
作者:Dutch Sheets

現在,我們的國家比以往任何時候都還要需要你 - 站在破口上釋放出大膽的由聖靈引導的禱告,勇敢的命令和激進的先知性行動,將美國轉向歸回神對她所懷的夢想。我們的命定是要成為地上列國光明和希望的堡壘。雖然我們的邊境之內情勢看似嚴峻,神還沒有放棄美國。



  • 告訴主你願意勇敢地為這個國家站在破口上。
  • 禱告這個國家將成為“地上列國光明和希望的堡壘“,這個神創造她的原意。
  • 拿出你的聖經,當你腦中想像美國可以成就何等應許時,大聲朗讀詩篇75篇。


主啊,我志願要成為袮所使用為這個國家來站在破口中和禱告的其中一位。當我如此行時請用剛強勇敢來充滿我。讓美國成為一個“地上列國光明和希望的堡壘”。請垂聽我用詩篇75篇將袮自己的話語禱告上達給你。 (用詩篇75篇來大聲禱讀給祂)。請除去那些會攔阻袮計劃的人們,並興起那些會讓袮的計劃成就的人們。奉耶穌寶貴的名,阿們。 






By DutchSheets on Apr 01, 2016 01:00 am

God Is Not Finished With America

Now, more than ever, our nation needs you—standing in the gap to release audacious Spirit-led prayers, bold decrees and radical prophetic acts to shift America back toward God’s dream for her. We were destined to be a bastion of light and hope for the nations of the earth. And while the prognosis within our borders seems grim, God is not finished with America.

“And now, Lord, hear their threats and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word.” (Acts 4:29; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Tell the Lord that you are willing to boldly stand in the gap for this nation.
  • Pray that this nation would be the “bastion of light and hope for the nations of the earth” that He created it to be.
  • Get out your Bible and pray Psalms 75 out loud while you dream of all that the United States could be.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, I am volunteering to be one of those that you use to stand in the gap and pray for this nation. Fill me with boldness as I do. Cause the United States of America to be a “bastion of light and hope for the nations of the earth.” Hear me pray Your own words in Psalm 75 back to You. (Pray Psalm 75 out loud to Him.) Remove those who would block Your plans and raise up those who would cause Your plans to come to pass. In Jesus’ precious Name, Amen.

Today’s decree:

The United States of America will fulfill her destiny to be a “bastion of light and hope for the nations of the earth!”