
主題:身份認同系列之5 –神的傑作
作者:Adela Just



保羅在羅馬書12章裡敦促我們要心意更新而變化(羅馬書12:2)(注1);簡單而言,變化的過程始於我們如何來思考 - 很少有事情是在一夜之間發生的。這使得“更新”這個字尤為顯著:我們的思維變新是一遍又一遍,一個持續的過程。




如果你要從上帝的創造品中選取祂的傑作,它將會是什麼?一點也不缺華麗堂皇的選項 - 眾山的宏偉,海洋的深邃,星系的浩瀚。但是並非如此,從這宇宙所有的奇蹟中,保羅告訴我們,我們是上帝的傑作。你和我。






  1. 找到一個最不讓你分心的安靜的地方。列出來那些你一直相信或是認為的關於自己的負面的東西。思考那些自我批評或是別人放在你身上的標籤。這可以是困難或是痛苦的;不要在這裡停下來,要不然你將會很氣餒! 
  1. 虔誠地祈求聖靈來告訴你其中哪些你一直相信關於你自己的是謊言。請求祂揭示出來那些是敵人試圖利用拿來定罪你的弱點;邀請祂的力量進入這些領域(參哥林多後書12:9)(注2)。 
  1. 再回過頭來看看你的清單,傾聽聖靈對於單子上你所列出來的每一項祂所陳述的事實和觀點。或者,若是你正處於有困難聽到聖靈的聲音的一個季節裡(這沒有問題 - 我們全都經歷過類似這樣的季節!),考慮與你所信賴的朋友分享你所列的清單,並請他們對你說出真心話。

這是一個我們可以一次又一次回頭來練習的操練,尤其是在我們感到特別沮喪或不足的季節時。救恩這奇蹟的一部分就是我們的心能更新,但我們每天學習將我們的魂 - 我們的思想,意志和情感 - 與聖靈寫在我們心上的真理相對齊。



注1:羅12:2 不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為神的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。
注2:林後12:9 他對我說:「我的恩典夠你用的,因為我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。」所以,我更喜歡誇自己的軟弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。

God’s Masterpiece
November 10th, 2014
By Adela Just

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)

Sometimes there is quite a disconnect between the way God sees us and the way we see ourselves. As the popular saying goes, we are our own worst critics. Unfortunately, in this broken world, our negative perspective ends up reinforced by the hurtful words and actions from others we encounter.

Paul urges us in Romans 12 to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (see Romans 12:2); in simpler terms, the process of change begins first with a shift in how we think—something that rarely happens overnight. This makes the word “renew” particularly significant: the way we think is being made new again and again, a continual process.

A Masterpiece

Consider the word “masterpiece.” What comes to mind? Perhaps you think of a beautiful painting or architectural structure. Perhaps you hear the sounds of a piece of music or words of a great literary work.

When someone considers something they’ve done to be a masterpiece, they give it that designation because they feel it is the greatest thing they’ve ever accomplished. For the rest of the world to recognize something as a masterpiece, it generally must have qualities that are wholly unique, powerful and transcendent across generations.

If you were going to select something out of God’s creation to deem His masterpiece, what would it be? There is no shortage of magnificence to consider—the majesty of mountains, the grandeur of oceans, the vastness of galaxies. But no, from all the wonders in this universe, Paul tells us that we are God’s masterpiece. You and me.

One definition of the word masterpiece is “the consummate example of skill or excellence of any kind.” What an amazing thing to consider! The redemptive work God does in us is the ultimate example of His excellence!

Maybe this is hard to wrap your mind around (admittedly, most of us struggle to define ourselves in such terms). But that’s what makes it such a powerful example of the truth God wants to reveal to us about our identity. God sees us as His masterpiece, and He wants to impart that reality to us as we embrace His way of thinking.

A Practical Exercise

So how can you embrace God’s identity for you as His masterpiece? The answer lies in allowing the Holy Spirit to renew your mind, and inviting Him to change your perspective. The renewal of our minds is a process that must be undertaken intentionally and deliberately. The enemy does not want us to see ourselves through God’s eyes, so he is relentless with his lies and distractions. We have to be equally relentless in our pursuit of truth.

Here is a simple and practical exercise you can engage in periodically:

  1. Find a quiet place with minimal distractions. Make a list of the negative things you have been believing or thinking about yourself. Consider self-criticisms or labels you have had placed on you by others. This may be hard or painful; don’t stop with this step or you will be very discouraged!
  1. Prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to show you which of these things are lies you have been believing about yourself. Ask Him to reveal which of these things are weaknesses the enemy is using to try to condemn you; invite His strength into those areas (see 2 Corinthians 12:9).
  1. Look back at your list again and listen for the Holy Spirit’s truth and perspective on each of item you listed. Or, if you are in a season where you are having a hard time hearing the Holy Spirit’s voice (which is ok—we all have seasons like this!), consider sharing your list with a trusted friend, and ask them to speak truth over you.

This is an exercise we can come back to again and again, especially in seasons where we feel particularly discouraged or inadequate. Our hearts are made new as part of the miracle of salvation, but we learn daily to bring our souls—our mind, will and emotions—into alignment with the truth the Holy Spirit writes on our hearts.

Don’t lose hope. As relentless as the enemy is with his lies, the Holy Spirit is even more so with His love and truth. God is fully committed to you and has declared His unshakable love. Let this truth sustain you and give you hope:

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10, NIV)