
主題:“給祂15分鐘”禱告系列 – 這是復活的早晨!
作者:Dutch Sheets


願頌讚歸與我們主耶穌基督的父 神!他曾照自己的大憐憫,藉耶穌基督從死裡復活,重生了我們,叫我們有活潑的盼望,可以得著不能朽壞、不能玷污、不能衰殘、為你們存留在天上的基業。“(彼得前書1:3-4)


  • 放出來你最喜愛的音樂,慶祝十字架和基督的復活,並來敬拜祂!
  • 邀請別人來加入你和你家人的晚餐,所以你可以將基督的愛分享給那失喪或寂寞的人。
  • 明白那讓基督從死裡復活同樣的大能就住在你裡面!明白這大能能夠拯救失喪的,讓罪人得自由,醫治生病的和那些精神上被壓制的。它讓你所到之處和每個你所禱告的地方的氛圍都得到改變!宣告你行走在復活的大能中!
  • 禱告我們的國家經歷神同在的澆灌,因為神復活的大能在他們裡面,帶著這樣啟示的眾聖徒們每天一起在禱告! 


天父,感謝袮差派了耶穌來到人世!感謝袮,耶穌,袮來了,死去,並帶著大能從死裡復活!感謝袮,拯救了我,並能夠拯救每個相信袮的人!感謝袮用復活的大能充滿我,讓我可以去宣揚袮的好消息!感謝袮,我為失喪者和生病的人們,以及我生病的國家所擺上的禱告會結出好果子,並且我會看到很多神蹟 – 遠超過我能想像的!因為耶穌的寶血和復活,阿門!



Give Him 15 3/27/16
By DutchSheets on Mar 27, 2016 01:00 am

It’s Resurrection morning!

After all of Jesus’ actions to redeem us, He burst forth from the grave and soon he would head home to the Father accompanied by the angels. Nothing could hold Him back from fulfilling His promises to mankind. Nothing could keep Him from the Father. “The lost have been finding their way home through the cross for two thousand years. Easy to find yet missed by many, it marks the way to the Father’s house.”1 Eat at His table today and enjoy His blessings and the pleasure of His company.

“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is by His great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance that is kept in heaven for you.” (1 Peter: 3-4a; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Put on your favorite song celebrating the cross and Christ’s resurrection and worship Him!
  • Invite someone to join you and your family at your dinner table, so you can share the love of Christ with someone lost or lonely.
  • Realize that the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in you! Realize that this power can save the lost, set sinners free, heal the sick and the mentally oppressed. It changes the literal environment of everywhere you go and everywhere you pray! Proclaim that you are walking in resurrection power!
  • Pray that our nation experiences an outpouring of God’s presence because of the multitude of Believers with a revelation of God’s resurrection power in them praying together daily!

A prayer you can pray:

Father, thank you that You sent Jesus! Thank you, Jesus, that you came, died and powerfully resurrected from the dead! Thank you that You saved me and that You are able to save everyone who will believe! Thank you that You have filled me with resurrection power and I can go forth and proclaim Your Good News! Thank you that the prayers I pray for the lost and the sick and my sick nation will bear good fruit and I will see many miracles – things beyond what I can imagine! Because of Jesus’ blood and resurrection, Amen!

Today’s decree:

The resurrection power of Christ lives in me!