


祝福你們進入這新的一年神感動我傳給大家52天的禱告焦點,以幫助我們來開始眼前這令人難以置信的一年。從預言的角度來看,這是Ayin Vav – 5776 的一年。而藉著啟示,我們建立於神的教導上。今年的展開始於猶太新年。接著,我們憑著啟示前進由猶太新年在逾越節跨越進入到今年的豐滿中。

無論你是加入神盟約的時間框架,並建立在5776節期的基礎上,還是你保持使用公元曆,2016年你就是在“6”的年份。因此,我們必須在這“看見和發展新的眼光的季節”中,來了解這眼前將臨到的,這個“6“ 的年份。

當Norma Sarvis在我們這裏參加5776歲首特會時,她分享了尼希米書。當她在分享時主說,”興起並建造,用建立一個可以讓你進入你的未來使命的大門的能力的基礎來開始這一年!







今年是關乎神的話從從天堂臨到的一年。當我在紐西蘭時,有一個在那氛圍裏環繞幾代的東西下來了,並且“插釘”在地球上。這將我們在這片土地上所投身的所有原住民的工作納入另一整個其他的土地。我認知到這一點是當我們拜訪Maori Marae時,他們說他們四代前的一位先知預言了一個有著白色頭髮名叫“”的男士會來訪並要來接受他!這將主過去的話語帶入了今天的現實中,並解開了我們的未來。

這也是這樣的一年,來了解巴別塔如何興起,以及當神在建立代表祂國度的那些的時候,敵人將建立起自己的。請記住,這是一個 “六” 的一年,是一個“人“的年。所以,要注意觀看人如何使用自己的力量來構建。這是一個你會來揮舞運用神的話語的一年。 

我們必須在門口挫敗敵人,以致我們可以奪回那屬於我們的!要做到這一點,你可以用來自天堂的角度,或是可以像大衛,你“上到”那噴水口 - 從地上進入令敵人吃驚之處。你必須在敬拜中上升,然後在爭戰中降下,並在今年來到高處,闖過敵人那“高的地方”的大門,贏得戰利品。 



1.  你發現自己所處的情況或環境導致你懷疑神對你的心意和愛,並讓你抵抗你的新的開始?

2.  是否敵人利用你的反應來阻止你進入神所要給你的那最好的?

3.  你否正在用腳踢“刺”(注1),並試圖朝著聖靈正在你的靈裏發展查驗的方式移動?那些情況或環境是否製造出路障,以阻止你進入一個錯誤的“新”開始?

4.  是否在你生命中發生的情況或環境,引發一連串的事件而導致一個新的開始?有時候,在你生命中的某一個事件是個引發出許多其他事情的催化劑。也許你尚未看到那已經開始讓你到新的地方的事情的終局!

5.  是否你的情況或環境產生出防止你前進的攻擊? 



我們必須藉著恢復喜樂來獲得力量,以致我們可以打破舊有的循環。這就是尼希米在尼希米8章所告訴人們的。當人們看到導致他們被擄的所犯的罪而開始哭泣,尼希米告訴大家這不是哭泣的時候。在8-12節,他指示人們首先應來處理來自過去的悲傷。尼希米記8:8-12,他們清清楚楚地念 神的律法書,講明意思,使百姓明白所念的。省長尼希米和作祭司的文士以斯拉,並教訓百姓的利未人,對眾民說:「今日是耶和華你們 神的聖日,不要悲哀哭泣。」這是因為眾民聽見律法書上的話都哭了;又對他們說:「你們去吃肥美的,喝甘甜的,有不能預備的就分給他,因為今日是我們主的聖日。你們不要憂愁,因靠耶和華而得的喜樂是你們的力量。」於是利未人使眾民靜默,說:「今日是聖日;不要作聲,也不要憂愁。」眾民都去吃喝,也分給人,大大快樂,因為他們明白所教訓他們的話 






2天:宣告聖靈所結的果子,喜樂,會在你的生命中彰顯出來。義人所需要的喜樂(詩篇150;腓4:4),是由神的靈(加5:22)所產生的。這種的喜樂超越了當下而注目於我們未來的救恩(羅馬書5:2;8:18;彼得前書1:4,6)和我們掌權的神,那讓萬事互相效力,叫愛 神的人得益處的那位(羅馬書8:28-30)。 

