附錄 為將臨世界的艱難警訊並9.11-13群鷹會代禱

警告!緊急通告— 來自卓別林·林賽·威廉斯牧師
作者:James Harkin  July 8th, 2015 


林賽‧威廉斯牧師請我參照他的電子郵件內容,彙整一份緊急的通告。這些資訊非常重要,他說:「這可能是有史以來我們發過最重要的通告。這是菁英份子(the Elite)一直想要達成的終極目標,會影響到世界上的每一個人。這將會實施一段時期,相關的執行日期已經被正式排定了。」 




   威廉斯牧師在六月發布的通訊中談到方濟各教宗訪問美國時,論及教廷(梵諦岡)如何參與在聯合國(‘全球政府’)及永續發展(‘21號 議程’)。威廉斯牧師在他新的DVD「在2015年9月15日之前必作之事(Things You Must Do Before September 15th, 2015)」中對此有詳加闡述。 






˙歐元區的財務末日(Euro-Zone Financial Armageddon):希臘、義大利、葡萄牙和西班牙加總起來的歐元債務,在銀行之間衍生出120兆的債務。而歐洲中央銀行卻沒有現金或是流動資產,只有導致衍生債務逐日加重。 

˙國際清算銀行所帶來的惡夢將會使全世界進入恐慌之中 (The BIS Nightmare That Will Send The World Into Panic):2015年第一季美國銀行的衍生款項才剛發表,這份報告比以往更驚人!美國排名前五大銀行共有247兆的衍生風險。這是世界國民生產毛額的3.5倍。世界上所有銀行的衍生風險加總起來也才超過600兆。但這些數據不過是實際風險的一半。幾年前國際清算銀行旗下的巴賽爾銀行將衍生工具估值的基礎改變成「到期價值(Value to Maturity)」。基本上,這在一夜之間將尚未平倉的衍生工具價值折半。按照過去適當的價值,今天的未償總額大概是至少1.5萬兆。請記得,當交易對手垮台時,名義上的價值就是會實際喪失的價值。這絕對保證,上述的1.5萬兆在接下來幾年的時間會內爆,連帶拖累到整個金融系統。但在過程尚未結束之前,全球的中央銀行在絕望的嘗試下將會印製幾萬兆的美金、歐元或日圓。威廉斯牧師在華爾街工作的朋友在看過這篇文章之後說了以下的話:「謝謝-很好的最新消息。你已經警告多年了。這也是為什麼一件像希臘或其他的『小小的』事件能導致系統崩解。」 

˙花旗銀行剛壟斷了‘貴重金屬’衍生工具市場 (Citigroup Just Cornered The “Precious Metals” Derivatives Market):花旗銀行的貴重金屬炒作(大多是銀子,因為黃金常與外匯綁在一塊不易操弄)已經曝光了四年。值得注意的是:上一季的貴金屬衍生工具持股增加1260%,從僅39億上升至530億!從17.4%上漲至70%,只有一個字用來形容花旗銀行對貴金屬(黃金除外)所作的--壟斷!威廉斯牧師說:「我們正活在一個事件迅速發展的奇怪的世界中。他們正在準備把有些事搞大。」  




WARNING! Emergency Bulletin from Chaplin Lindsey Williams!
by James Harkin on Wednesday, July 8th, 2015
The New World Order Will Be Implemented In September!
The New World Currency Will Be Introduced In October!
We Are At the Brink of Total Worldwide Financial Collapse!

Pastor Lindsey Williams has asked me to compile an emergency bulletin for those on his email list. The information is so important he has said: “This is probably the most important bulletin we have ever sent – This is the fulfilment of everything the Elite have ever wanted to do – It will affect every human being, worldwide – They will implement this over a period of time – The dates have now been officially set for the start of implementation.” 

The New World Order Will Be Implemented In September! 

The Roman Catholic Pope just announced when he speaks at the United Nations on the 25th September 2015 that he will issue an ENCYCLICAL – The definition of an encyclical is – A letter from the Pope sent to all Roman Catholic Bishops throughout the world. Every Roman Catholic is EXPECTED to obey. There are 1.2 billion Roman Catholics around the world. 

