
恰克 皮爾斯

主曾於數年前的一個凌晨3時喚醒我並說:「你必須為我用不同方式探索、思考來打開新的供應線。聚集那些分散的。宣告 我的身體要進入和經歷上帝的恢復。聚集那些分散的,我將釋放一條新的供應線和給你一個新的量度。」

此外,我聽見主在說:「開始去圍繞那些曾被擱淺的。許多人害怕此時走進更高之地。仇敵已說服了他們,只要他們停留於現在的位置上,他們便可以繼續遠離傷害、受到保護。這不是一個跟敵人喊「停戰」的時刻。不要懼怕圍繞著你那上漲的水,上漲的水是一個兆頭,我已準備好引領你進入一個新天地。環繞那些被圍繞著的人,向他們展示 讓他們進入擴張境地的路途。」

神的靈在說:「不要懼怕回到你曾經所在的山谷裡去。那個山谷或地方曾讓你的視野受到限制,但那個限制正在失去其效力。我有一群子民正準備踏上旅程,並上去到一個能以“看見”的地方 就是我以新的方式來揭示我自己的地方。你將不僅看見我,更將看見你渴望看見的敵人的結果。如果你回到山谷裡,你將發現那些早已奪得的東西和隱藏在那裡的珍寶。


「在高處敬拜我,你將在管轄你的之上跳舞。我不就是那一位神,先降下然後升高的嗎?難道我不能從低走上高處?當你下降 往下走去,你拿起我放在那裡的鑰匙,使仇敵無力,然後你要興起,興起,興起至天上的高處。

「我充滿能力的名就在眼前,當你與我一起提升之際,潛放在你裡頭 置放許久的恩賜/禮物將會興起來,你將有能力恢復一切。」


• 挽回或收回已丟失或帶走的東西
• 恢復你的健康或使轉好/痊癒
• 返回受到控制的狀態
• 從墮落、滑倒或被背叛中拯救自己
• 收回或開墾已廢棄的土地或物質
• 糾正一個人從壞狀態中
• 透過審判而重新獲得
• 從弱勢中回到平衡
• 再次覆蓋
• 開拓或要求或命令事物的恢復將要開始


Divine Recovery
Chuck D. Pierce
Feb 2, 2017

Several years ago the LORD awakened me at 3 AM and said, "You have got to think differently for Me to open up new supply lines. Gather what has been scattered. Decree that My Body enter into and experience a DIVINE RECOVERY. Gather what has been scattered, and I will release a new supply line and give you a new measure."

Also, I heard the Lord saying, "Begin to surround that which has been stranded. Many are afraid to move on to higher ground this hour. The enemy has convinced them that if they will stay at their present dimension then they will remain protected from harm. This is not an hour to call a 'truce' with the enemy. Do not fear the rising water that is surrounding you, for the rising water is a sign that I am ready to lead you into a new pasture. Surround those who have been surrounded, and show them the way into their enlarged place."

The Spirit of God is saying, "Do not be afraid to go back down to that place where you were held in the valley. The valley, or the place where you have had confined vision, is losing its strength. I have a people that are getting ready to journey and come up to the place of 'seeing' where I reveal Myself in a new way. Not only will you see Me, but you will see your desires upon your enemy. If you will go back to the valley, you will find what was captured and the treasures that have been hidden there. (Photo via Wikipedia)

"Do not fear the giants that were in your valley. Then you will come up, and in the midst of your coming up, you will begin to see what I have for you and how the enemy had planned to waste what I had destined for you in this hour. Even though you return to a low place, do not fear, for this will be a year that you will stand on new, high ground. For it was the high place that ruled you in your low place. Go back, return, and then go up, and the throne of iniquity in your life at the high place will topple.

"Worship Me on that high place and you will dance upon that which ruled you. Am I not a God that descended to ascend? Did I not go down to come up? As you descend and go down, take the key that I have set there, render the enemy powerless, and arise, arise, arise to the high place of ascension.

"Truly the power of My Name is at hand. The gifts in you that have lain dormant will arise as you ascend with Me, and you will have the power to RECOVER ALL!"

Recovery means:

• To recuperate or regain what has been lost or taken
• To regain your health or get well
• To return to a state of control or authority
• To save yourself from falling, slipping or being betrayed
• To regain or RECLAIM land or substances from waste
• To retrieve a person from a bad state
• To get back by judgment
• To return to a balance FROM WEAKNESS
• To RECLAIM or demand or decree that restoration of a thing will begin

Recovery is part of the process of restoration. However, recovery is linked with strategy and obedience. This is a Season to War over Your Seeds. Be sure you have PLANTED them!