









就在上星期六自殺炸彈在伊斯坦堡爆炸,5人死亡, 36人受傷,死亡的五人中有三人是以色列人,分別是40歲、60歲和69歲。受傷的36人中有11人是猶太人。根據新聞報導,伊斯蘭國在土耳其的成員就等在以色列所在的旅館外面,一路跟隨他們,然而點燃爆炸物。


我們發現二年前瑞克‧萊汀斯(Rick Ridings)為此季節所寫的禱告重點,至今仍很貼切與實用:
(參 以斯帖禁食祈禱日深入普珥節-以斯帖的禁食)


1. 禱告在我們時代的末底改和以斯帖會聽見聖靈的呼召,知道時間的迫切性,他們不會分心,或是被假的安全感所欺騙而進入沈睡。

2. 禱告隱藏對抗伊朗獲得核武的爭戰持續成功。讓我們相信,許多的混亂與分裂會臨到那些定意要摧毀以色列的魔鬼勢力(歷下20:1-30)

3. 禱告在耶路撒冷華盛頓的決策者擁有清楚的瞭解,能在對的時候做對的事(以斯帖 7:3-6)

4. 讓我們宣告,每一個要摧毀以色列的撒旦命令都能逆轉,禱告『哈曼』將被掛在自己的木架上 (以斯帖7:9-10; 詩篇33:10-12)

5. 為伊朗(波斯)禱告,讓我們禱告主,讓祂的仇敵滿面羞恥,好讓他們開始尋求主的名,認識誰才是真神與活神 (參考詩篇83,特別是16)

馬汀和娜瑪‧賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis)


         Prayer Update From Israel (March 21, 2016)

200-year old Megilat-Esther (Scroll of Esther) on Parchment, passed

down from Norma Sarvis's ancestors in Belarus.

This coming Thursday (beginning sundown Wednesday evening) is Purim-the day Jews celebrate their remarkable deliverance in Persia in 483 B.C. from a plot to annihilate them as a peopleIn most of the Jewish world, Purim is celebrated on the 14th of Adar (24 March this year). In Jerusalem, Jaffa and other 'walled cities', it is celebrated, as in ancient Susa (Hebrew: Shushan. See Esther 9:18-19), on the day following,

It is a joyous occasion. The Scroll of Esther will be read. This is the only book of the Hebrew Bible which has from ancient times been copied out onto small parchment scrolls for use in the Jewish home (see pictur e above). There will be Purim plays and costume parties; special pastries (Oznei-Hamaan-"Haman's Ears", small tri-folded butter cookies with sweet fillings), desserts and wine.

Although these are days for rejoicing and feasting (Esther 9:18-19)-for the observant, they are preceded by days of soberness of spirit and fasting. Esther 9:31 relates how, following the great deliverance, Mordechai and Queen Esther prescribed annual times for fasting and lamentation, in remembrance of those which the Queen had called for her Jewish subjects as she was preparing herself to go in and seek the favor of the King.

The "Esther Fast" for this year will be from
dawn to sundown Wednesday March 23rd.

Purim is a season when we are made especially aware of the Spirit of Amalek. Last week we focused on the continual warfare being waged between that spirit and God's covenant-people the Jews. We pointed out how this spirit is behind forces arising in our own day, forces which, like Haman of old (himself a descendant of Amalek), desire that God's covenants of Life be broken, and their followers annihilated. Yet, even as in Esther's day, YHVH-N ISSI-the LORD's Banner-Promise is flying over us-a promise that we are not alone; that, in fact, HE is Himself at war with Amelek until its very memory is finally blotted out from under heaven! (Exodus 17:14-16).

It is unfortunate that Purim has come to be generally regarded in Israel as a minor holiday for children. We bless the children, certainly-but for their very sake we believe it important that we take seriously all of the message of this season. We encourage you to join with us in doing so! Read through the Book of Esther. Ask the Lord to illumine its message for us today. Perhaps He will lead you to join together with us in the fast. And then rejoice and celebrate the God who watches over all who care for and guard His covenants-to guide them in the way of His kindness and truth (Psalm 25:10).

As we approach this time of Purim, we see the Spirit of Amalek again stirring in the world (including ancient Persia where these events took place).

ONLY THIS PAST SATURDAY-a suicide bomber blew himself up in Istanbul, killing five people and injuring 36. Three of those slain were Israelis, one 40, one 60, one 69. Eleven other Jews were among the wounded. News sources are t oday reporting that a Turkish national member of ISIS waited outside the hotel where the 15 Israelis, on a culinary tour of Turkey, were staying, then followed them down the street before detonating his explosive device in their midst. PLEASE PRAY: that Jews around the world would come under the protection of the banner and promise of their God!

We find the following prayer points, written during this season by our friend Rick Ridings two years ago, to be still timely and applicable today:


1. That the Mordecais and Esthers of our time will hear the call of the Holy Spirit concerning the urgency of the hour, and will not be distracted or lulled into slumber by a false sense of security.

2. For continued success of the covert war against Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon. Let us believe for much confusion and division upon the demonic powers bent on destroying Israel (2 Chron. 20:1-30).

3. For a clear understanding to come to the decision-makers in Jerusalem and Washington, DC to do the right thing at the right time. (Esther 7:3-6)

4. Let us proclaim a reversal of every satanic decree to destroy Israel, and that "Haman" will be hung upon his own gallows. (Esther 7:9-10; Ps. 33:10-12)

5. For Iran (Persia), let us pray for the Lord to bring shame upon His enemies in such a way that they will begin to seek the Name of the Lord, to know Who is the True and Living God (See Psalm 83, especially verse 16).