
主題:屬靈恩賜系列(五): 了解先知性的恩賜 – 先見
作者:Diane Lake



一種是可聽的,這意味著領受信息者聽到話語,他們之後重複/釋放出來。其他人 - 先見 –是用視覺,這意味著領受信息者藉著某種類型的圖像領受信息,接著他們將之釋放出來。一般而言,這些圖像是在他們清醒的時候如同異象般領受,或是在睡眠時藉著異夢獲得。很多先知性的人們會在不同的時候經歷這兩種,但他們往往有一種是更為主要或更頻繁的領受方式。


這意味著,每一位被聖靈充滿的信徒 - 包括你 – 都可以在說預言這方面來發展!



異夢:異夢藉著給予鼓勵,指引,洞見來代禱,和啟示來豐富你的生命。我個人所得到的先知性的啟示是藉由話語多過得著圖像,於此同時我也得到很多屬靈上的異夢和異象。而除非你有一個先知的職分,大多數你所得到的異夢都是為了你個人的益處。 (參約伯記33:14-16)(注3)


(限於篇幅,對於先見的恩膏若你想進一步的研究,我建議你參考James Goll所著 “先見”的這本書。)








每天晚上,當我去睡覺,我會求主在我的夢中臨到我,賜我異象,與天使相遇,造訪或是帶我去天堂! (至今我仍然如此行)。約珥書2:28-29,馬太福音7:7-12和路加福音18:1-8,這些聖經中的經文都增強了我請求的的決心。




- 請記住:話語的目的是為了教誨,鼓勵和建立。糾正性的詞彙一般應由具先知職位的人來釋放(不同於預言的恩賜),以及彼此間有關係存在者。

- 對於釋放負面性的話語要心存警惕。問問自己,“我所要說的,是否對於那個人/那群人釋放出天父的心意和愛;這樣的詞彙是否帶有救贖的性質?“

- 尋求智慧!僅僅因為你感覺/聽到/看到並不意味著它就應該被釋放出來。而時機是個關鍵,一個不在對的季節裏說出來的話語是有限的,假如有任何恩膏的話,而且實際上會阻礙聖靈所正在做的!

- 你在其它人身上所看到的不足,實際上可能表示這正是你的任務。最近,有一位我不太熟稔的人士詢問我是否可以與她“一起祈禱” - 接著告訴我,在我服事的一個領域上,我“做得不太正確“。”當我尋求主,祂提醒我想起一個原則,我稱之為“冰箱頂部的灰塵“。我曾經有過的一位導師,她對於家務事是很悠閒以待之的。她常說,如果你到她家拜訪,發現冰箱頂部有層灰塵,那表示你很可能就是該來打掃的那位!

如果你想要更清楚地看到,讓我來為你這樣禱告:正如神用異夢,異象,和超自然的相遇來祝福我 – 我也祝福你!


The Seer by James Goll “先見“ (先見(原書名:真知灼見) - 以琳書房出版)
先見「seer」解讀及進深 / 講員:章啟明長老
導讀先見Seer / 講員:章啟明長老

Understanding the Dreams You Dream by Ira Milligan (Vols. 1 & 2)
Dreams and Visions by Jane Hamon  
Dream On by Sandie Freed

林前14:3 但作先知講道的,是對人說,要造就、安慰、勸勉人。

注2:林前4:1 你們要追求愛,也要切慕屬靈的恩賜,其中更要羨慕的,是作先知講道(原文作:是說預言;下同)。
林前14:31 因為你們都可以一個一個地作先知講道,叫眾人學道理,叫眾人得勸勉。

注3:伯33:14  神說一次、兩次,世人卻不理會。
伯33:15 人躺在床上沉睡的時候, 神就用夢和夜間的異象,
伯33:16 開通他們的耳朵,將當受的教訓印在他們心上,

注4:結1:1 當三十年四月初五日,以西結(原文是我)在迦巴魯河邊被擄的人中,天就開了,得見 神的異象。
[ Ezekiel’s Inaugural Vision ] In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day, while I was among the exiles by the Kebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.(NIV)
徒22:17 後來,我回到耶路撒冷,在殿裡禱告的時候,魂遊象外,
(When I returned to Jerusalem and was praying at the temple, I fell into a trance)(NIV)

注5:約10:30 我與父原為一。

Understanding the Seer Aspect of the Prophetic Gift
November 2nd, 2015
By Diane Lake

“I will stand my watch… to see what He will say to me…” (Habakkuk 2:1)

Simply expressed, prophecy can be defined as hearing the voice of God and speaking what He says. This gift is commonly experienced in two ways.

