
為以色列時事禱告November 17, 2014   


以撒從那裡上別是巴去。當夜耶和華向他顯現,說:我是你父親亞伯拉罕的神,不要懼怕!因為我與你同在,要賜福給你,並要為我僕人亞伯拉罕的緣故,使你的後裔繁多。以撒就在那裡築了一座壇,求告耶和華的名,並且支搭帳棚;他的僕人便在那裡挖了一口井。』  (創世記26:23-25請參考這週的每週一妥拉內容)  


上週我們分享到最近在讚美殿禱告中心(Succat Hallel),神給瑞克萊汀(Rick Ridings)的代禱異象。在第一個異象中(1021),瑞克看見在一個噴火的龍環繞聖殿山。當火焰從牠口中噴出,暴力就被釋放在聖殿山(在過去幾個月有越來越多的騷動)。但在瑞克的異象中,龍真正的意圖是要點燃一個更大的暴力範圍。突然間瑞克看見天上出現兩個字『不是現在』(NOT NOW)一雙大腳從天而降,將龍踩在地上。接著主就下來,用鐵鐐將龍的腳銬住,將牠關在聖殿山東南角落的清真寺地下。當此發生時,在瑞克看見異象的敬拜室,敬拜主領正唱著詩篇149篇,關於神的百姓大大讚美祂,『要用鍊子捆他們的君王,用鐵鐐鎖他們的大臣。』接下來幾天,衝突持續進行,許多的媒體預測極大的暴力即將發生,並會引爆新的巴勒斯坦起義(暴動)。114日的第二個異象中,瑞克看到被囚的龍企圖從地牢逃脫,魔鬼的靈從牠口中而出,充滿在監獄裡,為要煽動恐怖行動。瑞克感到主說,我們來祈求祂如同全宇宙的審判官,賜下『箝制和管束的命令』來使龍在此階段閉口無聲。




*巴爾古提(Barghouti )為煽動暴力而被判決單獨監禁。』(Arutz7)


*巴爾古提在呼喚武裝抗爭後,被單獨囚禁在以色列哈達林監獄(Hadarim Prison):終生監禁的巴勒斯坦重要人物呼喚武裝抗爭,在阿拉法特逝世十週年之際,持續效忠其遺願。(Jerusalem Post)

馬爾萬.巴爾古提(Marwan Barghouti )是目前巴勒斯坦的主要恐怖份子領袖,連續五次被判終生監禁,因為他對巴勒斯坦第一次和第二次起義有重要影響(在2000年到2005年之間的第二次起義造成上千位以色列人死亡)。巴爾古提仍在巴勒斯坦人當中有巨大的影響,他們不斷要求釋放他。上週他成功將一封信偷偷捎給巴勒斯坦媒體,呼喚巴人起來武裝抗爭。為了懲罰他並讓他閉口,以色列監獄法庭判決他七天單獨囚禁,另加300舍客勒的罰金,包括煽動暴力以及沒經過允許和媒體訪談(巴爾古提因煽動暴力而被判單獨監禁:Arutz7, 11/12/2014, 3:19 p.m.).




禱告重點(摘自瑞克.萊汀斯Rick Ridings)

1.  宣告以色列聖者的主權在祂的聖山─耶路撒冷聖殿山之上。宣告以西結書43:6,7 『我聽見有一位從殿中對我說話。有一人站在我旁邊。祂對我說:人子啊,這是我寶座之地,是我腳掌所踏之地。我要在這裡住,在以色列人中直到永遠。』 

2. 對試圖在耶路撒冷點燃的長期暴動,甚至在中東點燃戰火的邪惡勢力宣告『不是現在』。

3. 禱告關於耶穌的許多啟示在聖殿山上,在耶路撒冷,以及中東地區。 

4. 禱告結束殺戮的煽動,特別針對孩童與少年。禱告聖靈大大澆灌在中東的孩童與少年身上。

5. 禱告神的憐憫在那些因發生在耶路撒冷和聖殿山事件,心被『篩選』的人和列國。在2014年1月1日,我的妻子珮蒂領受一個非常強烈的話語,2104年將是『轉變與篩選』的一年。我相信我們仍在那樣的季節,甚至在耶路撒冷這裡。