3天:閱讀並宣告林前12:26以及林後 6:10; 7:4。喜樂是與單純的快樂不同的。甚至在悲傷之中仍然可以享有喜樂。閱讀路加福音1-2章。要喜樂!請求主將你們從悲痛和創傷中拯救出來。因著祂伸出援手將你從敵人所設下的任何監獄裏拯救出來而來感謝祂。 

4天:背誦箴言139裏所提到的,“ 義人的光明亮(原文是歡喜)”。從字面上看乃 ”明亮“。喜樂是可能的,即使在悲傷中。Sameah意指“明亮或閃耀”。喜樂展現了祂的榮耀。 

第5天:閱讀詩篇16。“在你面前有滿足的喜樂;在你右手中有永遠的福樂”(詩16:11)。喜樂這個字源自動詞gil 或是 gul 。這意味著”繞著圈走 或是 ”因著喜樂或是感到高興而興奮,跳舞著“。在新約中,喜樂是與恩典(grace)聯繫在一起的。喜樂的另一個詞是agalliasis。這個詞表達了狂熱的喜悅歡欣。喜樂在舊約中作為屬靈上情感的表現是很經常被提及的。當我們觸碰到情感中最深的那些彈簧,我們屬靈上的相交就蘊育而成,這包括眉飛色舞快樂的感覺,往往在這些外在的行動表現上發現到,如跳躍,叫喊,和歌唱。宣告(命令)每個搶奪你屬靈上喜樂的表達的宗教的靈,全都對你放手!願你與神的相交是全面並極具表現的。 

6:閱讀使徒行傳。請求主挪去任何阻礙你來完成祂的目的的疾病的靈。祂正來到美門口。做一些事情來表達出喜樂!喜樂具有身體上的表達。希伯來文的意思是“湧出”,“飛躍”,因此,“歡騰”,“歡喜”; rinnah(注2),“大聲呼喊”。喜樂是心靈對於任何愉快的事件或狀態的回應(王上1:40;以斯帖8:17)。


第7天:閱讀路加福音1:14,1:44;徒2:46;猶大書1:24;希伯來書 1:9,太5:12;哈巴谷書3:18;林後7:13。所有這些經文都帶你連接到喜樂。背誦兩節經文。站起來快速旋轉。對主表達出你愛祂。 



注1:徒26:14 我們都仆倒在地,我就聽見有聲音用希伯來話向我說:『掃羅!掃羅!為甚麼逼迫我?你用腳踢刺是難的!』
And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.(KJV)
徒9:5 他說:「主啊!你是誰?」主說:「我就是你所逼迫的耶穌。
And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. (KJV) 

注2:rinnah,H7440, 響亮的呼喊 (a ringing cry)。有“宣告“,”讚美“,”歡樂“之意。

注3:啟12:10 我聽見在天上有大聲音說:「我 神的救恩、能力、國度,並他基督的權柄,現在都來到了!因為那在我們 神面前晝夜控告我們弟兄的,已經被摔下去了。

Arise and Build (Rebuild) Your Future!
Beginning of 52 Days of Getting Established for What Lies Ahead in 5776-2016!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Dear Builders, Standers, and Advancers:

Blessings to you as you progress into the new! The Lord impressed me to send a 52-Day Prayer Focus to help us begin this incredible year ahead. From a prophetic perspective, this is the year of Ayin Vav - 5776. For revelation's sake, so that we build as God instructed us, the year begins at Rosh Hashanah. You then proceed with revelation from Rosh Hashanah and cross over into a fullness of the year at Passover. 

Whether you participate in God's covenant time frame and build around Feast Times of 5776, or whether you remain in the Gregorian Calendar, by 2016 you are in the year of "6". Therefore, we must understand the year ahead, the year of "6," in a"Season of Seeing and Developing New Vision". 

When Norma Sarvis was here for our Head of the Year 5776 Celebration, she spoke from the book of Nehemiah. While she was speaking the Lord said, "Arise and build and start the year by establishing a foundation of strength that will allow you to enter the gates of the mission of your future!" 