One is audial, meaning the one receiving the message hears words, which they then repeat/release. The other—the seer—is visual, meaning the receiver sees a message through some type of picture, which they then release. Generally, these pictures are either received while awake by means of visions, or while asleep through dreams. Many prophetic people will experience both aspects at various times, but they tend to have one that is more dominant or frequent.

In addition, there are two groups who practice the prophetic or seer anointing. Those in the first group exercise the gift of prophecy as recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:10 for the purpose of edification, exhortation and comfort. Those in the second are those who prophesy within the position and office of a prophet.

Not everyone who prophesies is a prophet; however, scripture reveals that we can all prophesy (1 Cor. 14:1, 31). This means that every Spirit-filled believer—including you—can develop in the prophetic!

Varieties Of the Seer Gifting

Visual images or impressions: Sometimes when praying or prophesying over someone, the Holy Spirit will reveal an image. For example, I might see a scripture written like a banner over someone’s head, or get a mental picture that gives direction.

Dreams: Dreams enrich your life by giving encouragement, direction, insight for intercession, and revelation. I get much of my personal prophetic revelation through words rather than pictures, yet I also get many spiritual dreams and visions. Unless you hold the office of a prophet, most dreams are likely for your personal benefit. (See Job 33:14-16.)

Visions: This category would include things like open visions, audible messages, angelic encounters, open heavens, trances, being caught up in the Spirit, and heavenly visitations.

(Due to space limitations, for further study of these expressions of the seer anointing, I recommend reading The Seer by James Goll.)

Developing The Gift

“Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do, for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself does…” (John 5:19, 20)

Pursuing Intimacy

Scripture does not reveal exactly how Jesus saw all that His Father was doing, but we do know that He and His Father were one. My sense is that Jesus moved more by  the Holy Spirit giving Him knowledge of what His Father was doing, but He may also have had dreams at night, as well as visions in times of contemplation or prayer, which gave Him specific direction.

Regardless, just as Jesus made time to be alone with His Father and spent time in prayer, so should we. The more intimate we become with God, the more we will be able to see what it is that He’s doing. Make the Lord your focus, and prophetic revelation will follow!


Once my life was transformed and I became Spirit-filled, I could not get enough of experiencing the Lord’s presence and hearing His voice! I immediately began to cry out to Him to speak to me, especially at night.

Each night, when I went to bed, I would ask the Lord to come to me in dreams, visions, angelic encounters, visitations or by transporting me to heaven! (I still do this.) Scriptures such as Joel 2:28-29, Matthew 7:7-12 and Luke 18:1-8 reinforced my resolve to ask.

Growth And Maturity

“And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries… but have not love, I am nothing.” (1 Cor. 13:2)

For those who wish to increase in their prophetic and seer anointing, some practical guidelines for growth and maturity follow:

- Remember: the purpose of a word is to edify, encourage and build up. Words of a corrective nature should generally be spoken by someone who walks in the office of a prophet (versus the gift of prophecy) and between those who have relationship.

- Be wary of releasing negative words. Ask yourself, “Does what I am about to speak release the Father’s heart and love for that person/group; is the word redemptive in nature?”
- Seek wisdom! Just because you sense/hear/see something does not mean it is supposed to be released. And timing is key—a word spoken out of season has limited, if any, anointing and can actually hinder what Holy Spirit is doing!

- Shortcomings you see in another might actually indicate something is your assignment. Recently, someone I had barely met asked if she could “pray with me”—then proceeded to tell me that in one area of ministry, I was “not doing it right.” When I sought the Lord, He reminded me of a principle I call dust on top of the fridge. A mentor I once had was fairly laid-back about housekeeping. She used to say that if you came to her house and noticed the coating of dust on the top of her fridge, it was likely you were the one who was supposed to clean it!

If you’d like to see more clearly, let me speak this prayer over you: Just as the Lord blesses me with dreams, visions, and supernatural encounters—so I bless you!

Recommended reading for further study:

The Seer by James Goll

Understanding the Dreams You Dream by Ira Milligan (Vols. 1 & 2)

Dreams and Visions by Jane Hamon  

Dream On by Sandie Freed