

壯士披掛整齊,看守自己的住宅,他所有的都平安無事;但有一個比他更壯的來,勝過他,就奪去他所倚靠的盔甲兵器,又分了他的贓。“ - 路加福音11:21-22



在同一句經文裏顯示出,一個具有實體的統治者,也同時是個超自然的生物存於人體的結構裏。這可以被解釋為雙重基準法(the law of double reference) - 當一個肉體可見的人被提及,而某些語句也指出是無形的實體藉著可見的生物作為工具來使用。




彼得魏格納博士在他的這本 ”Warfare Prayer“ 書裏,為我們提供了聖經的戰勝的洞見。他解釋道,戰勝(overcome)這個字的希臘文是nikao,意思就是“征服”(to conquer),它是一個突出的作戰術語。

代禱者如何在一個國家中征服他們的壯士的一個迷人的例子是來自巴拿馬。不同的巴拿馬人向我描述了在Manuel Noriega多年的嚴酷獨裁統治下所經歷的痛苦。他們分享直升機在夜晚飛越叢林,投下包著那些對他的獨裁統治具有真實的或虛構的威脅的人民殘體的黑色垃圾袋。這是一個眾所周知的事實,Noriega與密術的領袖以及操作巫術和其它形式的魔法的人們配搭。他從這些黑暗勢力所收到的權勢保護了他一個季節。他似乎確實就是一個不可戰勝的壯士。


不同基督教的領袖們組織了一支禱告軍隊。這支軍隊以獨特的方式藉著禱告來集中它的屬靈兵器 - 通宵徹夜的禱告公車!代禱者們以這種方式每月為國家整個禱告一次:當一個領導者通過無線電廣播帶領禱告,在公車上的代禱者們與那些不得不與家人待在家裡的人們同聲同意。那壯士的部隊從來沒有料想到他們是被這樣”無痛“的方式而遭受打擊破壞。你們大多數人都知道故事的結局 - 禱告奏效!最後,Noriega被廢黜,被關進了美國的監獄。






對付壯士的另一個洞見是記載在提摩太前書2:1-2(注5)。我們首先要為萬人禱告- 為他們的需要向神懇求,為他們所處的情況代禱,甚至要為他們獻上感謝的禱告。就本質上而言,保羅是在挑戰提摩太不斷警醒代禱,用禱告來圍繞人們。這會削弱壯士來欺騙和攻擊人們的能力。




無形的壯士希望這種情況發生的重要原因之一,在提摩太前書2:2-4這裏提出了解釋,神要我們可以敬虔端正平安無事地度日因為祂希望願意萬人得救(注5)。這需要戰略性的屬靈爭戰以達成這個目標。我們所有的領導人 - 無論我們喜歡與否 – 都需要藉著神子民的禱告不斷得著保護。



1.Dake, Finis Jennings. Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, 7th ed. Dake Bible Sales, Inc.: Lawrenceville, GA, 1977.
2. Wagner, C. Peter. Warfare Prayer. Regal Books: Ventura, CA, 1992.
3. Kinzer, Stephen. “Panama Journal; In the Country of the Occult, Power to the Spirits.”The New York Times. 19 June 1987. Web. 20 July 2015.www.nytimes.com/1987/06/19/world/panama-journal-in-the-country-of-the-occult-power-to-the-spirits.html


注1:弗6:12 因我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰(原文是摔跤;下同),乃是與那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這幽暗世界的,以及天空屬靈氣的惡魔爭戰。
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (King James Bible)

注2:結28:12 「人子啊,你為泰爾王作起哀歌,說主耶和華如此說:你無所不備,智慧充足,全然美麗。
結28:13 你曾在伊甸 神的園中,佩戴各樣寶石,就是紅寶石、紅璧璽、金鋼石、水蒼玉、紅瑪瑙、碧玉、藍寶石、綠寶石、紅玉,和黃金;又有精美的鼓笛在你那裡,都是在你受造之日預備齊全的。
結28:14 你是那受膏遮掩約櫃的基路伯;我將你安置在 神的聖山上;你在發光如火的寶石中間往來。
結28:15 你從受造之日所行的都完全,後來在你中間又察出不義。
結28:16 因你貿易很多,就被強暴的事充滿,以致犯罪,所以我因你褻瀆聖地,就從 神的山驅逐你。遮掩約櫃的基路伯啊,我已將你從發光如火的寶石中除滅。
28:17 你因美麗心中高傲,又因榮光敗壞智慧,我已將你摔倒在地,使你倒在君王面前,好叫他們目睹眼見。
28:18 你因罪孽眾多,貿易不公,就褻瀆你那裡的聖所。故此,我使火從你中間發出,燒滅你,使你在所有觀看的人眼前變為地上的爐灰。
28:19 各國民中,凡認識你的,都必為你驚奇。你令人驚恐,不再存留於世,直到永遠。」

