
時值( 6月18日~7月17日)齋戒月和猶太曆的搭模斯月,和(7月5-26日)以色列為期三週的『狹窄之地』期間,我們鼓勵您用敬拜和禱告在靈裡來遮蓋保護在以色列/中東-穆斯林地區的服事者;並大力為以色列青年禱告(不論是猶太青年或阿拉伯青年、巴勒斯坦青年),要看到神的榮耀作為在以色列地、再中東地區、在以色列/中東的年輕人身上!




1. 禱告不會發生戰爭、恐怖活動或者安全事故,以免阻礙會議的舉辦或人員的出席。在過去的幾天內發射到以色列的導彈數量增加,伊斯蘭國(ISIS)正向以色列的戈蘭高地邊界附近靠近……請為打算參加會議的巴勒斯坦青年禱告,讓他們的入境許可證能發放順利,沒有任何阻攔。請禱告在今年猶太青年和阿拉伯青年之間將會有更深厚的關係,建立更多的真摯友誼。

2. 感謝主與我們同在,可能有15名來自約旦,和10名來自埃及的青年將參加會議。請禱告政府能快速發放給他們通行的簽證。

3. 禱告那些仍在猶豫是否來的以色列年輕人們將會湧起真實的渴慕。禱告他們都能帶有一顆饑渴慕義的心來尋求神,讓他們的生命在與神相遇中被改變。禱告他們能在需要的方面得到父母的許可。

4. 禱告新鮮的恩膏將會降臨到每一位講員、敬拜領袖、敬拜團隊和服侍同工。禱告事工團隊的成員們將得著知識的言語、行神蹟奇事、以及醫治釋放的恩膏。

5. 請為每一位參與者的力量、健康、保護以及家庭代禱。會議轉回到耶路撒冷就意味著我們確實需要更多的禱告來尋求保護。

6. 請為所有行政、註冊、燈光音響設備及其他後勤的保護和平安禱告。

7. 禱告青年人們自願在各段聚會之間參加在“讚美帳幕”(Succat Hallel,離主會場兩個街道的距離)舉行的禱告/禱告聚會,並領受這樣的異象:在2015年伊拉夫(Elav)結束回去之後,他們可以進行同樣“等候神”的敬拜禱告。

8. 禱告這次不僅僅是一次“會議”,而更生出一個偉大的敬拜和禱告的“運動”,在以色列和周邊國家的青年中豐收生命。




如想祝福瑞克·萊汀斯牧師24/7禱告事工,或贊助Elav 2015特會,你可以:
1. 若你在美國,可寄送支票至:Light to the Nations, PO Box 406, New Cumberland, PA 17070。
2. 若你在加拿大或歐洲,請以電郵與我們聯繫匯款資訊。
3. 你還能透過以下網址,使用信用卡線上上進行安全的支付:http://www.succathallel.com/donate/。
4. 直接與萊汀斯牧師電郵聯繫:[email protected](可用中文)。


How to Pray for Elav Isareli Youth Conference 8-10 July, 2015

Note:  Praise the Lord with us for His provision of about 1/2 of our total budget so far. Pray with us for the provision of the remaining $60,000 needed by July 1st, so that all the Jewish and Arab youth who desire to attend will be able to do so.  It costs us about $150 for each Jewish or Arab young person who attends.  For information on how to help, go tohttp://elav.succathallel.com/donate/  

Thank you so much to all of you who are praying for Elav 2015. Here are some ways to pray in these last weeks before the conference:

1.  Pray that no war, terror activity, or security situation would arise to hinder the conference, or the attendance.  In the past few days, there has been an increase of rockets fired into Israel, ISIS has been moving near the Golan border with Israel, etc.  Please pray that nothing will happen to hinder the release of the entry permits that have been requested for the Palestinian youth wanting to come.  Pray that the relationships between the Jewish and Arab youth will go even deeper this year, with more true friendships forming.

2.  Praise God with us that we have a group of about 15 hoping to come from Jordan, and 10 from Egypt.  Please pray for the quick release of their visas to come. 

3.   Pray that there will be a real surge of desire to come among those Israeli youth who are still deciding whether or not to come.  Pray that they will all come with a hunger to meet with God, and that they will all have life changing encounters with God.  Pray they will receive permission from their parents where needed. 

4.  Pray for fresh anointing to be upon every speaker, worship leader, worship team, and ministry team member.  Pray that ministry team members will be anointed for words of knowledge, miracles, healings, and deliverance.

5.  Please pray strength, health, and protection for all involved, and for our families.  Moving the conference back to Jerusalem means we really need more prayer for protection. 

6.  Pray protection and shalom over all the administration, registration, sound and light equipment, and all other logistics.

7.  Pray that the youth attending will come to the optional prayer/worship sessions at Succat Hallel (2 blocks away from the venue) in between the sessions, and receive a vision that they can do this same kind of waiting upon God back home after Elav 2015.

8.   Pray that this will not be just a meeting, but the birthing of a great worship and prayer movement and harvest among the youth of Israel and the surrounding nations. 

May we encourage you to join us in adding fasting to your prayers sometime in the days or weeks before 8-10 July??  Thank you again for standing with the youth of Israel in this very practical way.

Grace and shalom,
Rick and Patti Ridings