
十架烈焰 橫掃列國
沃倫˙里昂牧師 Pastor Warren Lyons

為著神對澳洲、紐西蘭及南半球眾海島直到地極此一偉大的屬聖霝的南方之地 (the Great ‘Southern land of the Holy Spirit’)的命定,並歷世歷代直到今,神的眾先知僕人對她的一致預言能以成就。 


時候到神的火要釋放到全地列國,祢的國度要降臨,祢的旨意要行在地上如同行在天上。 It’s time!  The FIRE of God be carried to the nations,Your kingdom come,Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen !


 右圖為南非John Fulford 所領受圖畫印證「十架烈焰 橫掃列國」異象


《十架烈焰 橫掃列國》


在我們國際感恩的那個週末, 主啟示我要和你們分享一件要覺醒起來的呼召。 


整個旋風是祂的恩典,憐憫,慈愛和誠實良善在火中被顯明。此火是“神聖潔的火”-主指示我,在這一時刻,祂的長期受苦,良善,仁慈和憐憫,握住了神所要施行的震動和審判,因為þ祂在等待一個真實的悔改 - 祂的話很清楚地對我說 - “我的百姓要到何時才會真正地悔改?哪裡會有尼尼微城向神悔改呼求憐憫的聲音?” 



稱聖)和公義的神,祂的名字是HOLY(聖哉,稱聖),祂的膀臂是HOLY(聖哉,稱聖);þ祂渴望要祝福澳大利亞,聽到渴慕公義的聲音。曠野有著哭喊 “預備主的道,修平祂的路”的聲音。 

旋風的火臂移動擊中北領土的高點然後其祂高地,然後出現的是悉尼的kings Cross和“同性戀遊行”,主雅威的怒氣被惹動,然後大火就來到地方當局和政府當局的上空。主雅威再次說話『“你說是就是,不是就不是”。因我的審判就在門口。我的國家是像所多瑪和蛾摩拉,祂們轉離我的真理;包括執政者和我的祭司神職人員;我的百姓拒絕我真理的話語,而盤算著 “妥協和欺騙”並擁抱不敬虔的婚姻,甚至利用我的名;我不能認同這樣的做法,我從來沒有說這話,這不是我的話,難道我的話不夠好嗎?主雅威說 ,我是忌邪的神,在我面前沒有別神;驕傲必致敗壞;þ在澳大利亞如此,在紐西蘭也一樣。“所以應當悔改!” 這是我最後的警告;我的道絕不妥協;我的先知和我百姓的領袖在哪兒?他們藏在妥協中;逃避我話語的真實。因不信和恐懼而愣在沉默裡,þ “站起來” -並扛起責任,並宣告我的正道;向我呼求;我是你的神。不要懼怕;不要放棄;要剛強壯膽,相信我會與你們同在。』 

主向我顯明雅威的火臂從澳大利亞伸長到紐西蘭擊中紐西蘭北島拜偶像的佛教高處*[可能是指在奧克蘭Manukau的 “北島佛光山(Fo Guang Shan)”,]和其它一些高山,甚至伸到史都華島(Steward Is.)和在南阿爾卑斯山脈的奧林匹斯山(Mt Olympus, 位於紐西蘭南島,滑雪勝地,希臘神話中的名詞,其意為眾神的遊樂場 (playground of the gods )和庫克山 (Mt Cook,毛利語為 Aoraki, 標高 3753M,位於紐西蘭南島,為全紐最高峰);þ 這些高地被獻給了希臘

