
恰克皮爾斯 2016年8月3日



Day 30: Awakening is Stirring! Open Your Eyes and Align in a New Way!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Dear Awakened Ones:

“This is an hour when I am causing My people to arise in a new way. Your willingness to seek Me early in the morning is stirring awakening in the earth realm. I am now issuing an ‘eye opening’ call to those who have lost their way. If they will respond to this invitation and open their eyes, they will see as the breaking of the day. Call for the captives to awaken and embrace their new day! A new anointing is being released, and faith is arising! With this move of awakening I will begin to enter into people and places that have never embraced My Glory.

“As people awaken to My presence, this will initiate a whole new work of aligning. I will begin to orchestrate meetings with people from your past so you realign in a new way. I will also call forth new individuals that I want to cluster with you. This clustering will provide the anointing you need for the season ahead. Allow My Glory to hover about you and awaken parts of My Body that have never been awakened. This is My time to align the ‘old’ and ‘new’, and express a greater measure of My anointing!”