
主題:40天禱告手冊 - 第二十二天:憂慮
作者:Dave Butts

你們心裏不要憂愁,你們信 神,也當信我。” (約翰福音 14:1)

今天在我們的國家裏有什麼事情讓你擔憂呢?是經濟、族群糾紛、政府的決定 (或是優柔寡斷)、還是恐怖分子的威脅?這張清單可能很長,怎能不教我們心裏憂愁呢?

主耶穌在這裏向我們說了一句非常實用的話:你們不要憂愁,但,相信我。祂不單單只告訴我們不要擔心,那是沒用的,除非有某種東西可以替代擔心,而主耶穌正是為了這個目的來到我們當中 ,祂說「相信我」。當我們禱告的時候,這種信任就會在我們當中活現出來。當你為你的國家擔心及憂愁的時候,把你的掛慮交託給主耶穌。






Day 22: Anxiety

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. John 14:1

Is there something about our nation that has you worried today? The economy, racial tension, decisions (or indecisions) in Washington, D.C., the terrorist threats? The list could get long. How can we not have troubled hearts?

Jesus gets really practical here with His Word to us: Don’t have a troubled heart; instead, trust Me. He doesn’t just tell us not to be worried, which doesn’t work unless there is something that can replace the worry. And that’s right where Jesus places Himself. “Trust Me,” He says. Such trust will be lived out in us as we pray. Are you anxious and troubled about our nation? Take your concerns to Jesus.

Jesus doesn’t want us to have a troubled heart. Confess what is troubling your heart today.

Now, in trust, bring the issues of our nation that trouble you and lay them at His feet.