諸假神在高地拜祖先而妥協于惡魔的轄制;此火環繞在威靈頓(首都)的國會上空(‘Beehive’是國會大廈建築名稱, 右圖)打轉如旋風般,而在大教堂門口和教堂門口時,火勢愈發猛烈;þ凡是沒有獻給神的建築體將難逃這火;煉淨的火降臨到悔改者,而審判的火會臨到頑固不悔改的人身上;火焰盤旋在個別的國會議員身上;世俗的當權者和媒體;那些選擇混混淆真理與不義;þ 那些仍然不願意謙卑自己,真誠悔改領受神的憐憫,(縱然)神已準備好祂的憐憫要傾倒出來;(但)祂的祭司神職人員們傳講假福音和主雅威所憎惡的不敬虔聯盟,那結局就會像所多瑪和蛾摩拉所受的審判。 

þ『悔改,因天國就在眼前,對紐西蘭如此,對澳大利亞也是如此;悔改因天國就在眼前,我的警告已發出。我審判的火就在門口, 領受我的聖潔之火,讓我的聖火來煉淨;清洗和潔淨,讓我公義的審判臨到那些故意改變我在你們國家的道路,毀壞我所給我的年輕人和家庭生活的命定,那是我要祝福這個國家所創造的,這片土地及其公義的百姓,從而把榮耀和尊榮歸給我的名。什麼時候將你才會留心注意?何時你將從你的妥協轉而相信真理?何時你願意聽我的聲音,並順服我對你說的話?你一定要我對你大聲喊叫嗎?你是那麼地倔強用一顆硬心對我。難道你要我勒住你就像對付一匹野馬,讓你乖乖就範順服在我面前嗎?不,我是不會這樣做的;就在這天,選擇你所要事奉的,我就會釋放祝福和我的榮耀給你的國家。』哈利路亞!阿們。 

啟示錄4: 8『四活物各有六個翅膀,遍體內外都滿了眼睛。祂們晝夜不住地說,聖哉,聖哉,聖哉,主神,是昔在今在以後永在的全能者。』  

þ 信心的禱告

親愛的天父, 我們來到祢滿有恩典和憐憫的寶座前為我們的國家向祢獻上感謝;紐西蘭和我們的姐妹國家澳大利亞和我們所居住的屬聖霝的南方之地區塊。我們奉主耶穌的名謝謝祢對我們的愛和憐憫。我們謝謝您差派主耶穌我們的救贖主和生命的主,為我們過去和現在的罪來潔淨我們,醫治我們的土地。我們謙卑俯伏在祢面前感謝您為我們的國家和海島所遭受的長痛和永恆的憐憫。天父,求祢發烈怒的時候以憐憫為念。為祢名和榮耀的緣故,潔淨和醫治我們脫離所有的不義;因為我們的盼望在於祢。從祢的話裡我們知道公義使邦國高舉,罪惡是人民蒙羞。父神,幫助我們明白祢的道,允許祢的火來潔淨和煉淨每一位愛祢和呼求祢名的人,將我們,我們的國家和政府分別為聖,公義是祢所祢喜悅的,保護我們遠離這時代的靈*(世紀的靈、世界的靈)。使我們,祢的百姓,我們的國家和地區聖潔;差祢聖潔的火,主,以致我們領受了,為了祢的榮耀,我們作為一國百姓,連同我們的地土和區域(屬聖霝的南方之地)就分別為聖歸於祢。奉主耶穌,我們的主,救主的名求。 阿們! 

說明與禱告提示(兩大重點方向:悔改與神的火),有符號þ之處, 屬禱告要點

˙上世紀英國復興家信心使徒/神的將領-史密斯˙維格士威爾(Smith Wigglesworth,他曾於1922年來過紐西蘭威靈頓主領過連串醫治佈道會而帶動了當時紐西蘭教會的復興) 他所發表過關於澳洲、紐西蘭的預言記載,以及葉光明牧師(Dreak Prince)於1975年所發預言。不論是1922年、1975年神所給先知僕人的預言,或現今2015年神所給沃倫˙里昂牧師領受的異象及話語,甚至是400餘年前(1606)航海家的先知性宣告(命定的啟示),他們的預言與異象內容幾乎是結合一致地。