注3:林後10:4 我們爭戰的兵器本不是屬血氣的,乃是在 神面前有能力,可以攻破堅固的營壘。

注4:但10:11 他對我說:「大蒙眷愛的但以理啊,要明白我與你所說的話,只管站起來,因為我現在奉差遣來到你這裡。」他對我說這話,我便戰戰兢兢地立起來。
但10:12 他就說:「但以理啊,不要懼怕!因為從你第一日專心求明白將來的事,又在你 神面前刻苦己心,你的言語已蒙應允;我是因你的言語而來。
但10:13 但波斯國的魔君攔阻我二十一日。忽然有大君(就是天使長;二十一節同)中的一位米迦勒來幫助我,我就停留在波斯諸王那裡。

注5:提前2:1 我勸你,第一要為萬人懇求、禱告、代求、祝謝;
提前2:2 為君王和一切在位的,也該如此,使我們可以敬虔、端正、平安無事地度日。
提前2:3 這是好的,在 神我們救主面前可蒙悅納。
提前2:4 他願意萬人得救,明白真道。

注6:林後4:4 此等不信之人被這世界的神弄瞎了心眼,不叫基督榮耀福音的光照著他們。基督本是 神的像。

Overcoming the Strongman
August 17th, 2015
By Cindy Jacobs

When a strongman, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace. But when a stronger than he comes upon him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils. - Luke 11:21-22 (NKJV)

As you read the previous scripture, what picture leaps to your mind? What or who is the strongman spoken of in this passage? For some, this question elicits the image of a huge, foreboding creature with its wings spread over a city. Others think of someone like Hitler who threatens the peace of nations and people groups. Which is right? Is the strongman a ruler of darkness, as mentioned in Ephesians 6:12, or is it an actual person who through some dark, charismatic influence is able to control governments, laws, and the thinking of people? Is it possible that both concepts are accurate to a degree?

For a clearer understanding, let’s examine two passages where strongmen are addressed in the Bible. Ezekiel 28 begins with an address to the prince of Tyre. God is evidently speaking through the prophet Ezekiel of judgement on the prince of Tyre. However, in verse 12, the king of Tyre is addressed as having supernatural attributes. In Isaiah 14, the king of Babylon is addressed in terms of judgement as a physical being through verse 12, where the text reads, “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning.”

In the same passage, there appears to be a physical ruler being addressed as well as the supernatural being who stands behind the human structure. This could be explained as the law of double reference—when a visible person is addressed, but certain statements also refer to an invisible entity who is using the visible creature as a tool.1

How Do We Overcome?

If, indeed, the strongman can be represented by a person, such as the king of Babylon, who is a tool of an unseen power of darkness, how do we “overcome” the strongman?

The Bible says he is disarmed when someone who is stronger overcomes him. Few Christians would disagree that God, who is the King of the Universe, has power that far surpasses any influence of the evil one. There is clearly no contest! One of the mightiest ways God displays His strength, however, is through a Church that prevails through prayer. So, if Satan has been able to set up his thrones and dominion through wicked rulers, it’s because the church has not been overpowering the strongman in intercession.

Dr. Peter Wagner gives us insight on scriptural overcoming in his book,Warfare Prayer. He explains that the Greek word for overcome is nikao, meaning “to conquer,” and it is a prominent warfare term.2

A fascinating instance of how intercessors in one nation conquered their strongman comes from Panama. Different Panamanians have described to me the agony of the years under the harsh dictatorship of Manuel Noriega. They shared about the sound of helicopters in the night that flew over the jungles and dropped black garbage bags containing the remains of those who posed real or imaginary threats to his dictatorship. It was a well-known fact that Noriega consorted with occult leaders and practiced voodoo and other forms of magic.3 The empowerment he received from these dark forces protected him for a season. He indeed seemed to be an invincible strongman.

