
作者:Cornelius Quek 

四月九日是一個值得紀念的日子,約有七萬人冒著雨集結在洛杉磯的紀念體育場,為了15個小時的敬拜及禱告一同來慶賀AzusaNow:從1906年開始的阿蘇薩街大復興至今一百一十周年,聖靈動工興起了超過六億人次的五旬節及靈恩運動。有很多人早晨三點就開始排隊入場。這個場地也是福音佈道家葛培理(Billy Graham)於1963年時佈道的地方,當時有13萬4千多人在場內, 還有兩萬多人在場外。 


Lou Engle, The Call 的創辦者及領袖,他用了敬拜和充滿力量的代禱開始了當天的聚集。韓國牧師及領袖們共同為著下一個復興及喚醒齊宣告,而復興的中心就是呼喊合一及和好。接下來的幾個小時,我們看見來自於不同的宗派和族群的領袖,他們發出充滿大能的宣告,悔改,和好,彼此接納和彼此相愛。當這群領袖放下他們彼此的不同,願意為了基督和神國的緣故彼此擁抱,你可以感受到神的喜樂和同在。合一的力量是無法被破壞的,也為神的下一步設立了最好的舞台。 

1906年在阿蘇薩街的復興曾是為了恢復屬靈的恩賜和釋放聖靈的能力。第二段我們看到來自伯特利教會的Bill Johnson牧師帶領的醫治服事。 當天有許多有重大的醫治和神蹟發生。Shawn Bolz, Expression58的領袖也釋放了非常準確的智慧的話語和預言。當晚的結尾是由佈道家Daniel Kolenda, 他是Christ for All Nations的領袖,也是佈道家布永康的接班人。他的信息是為了要挑旺起佈道和救恩。這一天在基督的肢體裡是充滿著歷史性,因為我們一同宣告,和神立約,也一同向天懇求,求聖靈再一次在當今的世上動工。 





1906年 神透過William Seymour在神國裡拆毀了往後對於膚色和社會地位之間的界線。

我相信我們會見證一個前所未見的合一和合作,是會跨越膚色,性別,和宗派。 他不會只是一個膚淺的口頭同意,而是真實的同心合意,願意為了基督,為了神的國度,更勝於個人的目的和榮耀。也將會開始出現年輕的領袖,一個被聖靈運行的大軍,這些戰士不在乎自己會不會被認可或是行為傑出。他們只在乎單單歸榮耀給 神,因為唯有祂配得所有。 



在第一世紀,安提阿的伊格內修斯(Ignatius of Antioch),是教會早期的一位主教,他是一位基督的先知,也願意尊榮聖靈給予的禮物。賈斯丁(Justin Martyr) (公元100-165年),他主張預言和聖靈的恩賜依舊存在教會中。先知孟他努(Montanus)開啟了教會歷史中第一個”靈恩運動”,孟他努主義,或是新預言運動大約發生在西元160至170年間,位於現今的土耳其。希臘正教會的早期教父貴格利(Gregory Thaumaturgus),也被稱為顯靈跡者格利高里(Gregory the Wonderworker),因為神蹟奇事在他講道時發生。聖安東尼(Antony),是第三世紀一位隱修士也是修道運動之父,他在沙漠中隱居時常經歷神蹟奇事。 

在歷史中還有許多這樣的例子。聖派翠克(St. Patrick)(387-460),被稱為愛爾蘭使徒; 教宗格列哥里一世(Gregpry the Great)(540-640);新神學家西緬(Symeon the “New Theologian”)(949-1022),也許是在東方最有名的靈恩基督徒;赫德嘉.馮.賓根(Hildegard of Bingen)(1098-1179); 聖伯納德(Bernard of Clairvaux)(1090-1153);聖文德(Bonaventura)(1217-1274); 聖方濟各亞西西(Francis of Assisi)(1181-1226);湯瑪斯.阿奎那 (Thomas Aquinas)(1225-1274); 托馬斯.閔採爾(Thomas Müntzer)(ca. 1489-1525),宗教改革領袖;依納爵.羅耀拉(Ignatius of Loyola)(ca. 1491-1556);方濟.沙勿略(Francis Xavier);1506-1552);喬治.福克斯(George Fox)(1624-1691),是貴格會的創始人;還有尼古勞斯.路德維希.青岑多夫(Nikolaus von Zinzendorf)和摩拉維亞弟兄會(Moravian Brethren); 衛斯理約翰(John Wesley)(1703-1791); 還有許多其他擁護及實踐聖靈恩賜的人。 