According to Pastor Williams this means that when the Pope announces the New World Order in front of the annual gathering of world leaders on September 25th, 2015 at the United Nations just before the signing and implementation of the ‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’ that the Pope will order every Roman Catholic around the world to obey unconditionally – total obedience – including the acceptance of the Mark of the Beast when it is announced.

In the newsletter Pastor Williams issued in June it speaks about the visit of Pope Francis to the USA and what Holy See (The Vatican) is involved with in the United Nations (Global Government) and sustainable development (Agenda 21). Pastor Williams elaborates in detail in his DVD what this means in his new DVD ‘Things You Must Do Before September 15th, 2015’. 

The New World Currency Will Be Introduced In October! 

On October 20th, 2015 the International Monetary Fund will announce a new world currency. The IMF is one of the most secretive and powerful organizations in the world. They monitor the financial health of more than 188 member countries. They establish global money rules and provide “bail-out” assistance to bankrupt nations.

On October 20th, 2015 the IMF is expected to announce a reserve currency alternative to the U.S. dollar, which will send hundreds of billions of dollars moving around the world, literally overnight.

The author of the most prominent financial newsletter says, “what is about to happen will threaten your way of life whether you own an investment related to it or not. It will change everything about your normal way of life: Where you vacation, where you send your kids or grandkids to school. 

We Are At the Brink of Total Worldwide Financial Collapse! 

Pastor Williams has shared with me some articles that truly tell you how frightening the global situation is. He said to me “This is getting more hysterical (Dangerous) by the day. If only people knew and believed how close to disaster we are. When this blows up – There has never been anything like it in the history of mankind.” Pastor Williams tried to tell you repeatedly for nearly 40 years!

˙Euro-Zone Financial Armageddon: The combined Greek, Italian, Portugal and Spain euro debt represents $120 trillion of derivative debt aka I.O.U.s between banks and the ECB has no cash or liquidity in the system only derivative debt that compounds every day.

˙The BIS Nightmare That Will Send The World Into Panic: The derivative position of US banks for Q1 2015 has just been published and the reading is more frightening than ever. The top 5 US banks have total a derivative exposure of $247 trillion. This is 3.5 times world GDP. Total derivatives for all banks in the world are just over $600 trillion. But these figures are less than half of the real exposure. A few years ago the BIS in Basel changed the basis of valuation of derivatives to “Value to Maturity.” This basically halved the value of outstanding derivatives overnight. Based on the old and proper valuation, the total outstanding today would probably be at least $1.5 quadrillion. And remember, when a counterparty fails, notional value is the real value that will be lost. It is absolutely guaranteed that this $1.5 quadrillion will implode in the next few years and drag the whole financial system with it. But before that process has finished, central banks worldwide will print a few quadrillion dollars, euros and yen in their desperate attempt. Pastor Williams Wall Street Insider friend said the following about this article “Thanks—good update. You’ve warned about this for years. This is why a “little” event like Greece, or another, could unravel the system.”

˙Citigroup Just Cornered The “Precious Metals” Derivatives Market: Citigroup’s Precious Metals (mostly silver now that gold is lumped in with FX), exposure over the past 4 years. Of note: the 1260% increase in Precious Metals derivative holdings in the past quarter, from just $3.9 billion to $53 billion! Soaring from just 17.4% to over 70%, there is just one word for what Citigroup has done to what the Precious Metals (excluding gold) – Cornering! Pastor Williams said “We live in a strange world of rapidly developing events. They are preparing for something big.”

˙News is coming in constantly from around the world as this newsletter was being prepared, check out these headlines: China is banning major pension fund shareholders from selling for six months. 54% of the entire Chinese stock market is frozen. Trading on the NYSE was suspended for a technical glitch with all open orders cancelled. Microsoft fires 7,800 employees. The Australian Dollar has hit a new low. Every day there is more news about the implosion of the global economy. You have toTake Action Now! 

The bomb shells about the New World Order and the New Global Currency should give you the motivation to take action and prepare. Pastor Williams has been unveiling the truth behind the Elite plan for humanity and this planet for over 38 years. All of his DVDs will help you understand what is happening. You must prepare for September through December now, before it is too late. It is imperative that you obtain a copy of Pastor Williams’ latest DVD ‘Things You Must Do Before September 15th, 2015‘.

- See more at: http://www.lindseywilliams.net/warning-emergency-bulletin-from-chaplin-lindsey-williams/#sthash.QUfBKByV.dpuf