必有列邦的人和強國的民來到耶路撒冷尋求萬軍之耶和華,懇求耶和華的恩。』  (撒迦利亞書8:22)




我 (馬汀) 有此殊榮以敬拜領袖的身份在以色列服事多年,但從來沒聽過像回家最後一晚,當以色列和亞洲敬拜團唱著聖父聖子聖靈本為一,合力敬拜讚美,所呈現出耶穌已使以色列和列國合而為一的面貌。






馬汀和娜瑪賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis


Prayer Update From Israel (November 17, 2014)

Well at the site of ancient Be'er Sheva

"Then he [Isaac] went up from there to Beersheba. And YHVH appeared to him the same night and said, 'I am the God of your father Abraham; do not fear, for I am with you. I will bless you and multiply your descendants for My servant Abraham's sake.' So he built an altar there and called on the name of YHVH, and he pitched his tent there; and there Isaac's servants dug a well (Genesis 26:23-25; see Torah Portion below).


Last week we shared with you our intercessors visions recently given to Rick Ridings at the Succat Hallel house of prayer. In the first vision (21 October), Rick saw a great fire-breathing dragon circling the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. When flames came from its mouth, violence was released onto the Mount (which has been the scene of increasing turmoil over the past several months). But in the vision Rick was made to be aware that the dragon's real intentions were to ignite a much larger and more far-reaching conflagration of violence. Suddenly he saw two words in the heavens, "NOT NOW". A great foot descended from Heaven, pinning the dragon to the ground. Then the Lord reached down, placed shackles on the dragon's feet, and imprisoned it in the underground mosque at the southeast corner of the Temple Mount. As this was happening, in the worship room where Rick was having the vision (which has a view of the Mount), the leader was singing from Psalm 149 about the high praise of God's people "putting kings in chains and nobles in shackles." In the days following this, conflict continued and many in the media were predicting an impending huge eruption of violence and the start of a new intifada ("uprising"). In a second vision on November 4, Rick had a vision of the imprisoned dragon shrieking and attempting to break out of its dungeon in which it was imprisoned-demon spirits were going forth from its mouth out of the confines of the prison to incite terror. Rick felt the Lord say we were to ask Him as the Judge of the Universe to give a "gag and restraining order" to silence the dragon for this time period.


We praise the LORD for releasing His prophetic directives to His people-and for His Spirit's awakening them to pray! In the following report, we see Our Lord's releasing of a sign of encouragement regarding the accuracy and efficacy of these prayers!

On Wednesday afternoon, after prayers had been raised that the imprisoned and shackled dragon would be gagged and restrained (from releasing incitement towards increased violence and the awakening of a new intifada), the following headlines appeared in Israeli news services,

* "Barghouti Sentenced to Solitary Confinement for Incitement" (Arutz7)

* "Barghouti given seven days in solitary for call to renew intifada: The jailed Fatah leader

also called on Palestinian leaders to cut ties with Israel"(HaAretz);

* "Barghouti put in isolation at Hadarim Prison after calling for armed resistance:

Palestinian figure serving life sentence called for armed resistance in order "to be faithful to

the legacy of Arafat" on 10th anniversary of late Palestinian leader's death"(Jerusalem Post).

Marwan Barghouti is an arch-terrorist leader currently serving five consecutive life sentences in an Israeli prison for his highly influential role in the first and second intifadas (the second of which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Israelis between 2000 and 2005). Barghouti still holds enormous influence amongst the Palestinians, who repeatedly demand his release. Last week he succeeded in smuggling a letter from his prison to the Palestinian media, calling for armed resistance. To silence and punish him, Israeli Prison System internal court subsequently sentenced him to seven days solitary confinement, and a 300 shekel fine for incitement, violence and providing an interview to the media without permission ("Barghouti Sentenced to Solitary Confinement for Incitement: Arutz7, 11/12/2014, 3:19 p.m.).

We find it interesting that the picture of Barghouti accompanying the HaAretz article was one depicting him at his first sentencing, with arms raised and shackled.