˙這是神在向我們清楚表明祂對澳、紐及屬聖霝南方之地的旨意不改變,亦即神在末日的時刻對全地的作為,要從這塊祂所分別歸自己為聖、在地極的區塊啟動,尤其是使用在末端範圍的紐西蘭(請對照圖畫及下文)做為末後日子最大復興的啟動者及傳遞者並要擴散到列國,引領萬王之王、萬主之主凱旋重返耶路撒冷。然而,極重要的、不可少的是從真實的悔改開始,有悔改、煉淨才能成為「神之火(Fire of God)」的承接與管道。

˙『屬聖霝的南方之地』(the Southern land of the Holy Spirit)之名,出自1606年5月16日五旬節那天西班牙船長佩德羅•費爾南茲•德奎洛斯(Pedro Fernandes de Quiros)站在萬那杜(Vanuatu,島國)奉主耶穌基督之名對著澳洲直到地極的這一片南半球區塊所作的先知性命名宣告(命定的啟示)。


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From: Pastor Warren Lyons 
Date: Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 4:41 PM


1 Chronicles 16:34
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!

Dear Brothers and sisters;

I am now forwarding this email of the 2nd June to a number of senior intercessors and leaders for your perusal as the Holy Spirit leads as I surrender this to you also for prophetic checking and any comments you may wish to make.You may forward this on to those the LORD leads to send.

As Australia was first mentioned in this following prophetic word it was important for them to pray and confirm and test this prophetic word before the LORD  and they have done so with brother Kris Schlyder with the respected intercessors Australian group who have all confirmed this as being from the LORD.

Following this word given we have had a number of separate confirmation from intercessors all pointing to"repentance" and bringing further confirmation as a requirement from the LORD in His grace and mercy toward us.

Four separate confirmations have been given; three from respected intercessors from our networks with one receiving a vision regarding our two nations of Australia and New Zealand and the scepter of the LORD; a sword; Gods Word and an email by a Chinese Intercessor in Australia speaking separately regarding "Repentance". I realize God's timing is important in all that He wishes to accomplish and obedience is always required.

On completing and tabulating of the prophecy my old home CITY that I lived in for many years and love dearly experience a strong shaking; a surprise for the city of Dunedin. On seeking the LORD  on this; it was though the LORD was saying that this was again a further wake up call from Him; in His mercy and love; we are entering into a new season so we will need to be prepared and ready for the days ahead; those that humble themselves before the mighty hand of God will be exalted. 

I also sent a copy of the prophecy also to Pastors Jeff Daly of "National Day of  Repentance  

America" as brother Jeff has also a committed call for national and International repentance. Pastor Jeff has also replied confirming the Word and with the other confirmations the LORD is now calling an International "United Day Of Repentance" calling the sheep nations aligned with Israel to repent; this will be lead by an ANZUS*(美國屬靈澳紐軍團) alliance approach that we have discussed and agreed together in the mind of the LORD; with Ps Jeff America  Kris Schlyder Australia and detail of Jeffs call and prayer points I will forward this weekend to you.

Pastor Jeff has put together a simple call to repentance and prayer points which are from the heart of Abba Father; also in His his call he is acknowledging national turning away (this is applicable to us also in New Zealand) covering a repentance towards governments (includes the church ) outside the will of God regarding Jerusalem that will ultimately bring judgment as dividing His city and nation Israel without His authority and blessing (by dividing HIS land and HIS city). The other areas Jeff covers are sexual sin; false marriage covenants an abomination to the LORD  and abortion; the murder of the innocent life in the sanctuary of the womb. ( Repentance or judgment- obedience or disobedience- TIME IS SHORT is strongly on my heart)(悔改或審判-順服/不順服-時間不多了)

FIRSTLY we must repent individually this is most important(我們個人的悔改是首要且是最重要的) and we can begin immediately as the Holy Spirit moves on our hearts. This will allow us to enter in the greater battle for our nations and governments standing in the gap on their behalf calling on the name of the LORD. 