Beginning today, for the next 52 days we will ARISE AND BUILD! Starting today at noon, I will initiate these 52 days. Don't miss interacting on a daily basis with the LORD and those that He is calling you to build with, during this season. Begin now to pray, decree, and advance! You can follow us on Facebook on a daily basis, or we will send out a portion of prayer focuses every week that you can print off and put in your Bible. 

Chuck D. Pierce

What is the Overall Year About? 

This will be an interesting year!
Nations will align with God or against Him! Babel will begin to shake! This is a year that God sends His Word from Heaven to pummel the Gates of Hell. This is the year of us holding the "VAVwhile His "hammer" Wordbreaks open gates that have been held shut. We must release the captivity in our bloodline from the past and unlock our future! This is a year that the Kingdom force will be applied in the earth realm. God's Kingdom people will confound the enemy and plunder resources! 

This will also be a year of supernatural giving to secure the five remaining years of this 10-year season. God's people will go up to the high places to worship and overthrow ruling thrones. This is a year that new leaders will arise in civil arenas.

Many people say that we are preparing for visitation. However, this is a year of visitation to prepare us for the future. This will also be a year of the "moment." He will visit you in the present to reconcile your past and unlock your future, in a moment!

This year is about the Word coming down from Heaven. When I was in New Zealand, something that was in the atmosphere for generations came down and was "vaved" in the earth. That connected all of our Native work in this land into a whole other land. I recognized this when we visited the Maori Marae and they said that one of their prophets four generations ago prophesied that a white haired man named "Eagle" would come and to receive him! This brought the Word of the Lord from the past into a reality today and unlocked our future. 

This is also a year to understand how Babel rises up and that the enemy will be building his, as God is building on the Kingdom's behalf. Remember, that this is a "six" year . a MAN year. So watch how man builds using his own strength. This is a year that you will wield the Word of God. 

We have to confound the enemy at the gate so we can plunder what is ours! To do this, you can either come from a heavenly perspective OR you can be like David, and you "go up" at the water spout -- from the earth into the place to surprise the enemy. You must ascend in worship, then descend in war, and go to the high places this year to get past the gates of the enemy's "high place" and gain the spoil. 

Are You Ready to Begin?

When it's time for the NEW your focus should be: Am I PREPARED to wait until a full manifestation occurs? To evaluate all new beginnings, ask yourself these questions:
  1. Is the situation or circumstance you find yourself in causing you to question God's heart and love toward you and making you RESIST your new beginning?
  2. Is the enemy using your reaction to stop you from moving into God's best?
  3. Are you kicking against the "pricks" and attempting to move in a way that Holy Spirit is developing checks in your spirit? Are situations or circumstances creating roadblocks to STOP you from entering into a WRONG "new" beginning?
  4. Is the situation or circumstance that is happening in your life initiating a chain of events leading to a new beginning? Sometimes one event in your life is a catalyst for many other things. Perhaps you have not seen the end of the thing that has begun to get you to your new place!
  5. Is your situation or circumstance creating an offense that keeps you from advancing?

Let's Begin by Connecting our Past to the Future! 

This is a year when God takes your past, and brings it into the present. God is not in time like mankind. Therefore, He can go back in your past generations and set something before you that needs to be reconciled, or to unlock blessings that have been captured. If you are seeking the Kingdom first, then He knows you will deal with whatever issue He sets before you.

We must gain strength by restoring joy, so we can break old cycles. This is what Nehemiah told the people in Nehemiah 8. When the people began to weep after seeing their sin that led to captivity, Nehemiah told the people that it was not a time to weep. In verses 8-12, he instructed the people to first of all deal with the grief from their past. Nehemiah 8:8-12 (NKJV) says: "So they read distinctly from the book, in the Law of God; and they gave the sense, and helped them to understand the reading. And Nehemiah, who was the governor, Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, "This day is holy to the LORD your God; do not mourn nor weep." For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the Law. Then he said to them, "Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our LORD. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." So the Levites quieted all the people, saying, "Be still, for the day is holy; do not be grieved." And all the people went their way to eat and drink, to send portions and rejoice greatly, because they understood the words that were declared to them."

We are Now at the Moment to Go Our New Way!

