
※資料來源:地極禱告站-Milo Siilata 轉寄 2015.10.30。蒙允刊載。

在 1977 年的 12 月份裡,紐西蘭但尼丁(Dunedin)的榮˙麥坎錫(Ron McKenzie)領受了如下所述的預言。這項預言終於在 1982 年為紐西蘭奧克蘭(Auckland)的大衛˙鮑遜(David Pawson)公諸於世。大衛自已有從神領受的有關紐國的話語,就是關係到一個經濟崩潰之後所帶來的屬靈復興,舉國歸回、歸向神。之後他禱告尋求印證,隨即得到下述這項預言的佐證:

我們(紐西蘭)正臨近並處於一個屬靈大爭戰的階段。目前神正在建立一支‘突擊兵兵種(A Commando Army)’,此兵種能在資源很少並且條件惡劣的情況下作戰。建立之後,神會投下一枚炸彈,這枚炸彈將幾乎摧毀敵人的軍隊,並且令神軍隊裡的常規部隊(the conventional forces)感到震撼。

所謂的 ‘突擊兵’ 那是在教會裡的少數信徒,蒙神所呼召接受祂所施予嚴格的門徒訓練。這些人拒絕世俗的享樂,單單憑藉上帝的供應而生活。他們甘於貧賤,能向這個世界活出見證。這些人都是大能的禱告勇士。他們經歷領受了神的大能,能夠服事各種境遇情況當中每一種人的需要。而這些人唯一的動機就是“對基督的愛”(or ‘基督的愛(the love of Christ)’)。

當神建立了這支軍隊之後,就會對紐西蘭投下炸彈。這枚炸彈造成經濟蕭條衰退(an economic depression),其程度是紐西蘭前所未有的。相較之下,1930 年代的大蕭條只能算是溫和的小兒科。神要震撼全國上下。它會帶下兩項效應。


以此為著眼點,神會派出祂的突擊兵種。因為這個兵種已學會了(被訓練)不被世物纏身(*提後 2:4) 所以不會被經濟蕭條因素所困擾。他們將帶領教會向全國宣揚福音。教會人士裡一向抱持著自負自滿洋洋自得心態一掃而空。覺悟以往生活時日虛空無目標。痛改前非之後,義無反顧地尋求那充實有意義的心態生命,蛻變之後我們神的(其它)特種部隊的生活風格形態是迷人的煥然一新的。因著神的百姓悔改歸向祂,教會帶來極大的更新。許許多多的信徒在聖霝裡藉著基督,得到服事轉化並且尋找到美好的新生命。這樣,神的榮耀回到了教會。



1. 神剛剛著手訓練突擊兵。這兵種還有許多的科目課程要展開學習。

2. 正當大家都沒料到的時候,那時大家就會人人談’虎’(蕭條)色變。但情形會好轉,給人心帶來新盼望,然而艱困就要過去時,‘崩潰’就臨到。

3. 這些事件的來到是神同時給教會和國家的審判,但是神在施行審判之際都先會給予警告。在崩潰臨到的時候,神必然會先行給予教會和國家以警告。

雖然距離這些情況的發生還有一些時日,卻是無可避免地必然發生。此刻神正在呼(徵)召祂的突擊兵,但他只徵召自願兵。所以這是一個抉擇的時刻。如果我們回應參與,那要附上的代價是極高的,但是日後卻可以挽回許多心碎的局面。一旦我們選擇加入就要立志成為神的戰士精兵(WARRIORS OF GOD)。要學會大能(厲害猛烈)的禱告(POWERFUL IN PRAYE)。我們必須學會在聖霝的能力裡行動(MOVE IN THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT),必能擺脫一切纏身的世俗之物。

我們必須學習單單為了‘愛神’(or:神的愛(the LOVE OF GOD)而活。那代價不小,但是 喔…獎賞是何其大呀 .....


◎THE COMMANDO ARMY - a prophecy for NZ by Ron McKenzie 1977

In December 1977, Ron McKenzie of Dunedin, NZ, received the following prophecy. It was finally made public in July 1982 by David Pawson in Auckland, New Zealand. David had received his own word from God for New Zealand, concerning an economic crash that would precede a spiritual return to God, a Revival. He then prayed for confirmation, and received it in the form of this prophecy.

We are nearing a time of great spiritual battle. At present God is preparing a Commando Army which can fight and win under tough conditions with few resources. Then He will drop a bomb which will almost destroy the enemy army and will shatter the conventional forces in God's army.

He will then send in the Commando Army which because of it's training has been unharmed by the bomb. It will defeat the shattered enemy army. It will treat the injured, and reorganise, re-equip and rejuvenate the shattered forces of God's conventional army. The result will be a mighty victory for God.

The Commando Army is a small group in the church which God is calling into strict discipleship.

They will reject the things of the world and live solely on what God provides. Their joy in poverty will be a witness to the world. They will be MIGHTY WARRIORS IN PRAYER. They will experience the POWER OF GOD, being able to minister to all people in all situations. Their sole motivation will be the love of Christ.

When this Army is ready God will drop the bomb on New Zealand. It will be an economic depression on a scale which New Zealand has not seen before. It will make the depression of the 1930's look mild. God will shake the nation. It will have two effects.

Firstly - it will shatter the church. The church has become a peacetime army unaware that an intense battle is raging. The people have been blinded by wealth and have become so satiated that they have sunk into apathy. They have taken a worldly attitude into the church and run it like a business, paying their fees and letting the minister do the work. They have become so worldly that they no longer provide a witness to the world.

Under economic depression these people will be totally shattered. They found their security in wealth and now they will have none. They found their happiness in material goods and now they will have none. They run the church with money so it will grind to a halt. It will be a judgement on the church. The world forces will also be shattered. 

Satan has used the lure of money and material wealth to hold the people outside the church captive and the crash will mean that his hold is broken. Thus, we will have a situation where the church is ready for renewal and the nation is ready for revival.

At this point God will send in His Commando Army.

Because it's members have learned to live without the things of the world they will not be touched by the depression. They will minister to the church and preach to the nation. The people of the church will be shattered out of their complacency.

They will see that their old lives lacked meaning and purpose. They will be looking desperately for something else which is meaningful and fulfilling and the lifestyle of God's special forces will be an attractive alternative. There will be a great renewal in the church, as people repent and turn back to God. Many will be ministered to and discover a wonderful new life in the Spirit through Christ. Thus God's glory will return to the church.

At the same time the Commando Army will go throughout the nation preaching the gospel. The people will be looking for a new meaning to life and will be ready to receive the gospel. Thus as a result of a great move of the Spirit many people will be added to the church.

The depression will not come for a short while.

There are a number of reasons for this:

1. God has only just begun to prepare His Commando Army. They still have a lot of training to do.

2. These events will come when people are not expecting them. At the moment everyone is talking about depression. But things will improve, giving people a new hope, then just when the trouble appears to be past the crash will come.

3. These events will be a judgement on both the church and the nation, and when God judges He always warns first. And before the crash can come, God must warn the church and the nation.

Although these events are a little way away they are inevitable. At present God is calling up His Commando Army, but He is only calling for volunteers. Thus it is a time of decision. If we join it will be costly but it will save much heartbreak later. If we choose to join we must become WARRIORS OF GOD. We must become POWERFUL IN PRAYER. We must learn to MOVE IN THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT, we must lay aside all the things of the world which would encumber us. We must learn to live solely for the LOVE OF GOD. It will be costly, but Oh.. how great is the prize...

A Nation brought back to God..!