


生病或低落的時刻,常常是我們最難攻克並突圍的時候。我深有體會,因為過去兩年我一直在與反反覆覆的疾病做鬥爭,包括萊姆病(Lyme disease)和多種化學物質過敏。2013年,當我病得極度虛弱幾乎要死之際,我在神裡面找到了力量,為我的醫治與突破奮起。







我從亨廷頓舞蹈病(Huntington’s chorea)和萊姆病(Lyme disease)還有其他一些攻擊我的事中得了醫治。誠實地說,那時我覺得自己多一天都不能承受了。但就像大衛,我求問了神並得著策略。以此為起點,我採取了重大關鍵的幾步,最終扭轉了乾坤。




˙用完整的宣告式禱告。約伯記22:28 (如果)“你定意要作何事、必然給你成就.亮光也必照耀你的路”。
˙訂閱我的每日先知性話語(Daily Prophetic Words),拿著它們為自己禱告。如此反覆,直到看到效果為止。



˙我口釋放平安,平復任何從過往的傷害、虐待而來的心靈創傷和焦慮,帶下完全並徹底的醫治(約翰福音 14:27)


Strategies to Get Healed and Out of Debt
Doug Addison
May 7, 2015 

Are you struggling with things like debt, sickness or discouragement? If you are not seeing results in a particular area of your life it is really important that you press in until you do.

It is usually the times that you are sick or down that makes it the most difficult to battle through it. I know this because I have been struggling with repeated sickness for the past two years including Lyme disease and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. But in the midst of being very sick and nearly dying in 2013, I found strength in God and contended for my healing and breakthrough.

As I write this I am still suffering from the aftermath of this horrific attack on my life. I want to share with you and take what was intended for evil against me and turn it to good. My hope and prayer is that you will gain something for yourself or someone you know.

Time to recover losses
This is a season of time that you can recover things that were stolen from you over the past seven years or more. You have to press in and contend for it! I recommend reading 1 Samuel 30 where David had lost everything and his followers were ready to kill him.

In the midst of his distress, he inquired of God and got a strategy (verse seven). He was able to recover his losses and in chapter thirty-one his life destiny radically shifted. He went from running from the enemy to ruling as King of Israel. But it was not without a battle.

Contending for your breakthrough
I was healed of Huntington’s disease and Lyme disease as well as several other things that have come against me. To be honest I did not feel like I could go on one more day. But like David, I inquired of God and got a strategy. From there I took radical steps that eventually turned things around.

God also gave me financial breakthrough strategies that got us out of a major level of debt. This is not only for physical healing but also for financial, relational and emotional restoration. It’s time to recover it all!! I don’t know about you but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! I’m sick and tired of financial losses, debt, and setbacks.

Steps I took for a breakthrough
Here are some steps I took to get my breakthrough. How desperate are you? If you need a major miracle then find people to help you and use some of these strategies as well as what God shows you for your own situation.

• Begin praying daily for yourself and your situation.

• Take communion daily and really quiet yourself while you spend time with God.

• Anoint yourself with oil daily.

• Find a team or a couple of people to pray with you daily. This is a must as there is power in agreement. I did mine with a text and phone group.

• Ask God to show you what Satan does not want you to see about the situation and take notes.

• Respond to what you are hearing: contact other ministries for healing.

• Go to the healing rooms, get prayer EVERY time they offer it or if you are at church, DON’T leave without it. There are some healing rooms and ministries that work through Skype. Google it and find resources to help you.

• Cut off generational ties to sickness or poverty (do it again if necessary).

• Break any demonic assignments–one test I did was to drive thirty-five miles away and see if anything changes. Often demons have a thirty-five to fifty mile radius. If you feel different then you need to break off something coming against you in your region.

• If you can’t hear God for your financial breakthrough do the same thing. Drive thirty-five miles and pray. Can you hear clearly? Then you need to break the demonic assignment against you in your community.

• Break off witchcraft or cursing–many people with higher callings get judged or cursed by those who don’t understand or are jealous. Break the spirit of jealousy or cursing. Do what Jesus said to do in these circumstances and bless those who curse you. Pray for them.

• Ask God to show you what to do physically. When I was really sick I pulled out my medications and anointed them with oil and broke off the side effects. I changed my diet and supplements based on how God was speaking to me.

• Go to healing meetings–as many as you can. You can pray over your finances at a healing service.

• Consider your body: stop doing things that harm you.

• Use wisdom and get a strategy of restoration.

• Use natural healing when possible … for me essential oils are a big part of my healing.

• Create declaration prayers of wholeness. Job 22:28 NAS says, [If] “You will decree a thing it will be established.” (The NIV says: “What you decide on will be done.”)

• Get some Bible verses and lines from prophetic words God has spoken over you and meditate on them, agreeing with them in prayer.

• Go on a fast from any negative thought and negative talk. Stop listening to any negative talk radio or Internet videos.

• Repent of any judgments you might have against others.

• Sign up for my Daily Prophetic Words and pray them over yourself.

• Repeat until you see results.

Examples of declarations

Here are some declarations that my staff and I wrote for my healing:

• I declare and decree full healing of all the effects of this attack on my body, soul and spirit (3 John 1–2).

• I speak peace over any trauma and anxiety that may have come in from past wounds and abuses and bring total and complete healing (John 14:27).

• I declare a clear mind and emotions as I enter into God’s rest (2 Timothy 1:7).

• I call in all the Heavenly provision needed to live a healthy, spiritually rich life (Philippians 4:19).

• I ask you God to reveal your love and intentions—reveal your perfect will for me and my complete healing. I thank you even now for this process and its completion (Ephesians 1:17; Psalm 138:8).

• No weapon formed against me shall prosper! We believe and trust that you, God, are more than able to do all that we ask, think, or imagine
(Isaiah 54:17; Ephesians 3:20–21).

I am coming into agreement with your breakthrough!! Share this with anyone who needs it!



Doug Addison