I believe the LORD is saying begin right now; begin to plow the ground allowing the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to guide you and bring fresh liberty and joy in a covenant stand with God's Word.The LORD is open to our cry and understands all of our weaknesses and the sins of the forefathers,your confession and repentance with a turning away from the spirit of this age and those things He lays on each heart by His mercy and grace; is sufficient for each one; His will is to cover us individually with the cloak of His righteousness in Jesus Christ our LORD and Savior - Hallelujah

A special day is being arranged for this united call; we will advise shortly is being set aside for "God's people" "If MY PEOPLE who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray  2 Chronicles 7:14 I believe that it is the fullness of time NOW to call for a true repentance as the HOLY SPIRIT IS AT WORK and moving in sovereign way on our hearts on the points he raises bringing this into a true repentance before the LORD. Your prayers and input and comments are gratefully received -THANK YOU

Please pray about these points and what the Holy Spirit is saying to and through that is  further clarified by Pastor Jeff's email following shortly to you as we stand as "one" in unity to repent before the LORD.   

All prophecy must be tested according to scripture and any area that is not from the LORD may it fall to the ground so His Word will go forth for His Glory; your comments input and involvement to share the call to repentance is important as the Holy Spirit leads. 

On completing this email the LORD reminded me of the vision of brother John Fulford*(其異象圖示如首頁) who the LORD sent to New Zealand from South Africa with a vision from God. John who attended our National days of Prayer shared the vision with me; the vision was a true confirmation of what the LORD had already spoken to our ministry regarding the FIRE of revival going out from New Zealand to the Nations;(主神雅威已經說出關於此復興之火將從紐西蘭釋放到列國) I believe much of what is happening today that was revealed twenty years plus earlier in many ministry is being fulfilled in this season; John  is now with the LORD; and His vision is being fulfilled even today of crossfires of evangelism. I also attach his vision below as we honor the servant of the LORD for his obedience to leave his homeland of South Africa to come to Aotearoa New Zealand to share the vision of God. 




Pastor Warren Lyons ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙ 



Over the weekend of our International Whakawhetai - "Thanksgiving"; the LORD caught my attention with the following revelation with a  wake up call which I am sharing with you today. 

Firstly a clear picture of Australia including Tasmania was shown to me; over the land was a "pinwheel of fire" the pinwheel of fire was moving throughout the land discerning the ways of man and the spiritual state of the nation. The spirit of divination bringing a curse on the land; even water divining by familiar spirits; the work of witchcraft was revealed. The fire at the top of the end of the pinwheel of fire was like a moving tornado of fire; attached like an extension arm moving freely from the rest of the pinwheel, this end of the pinwheel of fire was the " FIRE of GOD". I was surprised the LORD was showing me this but He got my attention. The whole pinwheel was grace mercy and truth His goodness being revealed in FIRE; the FIRE was the "HOLY FIRE OF GOD" - The LORD was showing me that at this point of time His long-suffering; goodness;kindness and mercy was holding back the shaking and the judgment of God as He was waiting on a true repentance - His word was clear to me- "When will my people truly repent" where is the Nineveh CRY for the mercy of God in repentance". A song was given about filling the land with the FATHERS GLORY. this was His desire for the nation and the hearts desire of the praying saints(sanctified ones) but His Glory would only be released His way.The LORD continued that He would not compromise His Name and His way to the ways of man; for He is; a HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS GOD; His Name is Holy and His arm is Holy; His desire is to bless Australia unto righteousness desiring for a voice to be heard; a cry from the wilderness to prepare the way of the LORD and make His paths straight.    