We believe it to be of critical importance that we continue to remain alert before the Lord at this time regarding the situation on the Temple Mount. Last week, Prime Minister Netanyahu met with King Abdullah II of Jordan (Jordan shares custodial oversight of the Mount with Israel) regarding policies the two countries might arrive at to cool the situation there. Thank God for your prayers! Last Friday Israel agreed to relax its policy of limiting the age of Muslims attending prayers during times of unrest to those over 40. Although there was violence other places in the city and around Israel, the Temple Mount remained calm! This week the Prime Minister is meeting again with the King (See:http://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-to-meet-jordan-king-for-2nd-time-on-temple-mount-talks/). PLEASE PRAY: that God would guide these talks-that PM Netanyahu will not enter into any agreement or covenant which is at odds with God's purposes for Israel or His holy mountain at this time. Pray for courage, stamina and integrity in the Prime Minister-and a desire to ask for Divine guidance.

PRAYER POINTS (By Rick Ridings, as presented in Last Week's Update):

1. Proclaim the sovereignty of the Holy One of Israel over His Holy Hill, the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem. Proclaim Ezekiel 43:6,7: "While the man was standing beside me, I heard someone speaking to me from inside the temple. He said: "Son of man, this is the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet. This is where I will live among the Israelites forever."

2. Proclaim "Not Now" to the forces of evil trying to stir up something big, like a prolonged violent uprising in Jerusalem, or even a regional war in the Middle East.

3. Pray for much revelation of Jesus on the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem, and across the Middle East.

4. Pray for a dying down of the incitement to killing, especially that aimed at children and youth. Pray for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the children and youth of the Middle East.

5. Pray for mercy upon men and nations whose hearts are being "sifted and threshed" by the events taking place in Jerusalem and on the Temple Mount. On January 1, 2014, my wife, Patti, had received a strong word that this was a year of "shifting and sifting". I believe we are still in that season, even here in Jerusalem.


"Yes, many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD" (Zechariah 8:22).

This past Monday through Thursday Jerusalem was the scene of a coming together of thousands of believers from around the world for an "822" gathering (see Scripture above). Organized by David Demian, the gathering's stated mandate was that "at this kairos hour, the Lord is calling for a remnant, a representation of the family of believers worldwide, to come together as one new man in Jerusalem, November 10-13.   In the power of unity submitted fully to the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we will stand in the gap and decree that the hour has come for the Bride of Christ to wake up and to make herself ready for Her Bridegroom."

The vast majority of those attending were from Asia, including over 1500 from mainland China. The meetings flowed out of worship and high praise-with teams of musicians and dancers mingling expressions both Asian and Middle-Eastern as they led. The conference was set up so as to enable as much as possible the free leading of the Holy Spirit in the direction each session would go. A number of leaders, representing both the Jewish and Arab body of Messiah in Israel, were present. During the course of the week a number of sovereignly ordained occasions arose facilitating reconciliation where necessary between races and cultures here in the land as well as between the Body here and their brothers and sisters on the other side of the globe. During the last evening a delegation from China gave a presentation on the Back to Jerusalem movement with stories of the many who launched out to make it happen, but were barred through intense persecution from living to see it realized. They then presented Israeli Arab and Jewish leaders with a painted banner portraying the Wall of China intersecting with the Western Wall in Jerusalem:

I (Martin) have been privileged to serve as a worship leader in Israel for many years, but have never heard anything like the sound which was released into the heavenlies on the last night as the Israeli and Asian musicians were singing of the LORD being One, Father Spirit Son, an incredible synergy of praise, flowing through the harmony of Israel and the Nations whom Yeshua has made into One.


*That what God worked both in Israelis and our Asian brothers and sisters during the 822 gathering last week would last-would germinate in fertile ground and bear much fruit!

*That ties between the Body in Israel and that in Asia would continue to strengthen.

*That Asian brothers and sisters will come into and avail themselves of the inheritance they have in Abraham. That the Body here in Israel will embrace our brothers and sisters from Asia-that we will in humility and gratefulness avail ourselves of the gifts God is offering us, and which have been forged in the fire there-equipage which will be necessary to sustain and encourage and strengthen us in the work of the Lord ahead of us in Israel.

*That new sounds released from Heaven into the atmosphere over Israel will be caught by minstrels in the Land, to lead the people in the praise which will please our God, facilitate interaction with the angels, and shift atmospheres over the Middle East.

Martin & Norma Sarvis