We are now ready to move past our past and into our future. That means we will come to an end of some things and begin other things. That also means that old cycles will attempt to hold us captive and keep us from breaking fully into our future. Therefore we must destroy some old patterns that would love to resurface in our life cycle. The Lord will give you a second chance to confront and deal with that thing that defeated you in the last season! 

I am decreeing that you will go UP your mountain called ZION which will cause you to be favored with the Lord's presence all year.  Biblically, our life cycle is like a circle. You are on a boat rowing backwards into your future. Your past connects to your future. But your future is opening now into your cycle of victory.  This allows all of your expectations in and of God to be fulfilled.  I am declaring no more thorns will infest your ground. May every curse let go from deep inside your thought processes.

8 Days to Rebuild Your Strength! Over the next several days, REGAIN JOY! 

Day 1:
 Read Psalms 4 and 30. Meditate on Zephaniah 3. Hear Him rejoicing over you. Receive His love. Let Him pour His grace and mercy over you. Read Matthew 13. Ask the Lord to uncover the true joy of life to you. Let the joy of the Lord fill you. Praise Him that He is your source and the object of your joy. JOY is a positive attitude or pleasant emotion or delight.  Joy includes gladness, contentment, and cheerfulness. Joy should be holy and pure. This joy rises above circumstances.  Joy embraces the highest emotion of God and His character.        

Day 2:
 Declare that the fruit of the Spirit, JOY, will manifest in your life. The joy required of the righteous person (Ps. 150; Phil. 4:4) is produced by the Spirit of God (Gal. 5:22). This kind of joy looks beyond the present to our future salvation (Rom. 5:2; 8:18; 1 Peter 1:4,6) and to our sovereign God, who works out all things for our ultimate good (Rom. 8:28-30). 

Day 3:
 Read and decree 1 Cor. 12:26 and 2 Cor. 6:10; 7:4. Joy is different from mere happiness.  Joy can be found in the midst of grief. Read Luke 1-2.  Rejoice! Ask the Lord to deliver you from grief or trauma. Thank Him that He has come to deliver you from any prison the enemy has devised. 

Day 4:
 Memorize Proverbs 13:9 which says, "The light of the righteous rejoiceth," literally, "is bright".   Joy is possible, even in the midst of sorrow Sameah means "to be bright or to shine." Joy expresses His Glory. 

Day 5: Read Psalm 16
. "In thy presence is fullness of joy; in thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore" (Ps. 16:11). Joy comes from the verb gil or gul.  That means to go in a circle or to be excited, dancing around for joy, or rejoicing.  In the New Testament, joy is linked with grace.  Another word for joy is agalliasis.  This word expresses exuberant joy or exultation.  Joy as a spiritual emotion is very frequently referred to in the Old Testament. Our Spiritual interaction is conceived when we touch the deepest springs of emotion, including the feeling of exultant gladness which often finds outward expression in such actions as leaping, shouting, and singing.  Declare that every religious spirit that is robbing your spiritual expression of joy will let go of you! May your communion with God be full and very expressive. 

Day 6:
 Read Acts. 3. Ask the Lord to remove any spirit of infirmity that is holding you back from accomplishing His purpose.  He is coming to the Gate Beautiful. Do something to express joy! Joy has a bodily expression. The Hebrew words mean "to spring," "leap," hence, "exult," "rejoice"; rinnah, "shouting."  Joy is the response of the mind to any pleasurable event or state (1 Kings 1:40; Est. 8:17.) 

Day 6:
 Read John 2, Luke 10, and Mark 2.  Rejoice! Clap your hands. Be willing to go into the fullness of joy.  Do not stop participating halfway through the wedding feast.  Ask the Holy Spirit to remove all of your religious ritual that has robbed your joy. Break any power of phariseeism.  Thank God for the new wine.   

Day 7:
 Read Luke 1:14,44; Acts 2:46; Jude 24; Heb. 1:9, Mt. 5:12, Hab. 3:18; 2 Cor. 7:13. All of these verses will connect you into joy. Memorize two verses. Stand up and twirl. Express to the Lord that you love Him. 

Day 8:
 Read Revelation 1-5, and 12.  Receive strength to go through the open door that has been set before you. Declare the accuser of the brethren is bound.  Receive power, wealth, and favor. 

Chuck D. Pierce