有一位值得一提的人是愛德華.歐文(Edward Irving)(1792-1834),他是蘇格蘭一位牧師,也是天主教使徒教會的創始人。他力求恢復以弗所書四章11-12節中的五重職事。同時也要得到哥林多前書12章的屬靈恩賜。許多的五旬節學者都認為他是一個關鍵的屬靈先鋒,導致後來聖靈在20世紀注入在托皮卡(Topeka)和阿蘇薩街。 



西元1688年到1702年間,在法國南部誕生了一個先知性的運動,後來的人稱為"塞文山脈的小先知們"。有個才13個月大的嬰孩,還不會說話或走路,就能用標準的法文說預言。年輕的孩子和青少年就會倒在地上並說預言。當孩子們被聖靈充滿時,他們會使用聖經的語言,並用標準的法文,即使他們當時的母語其實是當地的方言。Isabeau Vincent,是一個15歲的牧羊人,當她被聖靈充滿的狂喜時,她會使用標準的法文來說預言,並且呼籲罪人悔改。我們將要見證神正對這個時代中的年輕人做一件大能的事。神要給他們發言權並且釋放他們能預言神諸般的智慧使那自以為有智慧的驚訝驚奇


1906年阿蘇薩街的復興所帶來的其中一個果子就是校園的復興。在1905年到1908年間,當神開始在大學生和年輕人之間動工,復興有如爆炸般的傳遍全國。神的能力澆灌如同海浪般,透過祂的同在,禱告,悔改 和佈道,席捲了許多的學校。康乃爾大學(Cornell University),羅格斯大學(Rutgers University),普林斯頓大學(Princeton University),三一學院(Trinity College),貝勒大學(Baylor University),加州大學柏克萊分校(University of California in Berkeley),史丹佛大學(Stanford University),西北大學(Northwestern University),愛荷華州立大學(Iowa State Univeristy),麥基爾大學(McGill University),西雅圖太平洋大學(Seattle Pacific College),和阿斯伯里學院(Asbury College)。

在位於印第安納州的泰勒大學(Taylor),學生會長 Charles Winchester 在1905年的一月六日傳講了一篇信息:"聖靈的洗禮", 神的大能降臨到校園當中, 迫使學校必須暫停上課一周。

我看到聖靈已經準備好要再一次的吹入校園當中耶魯Yale),哈佛Harvard),普林斯頓Princeton),阿斯伯里學院(Asbury),惠頓學院(Wheaton),奧羅羅伯茨大學(Oral Roberts),加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA),還有許多的學校將要被神來灌注 祂的行動也同樣會影響世上每一處的校園。值得注意的是,這將會催化出史上另一個偉大的校園復興和宣教運動。


Lou Engle 和很多人都提到了將來臨的體育場復興。全球的體育場館都會被坐滿,福音會被大量的傳遞,伴隨著許多神蹟奇事。Lou也在Azusa Now提起青年使命團(YWAM)的Circuit Riders,他們相信神會為美國八千萬的靈魂預備二十萬的宣教士。體育場運動會繼續發生在歐洲,非洲和世上其他的地方。在未來會有同心合意的傳福音的一股力量,讓我們準備好靈魂的收割。

第六、 “社區及家庭教會運動”

隨著我們對於靈魂收割的期待, 教會將會擁抱及發展這幾個關鍵字:門徒訓練, 社區化及真實的信仰。在使徒行傳中,當五旬節來臨時,彼得傳講聖靈的能力, 當天就有三千人得救。 



