





當這樣的事情發生時,有一些我們可以也應該採取的步驟 - 我們原諒自己,我們寬恕他人,如果需要的話,我們來把事情做對。但會有那麼一刻,我們就是需要來把它甩掉,將之拋諸腦後。我們是沒法拖著垃圾拉著行李來到處走動的。



因為凡被 神的靈引導的,都是 神的兒子。你們所受的,不是奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;所受的,乃是兒子的心,因此我們呼叫:「阿爸!父!」聖靈與我們的心同證我們是 神的兒女”(羅馬書8:14-16)

聽著 - 你是神心愛的孩子。祂要將孤兒的靈從你身上和整個基督的身體中連根拔出。祂要你認知你並非一名受害者,你不需要被捲入自己是受害者的陷阱中。你是被呼召成為全然健全的,並且你是無條件被愛著的。





注1:林後7:9 如今我歡喜,不是因你們憂愁,是因你們從憂愁中生出懊悔來。你們依著 神的意思憂愁,凡事就不至於因我們受虧損了。
林後7:10 因為依著 神的意思憂愁,就生出沒有後悔的懊悔來,以致得救;但世俗的憂愁是叫人死。

注2:羅8:33 誰能控告 神所揀選的人呢?有 神稱他們為義了(或譯:是稱他們為義的 神嗎)。
羅8:34 誰能定他們的罪呢?有基督耶穌已經死了,而且從死裡復活,現今在 神的右邊,也替我們祈求(有基督....或譯:是已經死了,而且從死裡復活,現今在 神的右邊,也替我們祈求的基督耶穌嗎)。

Finding Freedom from Condemnation
May 3rd, 2016
By Cindy Jacobs

“So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life union with Jesus the anointed.” (Romans 8:1; The Passion Translation)

I love these words. God is always drawing us into a deeper passion, into seasons of re-connecting with Himself. We each have moments when we start feeling overwhelmed by condemnation. Thoughts run through our heads like “I wish I hadn’t done that” or “I could have done that better”.

You know, sometimes, after you’ve gone through the process of prayer, repentance, forgiveness, release, and so on, you have to choose to just shake it off. If Satan can’t keep you from repenting, he’ll try to trap you with a worldly sorrow that is non-productive; it paralyzes with feeling terrible about yourself and a sense that you’ll never be anything significant. But this is not God’s desire for you. Godly sorrow leads to repentance, and repentance leads to redemption.

I’ve found myself in this place more than once. One time, back in the 80s, someone misquoted a prophecy I gave in Canada, and there were a lot of leaders upset with me. I started to think, “Well, I’m never gonna preach again!” God really had to deal with me and teach me about the dangerous trap of worldly sorrow. Even if I legitimately had made the mistake, He wouldn’t have wanted me to stay in that place of feeling condemned.

When something like this happens, there are steps we can and should take—we forgive ourselves, we forgive others, we make things right if we need to. But then there comes a point where we simply have to shake it off. We can’t walk around dragging garbage and baggage.

We have one Justifier; we have a Redeemer. If we wallow in the mess we were caught in or a past situation, then we hinder the Redeemer’s anointing from activating in our lives. When we release it, God silences the accusing voice of condemnation, just as our opening verse says.

A little further in the Romans 8 passage, we read these amazing words:

You have received the spirit of full acceptance, enfolding you into the family of God, and you will never feel orphaned; for as He rises up within us, our spirits join in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father.” For the Holy Spirit makes God's fatherhood real to us as He whispers into our inner most being.

Listen—you are God’s beloved child. He wants to root out the orphan spirit in you and in the entire body of Christ. He wants you to recognize that you are not a victim and that you don’t need to get caught in the trap of victimizing yourself. You are called to be whole, and you are unconditionally loved.

I want to pray for you:

Father, I thank You that today we will feel totally accepted. Help us to reach a place where we feel accepted by You and by others. Thank You for uprooting the orphan spirit from our hearts. I thank You for this movement of the Holy Spirit bringing renewed passion for God as we recognize that we can feel close to Him, that we are 100% accepted. Help us remember that we are never alone and that God has never left us. We decree that we are not orphans; we belong to our heavenly Father.
