
洽克皮爾斯(Chuck Pierce)為美國總統大選及美國發預言
Chuck Pierce prophesies about the election and America.


•“這次選舉不是關於一個人 - 它是關於一個結構,如同你在一個舊的皮袋中 - 在這結構中,皮袋的慣例(常規)化在你周圍一天都太久,如同水泥般 你脫離不了它。

•“這次選舉不是關於一個人 - 它是關於打破一個結構從中出來,如果我們(繼續)停留在我們所在的這結構中多留一個季節,它將是成為如此慣例(常規)化、並在我們周圍被安排定型,以致我們不能以一個國的身份從中出來。


•“我說有一個新的恩膏在我的百姓中上升,而從這新的恩膏中你將會興起、並看到我給你的機會。就在此時 機會似乎被阻撓,但是我告訴你,有一個起義正來到(There is an uprising coming!)!有一個起義正來到!有一個起義正來到!它一直在底下醞釀(策劃),但是現在你將看到這個起義“,主說!


•主說:“從今日起,不要握住你的和平 - 因為在接下來的五個月,你將會聽見"和平!和平!" 但沒有和平。



Chuck Pierce prophesies about the election and America.

• "This election is not about a person – it's about a structure just as if you were an old wineskin – where one day too long that wineskin routinizes around you and it's like cement and you can't get out of it.

• "This election is not about a person – it's about breaking out of a structure. If we stay in the structure we're in one more season, it will be so routinized and so ordered around us that we cannot as a nation come out of it.

• "Decree and vote for what will break you out of an old structure!

• "I say there is a new anointing rising in my people, and from the new anointing you will rise up and see the opportunities that I have for you. For right now opportunities seem blocked, but I say to you there is an uprising coming! There is an uprising coming! There is an uprising coming! It has been brewing underneath, but now you will see the uprising," sayeth the Lord!

• The Lord just said, "If you knew how close you were to the revolution of change that is coming, you would not be able to keep your mouth shut one moment!"

• The Lord said, "Do not hold your peace from this day forward – for the next five months you will hear, 'Peace! Peace!' but there is no peace.

• The Lord says, "The sword of Heaven is coming to liberate the ground and My people must have the sound that liberates the ground."

• I say to you I will come from the Islands and I will blow a wind. I will come from both sides of this land with a wind that will cause what couldn't stand to fall. I say to you the winds are now circling from Heaven and will now surround the lands of the earth. I say to you welcome the winds in for the change and the revolution of change is now at hand!