這個世代也在呼喊著真實性。他們已經看穿了充滿著煙幕,五光十射的活動,使用各樣吸引人活動的教會。這樣的教會缺乏有實質的轉化也缺少真實與神同在的接觸。這個世代的人渴望了解真實的信仰,進一步進入真實的關係與社區連結, 而達到聖靈釋放力量在他真實的見證中。我們會看見一個社區和家庭教會的運動,而在這運動的中心價值就是神的同在,家庭,轉化和倍增。 


在過去,由於五旬節運動的經驗,以至於理智或知性主義變成靈性的死對頭。神學院變成好像是墓地。無論靈裡面有怎麼樣的火熱和熱情,好像進入神學院以後就會被嚴格的學術及系統澆熄火焰。或是反而變成魯莽的追求屬靈的能力和經驗,這並不是對神話語正確的理解,也不是信心的原則,教義或現實。這卻造成異端, 非正統的信仰和方法開始滲入教會。保羅寫信給歌羅西的教會並警告他們關於一種”哲學”,已經開始在教會中蔓延開來,甚至到一種地步只追求特別的屬靈知識和經驗,而不把基督的救恩當作唯一的源頭。 

當我們開始接受聖靈的澆灌與更新和祂恢復的恩賜時,教會必須要更加靠近正統教會, 神的話語和堅定的教義,而不是敬而遠之。我看到一個知性與靈性的結合正在出現,會有人是同時精通神的話語,也同時帶著聖靈的能力。 


Cornelius Quek,

"AzusaNow: Prophetic Perspectives on the Imminent Move of God"
by Cornelius Quek
Apr 19, 2016

April 9 was a monumental day as approximately 70,000 Believers braved the rain and gathered at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for 15 hours of worship and prayer to celebrate AzusaNow, the 110th year anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival in 1906, the catalytic movement of the Holy Spirit that resulted in more than 600 million Pentecostals and Charismatics today. Thousands showed up as early as 3 o'clock in the morning to get in line. This was also the same venue where the great evangelist Billy Graham preached the Gospel in 1963 before 134,254 people inside the stadium, and to more than 20,000 left outside.

There was great momentum and expectancy in the atmosphere, as thousands in America and around the world have anticipated this event for months, and more significantly, for another powerful move of the Spirit in our time and generation once again.

Lou Engle, leader of the TheCall and the event, opened up the meeting with worship and powerful intercession and declarations from Korean pastors and leaders for another revival and great awakening. At the heart of every awakening is the cry for unity and reconciliation. The next several hours saw powerful acts of confession, repentance, reconciliation, acceptance, and love from leaders of various denominations and ethnic groups. You could sense the pleasure, delight, and presence of God as these leaders chose to lay down their differences to embrace and prefer each other for the sake of Christ and for the Kingdom. The power of unity cannot be undermined; it sets the stage for a great move of God. (Photo of AzusaNow April 9, 2016, via Michael Wilhelm, The Elijah List)

The Azusa Street revival in 1906 was a restoration of spiritual gifts and a sovereign release of the power of the Holy Spirit. The next segment saw Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, California, lead the charge for the ministry of healing. Significant healings and miracles took place. Accurate words of knowledge and prophecy were also released by Shawn Bolz, leader of Expression58. The evening ended with Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, leader of Christ for All Nations and successor to Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, giving a provoking call to evangelism and salvation. It was a historical day in the Body of Christ where declarations were made, covenants were forged, and Heaven was beseeched for another great move of the Holy Spirit in our land and in our time.

AzusaNow, What Next?

The sovereign move of the Spirit has characterized every revival and renewal in every era, from the early Church to the middle ages, to the reformation era, to modern-day Christianity. Saints of old and present have contended for another great awakening. The bowls of intercession in Heaven are about to tip over with an authentic move of God. I believe we are on the precipice, a tipping point, of another great move of the Spirit in America and in the nations of the earth.

