

“北韓,敘利亞,美國和其他國家 - 主告訴我:'惡魔顯現! 找出我們(教會)應該做什麼!“
"North Korea, Syria, USA and More - the Lord Told Me: 'Demons Are Manifesting!' Find Out What We Should Do!"

幾個星期前我非常清楚地聽到上帝對我說話,並說:“做好準備-惡魔,主權,權力 - 黑暗勢力-即將開始顯現”。
I heard the Lord very clearly speak to me several weeks ago and said: "Be ready – demons, principalities, powers – the spiritual realm of darkness – is about to start manifesting."

首先,為國家的領袖禱告(Dutch Sheets May 2, 2017)

2017恐怖攻擊地圖〔即時新聞/綜合報導 2017-05-07〕
這份「2017恐怖攻擊地圖」是利用維基百科的資訊開發出的互動地圖(Esri Story Maps),用視覺化的方式讓人了解恐怖攻擊發生的地區以及死傷人數。2017至今已發生了412起恐攻,造成2853人喪生。
這份地圖,將全世界的恐攻事件分為8大項,其中又以伊斯蘭國、開打組織(Al-Qaeda)、索馬利亞青年黨(Al-Shabaab)、博柯聖地(Boko Haram)、庫德斯坦工人黨(PKK)和塔利班組織(Taliban)較為世人所知。2017截至今天發動最多起恐攻事件的為伊斯蘭國,共發起144起,造成1196人喪生,攻擊區域主要集中在中東,不過歐洲、東南亞與澳洲等也都有他們的黑影。

URGENT Message — North Korea and How to Pray!
Dutch Sheets
May 4, 2017

I heard the Lord very clearly speak to me several weeks ago and said: "Be ready — demons, principalities, powers — the spiritual realm of darkness — is about to start manifesting."


"North Korea, Syria, USA and More - the Lord Told Me: 'Demons Are Manifesting!' Find Out What We Should Do!"
Dutch Sheets
May 2, 2017

Below is a short excerpt from Dutch Sheets' prophetic video:

I heard the Lord very clearly speak to me several weeks ago and said: "Be ready – demons, principalities, powers – the spiritual realm of darkness – is about to start manifesting."

Now I'm watching that happen. Much of the anger in government institutions, the protests that are happening, the violence on our streets, and even some of the leaders around the world like in North Korea, Syria, some of these conflicts that have escalated – a lot of this is the manifestation of evil spirits. They are upset and they are angry.

They are angry because they know we have moved into a season, we the Church, well in the earth, but we as Believers, have moved into a season where we can experience great breakthrough. In fact, some of the breakthroughs that we have been crying out for and interceding for, for years, maybe decades – we are in a season where we can experience the fullness of that breakthrough...

The Lord said to me, "The enemy is very fearful. You don't need to be afraid." That's what He said to me. He said, "Tell My people they don't need to be afraid." His enemies are afraid and they're manifesting.

What should we do?...

To find out what we, the Church, should be doing –