
主題:“給祂15分鐘”禱告系列 – 誰是約翰·伯恩斯(John L.Burns)?
作者:Dutch Sheets

約翰·伯恩斯(John L. Burns)是1812年之戰(注1)以及美國與西班牙戰爭(注2)的退伍老兵。當他試圖要在美國內戰中爭取加入聯盟方時,他那時約是65歲上下。聯盟方沒有讓他加入,並差遣他回賓州的老家葛底斯堡(Gettysburg)退休養老。是天意吧,將要轉變這個國家歷史的戰爭即將在葛底斯堡發生。同盟軍隊首先抵達那裡,伯恩斯先生知道了就說,“這不能發生在我的守望下!“。他拿了他的火藥牛角瓶和燧發步槍,就出去獨自迎戰同盟軍隊。他受傷了,但又起身再戰。聯盟軍隊注意到,給了他一把連發步槍,讓他加入參戰。亞伯拉罕·林肯總統聽到他的事蹟,邀請伯恩斯先生成為他的座上客。當他抵達時,總統發表了現在非常著名的葛底斯堡演說。永遠不要認為來加入這運動你已經太老了。



  • 假如你認為那些年長的信徒們需要退休,並將改變國家的這個擔子交給年輕人,請為此來悔改。你甚至可能認為,“這些老一輩的就是需要退出來,讓年輕人接管這場爭戰”。對於神的這場行動,請將你的心為每一位基督徒留位置。我們需要我們當中的每一個人!
  • 如果你是年長者,覺得自己需要佔停一下或是停下來休息,請為此悔改。請求主來重燃你!請求祂賜給你新鮮的異象!假如你不知道該做什麼的話,請求祂賜給你一個新的任務。不要停止!記住迦勒的故事。
  • 已得知或尚未知道的,年輕或年老的,士兵或照顧孩子們的,為了維護我國的文化傳承和擴展神的國度,我們大家全都必須上戰場!大聲歡呼! 我們啟程吧! 





注1:可參考此聯結 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_1812 

注2:可參考此聯結 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish%E2%80%93American_War


By DutchSheets on May 10, 2016 01:00 am

Who was John L. Burns?

John L. Burns was a veteran of the War of 1812 and the Spanish American War. He was in his mid-60’s when he attempted to enlist on the Union side of the Civil War. The Union said no and sent him home to Gettysburg, PA, to retire and live a quiet life to the end of his days. Providentially, the war that was about to shift the history of this nation was about to take place at Gettysburg. The Confederate army got there first and Mr. Burns said, “Not on my watch!” He got his powder horn and flintlock musket and went out to face the Confederate army alone. He was wounded, but got up to fight again. The Union army took note, gave him a repeating rifle and let him join in. President Abraham Lincoln heard about him and made Mr. Burns his guest of honor when he arrived to make his now famous Gettysburg address. Never say you are too old to be a part of this movement.

“Now then, just as the Lord promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day.” (Joshua 14:10-12a; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Repent if you have thought that those older Believers need to retire and leave the nation-changing to the young. You may have even thought, “These old ones just need to get out of the way and let the young ones take over in the battle.” Make room in your heart for every Christian to participate in this move of God. We need every one of us!
  • If you are older, repent if you have felt like you need a break or need to stop and rest. Ask the Lord to refire you! Ask Him for fresh vision! Ask Him for a fresh assignment, if you’re not sure what to do. Don’t stop! Remember Caleb.
  • Known or unknown, young or old, soldier or one who watches after the children, we must all engage in the battle to preserve our nation’s heritage and expand the Kingdom! Give a shout! Let’s go!

A prayer you can pray:

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for letting me live in this day and age. Thank you for forgiving me when I have felt like there are those Believers that just need to sit on the sidelines while those of us who are young or knowledgeable or strong engage in the battle. Forgive me if I have felt that I am not one God can use. Help me to remember those such as John L. Burns and Caleb who were fired up to hold the territory and take the ground you had given them when they seemed long past the age they should be on the battle field. We say today that there is room for everyone, indeed we need every saint to win this war! Amen.

Today’s decree:

Every saint is needed in the battle for our nation, young and old fighting side by side together!