
作者:Dutch Sheets

我們應該能夠期待我們的孩子們在他們的學校中是安全的。存在我們的社區中,學校教育我們的年輕人,並作為許多社區活動的中心會議場所。但是在1999年3月20日,當兩位學生在他們就讀的科羅拉多州,Littleton這個城市的 Columbine高中開槍射擊時這樣的安全感在美國被動搖了。我們中很多人對那一天還記憶猶新。而太多的校園槍擊案已經接踵而至。



  • 今天,讓我們在我們社區的學校中走禱。如果你有孩子在學校中就讀,去詢問學校是否可以在大廳中安靜地走禱。如果你當地的學校不允許(出於安全的考量,一些學校不允許這樣做),在學校外圍走禱或坐在停車場你的車子裡,針對孩子們和學校產業朗讀如詩篇91篇的經文。如果可能的話,也包括你的孩子。
  • 如果你沒有孩子在學校裡就讀,你仍然可以坐在停車場禱告。如果你有足夠時間的話,為超過一所學校來擺上禱告。
  • 明天傳遞便條給一位教師或行政管理者,讓他們知道你已經為為學生,教師,行政管理者,其他的教職員以及學校產業的安全擺上禱告。 





By DutchSheets on Apr 20, 2016 01:00 am

Covering Our Children

We should be able to expect that our children will be safe in their schools. Tucked away in our neighborhoods, schools educate our young and act as central meeting places for many community events. On March 20, 1999, that sense of safety was shaken in America when two students opened fire on their high school, Columbine, in Littleton, CO. Many of us remember that day well. Too many school shootings have followed.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread?” (Psalm 27:1; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Today, let’s prayer walk our neighborhood schools. If you have a child in school, go to the school and ask if you can walk the halls and quietly pray. If this is not allowed by your local school (for safety reasons, some schools do not permit this), walk the perimeter or sit in your car in the parking lot and read scriptures such as Psalm 91 over the children and the property. Include your children, if possible.
  • If you do not have a child in the schools, you can still go and sit in the parking lot and pray. Pray at more than one school, if you have the time.
  • Send a note to a teacher or administrator tomorrow letting them know you have prayed for the students, the teachers, the administrators, other staff and for safety over the school property.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, the children in my neighborhood are such a treasure! All children should be able to go to a safe and friendly school. The enemy opened a door at Columbine High School on this day in 1999. Father, we shut this door of fear and death over our schools in Jesus’ Name! We proclaim safety, security and the protection of the Lord over (name the school.) (Pray for the students you know by name, the teachers, the administrators and other staff.) I bless this school and proclaim it safe from all of the plans of the evil one. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Today’s decree:

I proclaim safety over the schools of America today!