The FIRE ARM of the pinwheel moved and hit a High place in the Northern Territories and then other high places and then Kings Cross in Sydney was shown and a "gay parade"; the LORDS anger was stirred up; and then the fire was over local authorities and governmental authorities and the word of the LORD came again" LET YOUR YES BE YES AND YOUR NO BE NO" for my judgment is at the door. "My nation is like Sodom and Gomorrah they have turned away from my Word of Truth both the authorities and my priestly ministry my people denying the truth of my Word entering into "compromise and deception" planning and embracing ungodly marriage even using My Name I did not endorse thisI never spoke this Word this is not my WORD Is not my Word  good enough says the LORD I am a jealous God and will have no other gods before me pride comes before a fall as it is in Australia so it is in New Zealand. "REPENT THEREFORE" for my final warnings are at hand I will not compromise my way where is the prophet and the leaders of my people hiding in compromise hiding from the truth of my Word stunned in a silence by unbelief and fear, "STAND UP" - AND BE ACCOUNTABLE and declare my right way "CRYOUT" to me I am thy God be not afraid do not give up be strong and of good confidence I will be with you.   

The Lord showed me the FIRE ARM of the LORD stretch from Australia to New Zealand and strike a Buddhist High place of idolatry in the NORTHLAND of Aotearoa  New Zealand; and other High mountains even to Stewart Island and Mount Olympus and Mt Aoraki in the Southern Alps area; those high places dedicated to false Greek gods and Ancestral worship in high places in demonic compromise; the fire swirling around the Beehive as a pinwheel and our Parliament in Wellington and intensifying over Cathedral door ways; and church doorways; no building dedicated to God will escape the Fire; a refiners fire to the repentant and the fire of judgment to the unrepentant; the fire was hovering over personal MP's; secular   authorities and Media; those who choose mixing truth with unrighteousness; who individually remain unwilling to humble themselves in true repentance and receive God's mercy that He is so ready to pour out; His priestly ministry proclaiming a false gospel; an unholy alliance that is an abomination to the LORD deserving the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah.

"REPENT for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. As it is also in New Zealand so it is in Australia REPENT for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. My warnings are given the FIRE of my judgment is at the door. "Receive my HOLY FIRE and allow my HOLY FIRE to refine purge and cleanse and bring my righteous judgment against those that willfully desire to change my way in your nations destroying the destiny of my youth and family life that I created for the blessing of a nation the land and the people in righteousness thus bringing glory and honor to my name. When will you take heed? When will you turn from your compromise and believe the truth?, When will you hear my voice and obey what I am saying to you? Do I have to yell out to you? how obstinate you are and have a hard heart toward me do I have to bridle you like a wild horse and bring you into submission before you obey me? No I will not do this choose this day whom you will serve then I will release the blessing and my glory to your nations". Hallelujah! Amen 

Revelation 4:8
The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying: “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!  


Dear Heavenly Father we come before your throne of all grace and mercy to  give you thanksgiving for our nation; the land of Aotearoa New Zealand and our sister nation Australia and the region we all live in of the Great Southland's of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for your loving kindness and mercy toward us in Jesus Name.We thank you for sending Yeshua our redeemer and LORD;to cleanse us and heal our lands from all sin;present and past; we humbly bow before you to give you the thanksgiving for your long suffering and eternal mercy to our Nations and the Islands of the seas;Heavenly Father in your wrath remember mercy we pray; cleanse and heal us from all unrighteousness

for your Name's sake and for your glory; for our hope is in you. We know by your Word that righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people. Help us Father to understand your way allowing your fire to cleanse and sanctify each one personally who love you and to all those that call upon your name, separate us and our Nations and Government's unto righteousness, a righteousness that is pleasing to you; protect us from the spirit of this age; sanctify us your people and our nations and region; we pray for the washing of your Word in the power of the Holy Spirit causing us to rejoice before you in songs of praise and deliverance in restoring and healing of our Nations and region; send your Holy Fire LORD; that in receiving we will be a people; with our nations and region separated unto you for your glory in Yeshua Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen 

Ps Warren Lyons (Itinerant)
Call To Prayer Ministries International