What the Holy Spirit has done in the past, He is getting ready to do again. Knowing where we have been in the past will position us to better anticipate and steward our future. What will this next move of the Spirit include? Here are a few prophetic insights that we as a Body of Christ can look forward to:

1. Unity and Synergy

William Seymour paved the way for the blurring of color lines and social status in the Kingdom of God in 1906. I believe we are going to witness a level of unity and synergy across color, gender, and denominational lines in an unprecedented manner. It will not be a superficial verbal assent and agreement, but an actual working together, preferring one another for the sake of Christ and His Kingdom in place of personal agenda and glory. There will be an emergence of young leaders, an army of Holy Spirit-empowered warriors who could care less if they become recognized or prominent. Their soul's desire is bringing glory to the One who alone deserves it all. (Photo via Pixabay)

2. Restoring the Power of Spiritual Gifts

The First Wave (Classic Pentecostalism in the early 1900s), the Second Wave (Charismatic renewal in the 1960s), and the Third Wave (the Neo-charismatics in the 1980s) have all been birthed out of a cry for the tangible power of the Holy Spirit and a restoration of the manifestation of spiritual gifts. Since the beginning of the early Church, there have been many strands of charismatic expressions. These groups and individuals purposed to preserve and perpetuate the charismatic practices and traditions that were consistent with the early Church.

Ignatius of Antioch, one of the earliest bishops in the history of the Church, was a Christian prophet who honored the gifts of the Spirit in the first century. Justin Martyr (100-165) claimed that prophecy and charismatic gifts still existed in the Church. The prophet Montanus founded the first "charismatic movement" in Church history, Montanism, or the "New Prophecy" in roughly A.D. 160-170 in modern Turkey. The Greek Church father Gregory Thaumaturgus, otherwise known as Gregory the "Worker of Wonders," is known for the miracles that accompanied his sermons. Antony, a third century ascetic monk and father of Christian monasticism, was known to experience great signs, wonders, and miracles living in the deserts.

The list goes on throughout history. St. Patrick (387-460), the apostle to Ireland; Gregory the Great (540-604); Symeon the "New Theologian" (949-1022), perhaps the most famous Eastern charismatic Christian; Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179); Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153); Bonaventura (1217-1274); Francis of Assisi (1181-1226); Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274); Thomas Müntzer (ca. 1489-1525), the Catholic reformer; Ignatius of Loyola (ca. 1491-1556); Francis Xavier (1506-1552); George Fox (1624-1691), founder of the Quakers; Count Nikolaus von Zinzendorf and the Moravian Brethren; John Wesley (1703-1791); and many others were advocates and practitioners of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

An outstanding individual worth highlighting is Edward Irving (1792-1834), the Scottish clergyman and founder of the Catholic Apostolic Church who sought to restore the Church to the five-fold offices according to Ephesians 4:11-12, as well as the list of charismata described in 1 Corinthians 12. He is regarded by many Pentecostal scholars to have been a pivotal forerunner of the outpouring of the Spirit in Topeka and Azusa Street in the twentieth century.

The Lord is restoring and increasing the operation of the gifts of the Spirit en masse globally, all across denominational lines and mainline churches, including the Catholic Church. It will be like the Second Wave in the charismatic renewal in the 1960s, where denominational alliances pale in importance compared to the hunger for a powerful move of the Spirit in our time. Again, the priesthood of all Believers will be emphasized. Every Believer will be empowered to be conduits of the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit beyond the four walls of the Church, in the marketplace, into every sphere of society. It is not reserved for the selected, anointed few. It is already happening, but the supernatural will increasingly become more commonplace in the life and ministry of the Church.

