (From the Haftarah usually accompanying Parasha Pinhas-I Kings 18:46-19:21). . "And the LORD was not in the wind.the earthquake.the fire; and after the fire a still small voice". The "still small voice" can also be translated, "A voice-a silence-a moment". Apprehending this moment, pregnant with the Word of God, is essential for those aflame with zeal. In the cave, Elijah protested that he had been "very zealous" on God's behalf-yet God had to show him that the roar and shaking and flame accompanying his zeal had not been enough-the intense persecution it had aroused had left Elijah with feelings of alienation, rejection and fear. There must also be the stabilizing presence of the quiet Word within, at the center of the storm. When He yielded to that Word, the Lord was able to release instructions for Him to "return to his way" (vs 15) and proceed onwards towards the culmination of his call. In the roar of Israel, it is difficult, yet essential to apprehend and embrace that "still silent moment". Psalm 4:4 literally says, "Become agitated and do not sin-speak in your hearts on your beds and be still (same Hebrew word as "still" in the I Kings verse).


A New Generation-A New Numbering

*Numbers 26:1-2: "And it came to pass, after the plague, that the LORD spoke to Moses and Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, saying: 'Take a census of all the congregation of the children of Israel from twenty years old and above, by their fathers' houses, all who are able to go to war in Israel."-Numbers 26:64-65: "But among these there was not a man of those who were numbered by Moses and Aaron the priest (Numbers 2) when they numbered the children of Israel in the Wilderness of Sinai. For the LORD had said to them, 'They shall surely die in the wilderness.' So there was not left a man of them, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun."

With the 24,000 who died in the plague brought on by the seduction of the women of Moab, the older generation which had rebelled forty years before is finally passed. A new numbering of the people must take place-a new accounting in which each knows his/her positioning-but the 'old' has been left behind.

*Numbers 27:16. "Then Moses spoke to the LORD, saying 'Let YHVH, the God of Spirits of all Flesh set a man over the congregation.'"

This name for the deity (almost exactly the same as was used in Numbers 16:22, only this time using the personal name YHVH) implies the sovereign knowledge the LORD has of the inner workings of all human beings. It is noteworthy that Moses uses this name in requesting the LORD's appointment of a new leader-and the Lord responds by referring specifically to the "spirit" within Joshua (27:18).

The Transfer of Mantles

*Numbers 27:18-20: "Take Joshua the son of Nun with you, a man in whom is the Spirit, and lay your hand on him; set him before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation, and inaugurate him in their sight. And you shall give some of your authority, that all the congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient" (NKJV)

I Kings 19:16, 19".and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place.Then Elijah passed by him and threw his mantle on him".

It was not enough that Joshua was skilled and experienced after serving over forty years under Moses' leadership. Something more was necessary; something beyond Moses' own natural abilities, something supernatural bespeaking the high authority of Heaven had affected the rebellious people in such a way that they had continued to follow and respect Moses' leadership in the desert for 40 years.

This particular "authority" of which he was commanded to pass some on to Joshua is Hebrew hod -"a grandeur or majesty related to royalty" ("splendor" in Psalm 45:3 NASB). This sovereign enabling for leadership, which would influence the congregation to listen to and obey his word. was passed on here by the laying on of hands and the public releasing of God's charge ("inaugurating") into Joshua.

In the usual Haftarah reading for this Parasha, after Elijah threw his mantle on Elisha, the younger prophet immediately arose and "ran after" him.

PLEASE PRAY: For leaders in the Body in Israel to "hear" and be obedient in passing on their mantles to faithful ones upon whom God will release favor in the generation rising up behind.

A Reminder of Appointed Times and Seasons

*Numbers 28:2. "Command the Children of Israel, and say to them, 'My offering, My food for My offerings made by fire as a sweet aroma to Me, you shall be careful to offer to Me at their appointed time."

Timing is an important aspect of our worship. Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 speaks of times and seasons, and of the necessity of timing in the manifesting of the beauty God desires to bring forth in His creation. Here in Chapters 28-29 are presented anew for the next generation the "appointed times" of the LORD (along with the sacrifices to be made during each): Daily (morning and evening), Weekly(Sabbaths), Monthly (Rosh Chodesh-Head of the Month), Springtime: Pesach (Passover), Matzot (Unleavened Bread), Shavuot (Weeks, Pentecost), Fall: Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur(Day of Atonement), Sukkot (Feast of Booths/Tabernacles, with instructions for each of the eight days). All these times of the LORD (with their relevant offerings) are here laid out afresh before His army, before moving forward into their new Land.

Martin & Norma Sarvis

[The Parashah for next week 16-22 July 2017 will be a "Double Reading": I: Matot-"Tribes": TORAH: Numbers 30:1--32:42; II Massei-"Journeys of.": TORAH 33:1-36:13; HAFTARAH (2nd "Haftarah of Affliction"): Jeremiah 2:4-28; 3:4]