However, there was one army in the nation whose leaders understood that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty for pulling down strongholds and strongmen!

Various Christian leaders organized a prayer army. This army focused its spiritual weapons through prayer in a unique way—all-night prayer vigils by bus! The intercessors would pray throughout the whole nation once a month in this manner: While a leader led the prayer through radio broadcast, those interceding on the buses agreed together with those who had to stay at home with their families. The strongman’s troops never suspected they were being undermined in such a “painless” way. Most of you know the end of the story—prayer worked! Eventually Noriega was deposed and sent to prison in the United States.

Of course, Noriega was not the real enemy; he was simply being used as a tool of Satan over the nation. However, as long as he was in power and yielding himself as an instrument, the law of double reference indicates that he also represented a spiritual strongman.

Daniel 9 Prayer

There are various ways to pray which are useful in dealing with strongmen. In Daniel 9, as he was engaged in 21 days of prayer and fasting for his nation, Daniel systematically confessed and repented for the sins and iniquities of his people while they were being held captive in Babylon. We do not know if Daniel knew he was wrestling against the power of the strongman, the prince of Persia, before an angel came and told him. However, we do know that the answer to his prayer was sent right away, but a demonic ruler tried to interfere (see Daniel 10).  

We learn from Daniel’s experience that persistent prayer, fasting, and repentance can be powerful tools for overcoming strongmen.

1 Timothy Prayer

Another insight for dealing with strongmen is given in 1 Timothy 2:1-2. We are first exhorted to simply pray for all people—petitioning God for their needs, interceding for their situations, and even offering up prayers of thanks for them. Essentially, Paul is challenging Timothy to be continually alert in intercession, to surround people with prayer. This weakens the ability of strongmen to be able to deceive and attack people.

Many years ago, in Toronto, Canada, each of 25,000 Christians meeting for city prayer received a page of the phone book to pray over, which resulted in intercession for just about everyone in the city. This kind of intense bombardment breaks the power of the strongman off of a city’s people (see 2 Cor. 4:4).

Perhaps prayer groups or churches in your city could come together to pray for the people who live there. Or maybe God would have you simply begin praying for all the people in your workplace, your business, your child’s class at school, etc. You could even walk around your neighborhood and pray over each home as you pass it.

A second instruction given in 1 Timothy 2:2 is to pray especially for kings and all who are in authority. Remember the above story about Noriega—strongmen who stand behind human structures particularly target leaders. I have heard more than one person remark on how a certain governmental leader went into his position with the best of intentions and the purest of hearts only to be corrupted and compromised.

The invisible strongmen want this to happen for one main reason, and 1 Timothy 2:2-4 explains it—God wants us to live quiet and peaceable lives in godliness and reverence because He desires all men to be saved. It takes strategic spiritual warfare for this goal to be accomplished. All of our leaders—whether we like them or not—need to be continually protected by the prayers of God’s people.

Result: Revival Breaks Forth

Once the power of the strongman is broken off of an area, it clears the atmosphere for God to move freely, and tremendous revival breaks forth. I am convinced, if we were to study the awakenings, renewals and revivals of the past, we would see that before the move of God happened, strategic intercession took place. It is simply an incredible experience to witness in an area where the power of the strongman has been broken. People are receptive, hungry and open. They have had the blindness removed from their eyes, and the light of Jesus Christ falls abundantly upon them in the transforming power of salvation.

End Notes
Dake, Finis Jennings. Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, 7th ed. Dake Bible Sales, Inc.: Lawrenceville, GA, 1977.
2. Wagner, C. Peter. Warfare Prayer. Regal Books: Ventura, CA, 1992
3. Kinzer, Stephen. “Panama Journal; In the Country of the Occult, Power to the Spirits.” The New York Times. 19 June 1987. Web. 20 July 2015.www.nytimes.com/1987/06/19/world/panama-journal-in-the-country-of-the-occult-power-to-the-spirits.html