3. Increase in the Prophetic Among the Young

Between 1688 and 1702, in the southern part of France, there emerged a prophetic movement which became known at "The Little Prophets of Cévennes." A 13-month-old baby who had neither spoken or walked would prophesy in perfect King's French. Young children and teenagers would roll around on the floor and prophesy. When caught up in the Spirit, the children spoke the language of the Bible, French, although their mother tongue was the local patois. A shepherdess teenager by the name of Isabeau Vincent, fifteen years old, would be caught up in ecstasy, prophesy in perfect French, and call sinners to repent. We are going to witness a powerful move of God among the young in our time. God is giving them a voice and releasing them to prophesy the manifold wisdom of God to confound and astound the wise.

4. Collegiate Revival

One of the fruits of the Azusa revival in 1906 was revivals on campuses. In 1905-1908, collegiate revivals exploded all over the nation and God began to move on young adults. The power of God was poured out as waves of God's presence, prayer, repentance, and evangelism swept across institutions like Cornell University, Rutgers University, Princeton University, Trinity College, Baylor University, University of California in Berkeley, Stanford University, Northwestern University, Iowa State College, McGill University, Seattle Pacific College, and Asbury College. At Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, President Charles Winchester preached on "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit" on January 6, 1905. The power of God came on the campus and academics was suspended for a week. (Photo of Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, by TheSource2001 via Wikipedia)

I see the Holy Spirit getting ready to blow on college campuses once again. Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Asbury University, Wheaton College, Oral Roberts University, UCLA, and many others are primed for a great move of God. This move will also impact campuses all over the world. Remarkably, this will be the catalyst to another great student awakening and missionary movement.

5. Stadium Revivals and a Great Harvest of Souls

Lou Engle and many others have spoken about the coming of stadium revivals. Stadiums will be filled all over the world and the Gospel will be preached to masses with accompanying outbreaks of signs, wonders, and miracles. Lou mentioned at AzusaNow that the Circuit Riders from YWAM are believing God for 80 million souls in America and 200,000 missionaries. Stadium crusades will continue to take place in Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world. There will be a concerted evangelistic thrust in the coming days. Get ready for the incoming harvest of souls!

6. Community House Movement

With the anticipated harvest of souls, discipleship, community, and authenticity will become words that the Church is going to have to embrace and flourish in. In the Book of Acts, when Pentecost came, Peter preached in the power of the Holy Spirit and three thousand souls were saved.

Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:41-47

The early Church exploded, but what sustained them in "revival" was a focus on intimate, intentional community, discipleship, and authenticity. We cannot afford to birth a revival and then "orphan" it by our negligence and lack of intentionality. The early Church flourished in a "house" environment, "breaking bread from house to house."

This generation is crying out for authenticity. They are seeing past the smoke screens, bright lights, attractive activities, an attractional model of church that is devoid of a tangible transformation and encounter with the presence of God. They are longing to know authentic faith, thrive in authentic relationships and community, and be released to be authentic witnesses in the power of the Holy Spirit. We will be seeing an emergence of a community house movement that will be centered on the values of the presence of God, family, transformation, and multiplication.

7. Empowering the Intellectual Charismatics

In the past, with the impact of experiential Pentecostalism, intellectualism became the nemesis of vibrant spirituality. Seminaries were dubbed as "cemeteries." Whatever spiritual fire and passion one had entering seminary would be quenched by the rigors of academia and systematic learning. As a result, there was a focused yet reckless pursuit of power spirituality and experience that was not anchored in the proper understanding and handling of the Word of God, the basic tenets of our faith, doctrine, and praxis. This was where heresies and unorthodox beliefs and practices began to infiltrate the Church. Paul wrote to the Colossians to warn them about a "philosophy" that was creeping into the Colossae church that elevated special knowledge and experiential spirituality that did not have Christ as the Source and Head. (Photo via Pixabay)

As we embrace the move of the Holy Spirit and the restoration of spiritual gifts, the Church must all the more lean in to the orthodoxy and foundation of the Word of God and solid doctrine, not depart from it. I see a greater emergence of intellectual charismatics who are well-versed and trained both in the Word of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Let Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Do it again, Holy Spirit.


Cornelius Quek, M.Div.
Founding Director, 7K