
2015年興起發光 – 美國和澳大利亞
Jeff Jansen, Murfreesboro, TN




正當我在琢磨這是什麼意思,主又開口說道,『Jeff,我要點燃我的火焰迴旋鏢,它將會飛旋過整個的澳大利,從 阿得雷德Adelaide 編註:南澳第一大城,印度洋沿岸的港口城市開始,墨爾本(Melbourne編註:澳洲東岸維多利亞州南部的城市)坎培拉(Canberra 編註:澳洲首都)雪梨(Sydney),然後從布里斯本(Brisbane 編註:澳洲東部昆士蘭省府城)的北門飛出,整個的澳大利亞都會燃起復興的火焰。我的火焰迴旋鏢將進入巴布亞新幾內亞,印度尼西亞,馬來西亞,以及所有的東南亞。將會擊打到台灣,韓國,日本,和在中國的土地。當它擊中中國,將會有復興爆發,而地下教會將會浮現出來』。
 照片源自Wikimedia Commons)


約翰·亞歷山大·道伊(John Alexander Dowie)

當完成在墨爾本的會議後,我登上了飛往阿得雷德的航班去參加另一組會議。在降落於阿得雷德之前,我從飛機的窗口往外看底下的房屋,看到飛機的機翼上正坐了兩個天使。一位天使邊坐在機翼上邊搖晃他的腳,而另一位則正看著他的手錶。當我看著天使們,主說,『Jeff,我要履行我的僕人John Alexander Dowie的請求』。("Jeff, I'm going to fulfill the Man-date (mandate) of my servant John Alexander Dowie."

我一點也不知道,John Alexander Dowie在他青少年時期是在澳大利亞的阿得雷德(Adelaide)長大。他先在距離阿得雷德(Adelaide)約50英里之處植了第一間堂。後來他搬到雪梨,也就是他開始研讀馬太福音8:8『話語的力量』的地方,然後Dowie在19世紀80年代初轉移到澳大利亞墨爾本。他在那裡植了一間堂並開始為病人按手,藉著宣告神的話的大能醫治他們。令人難以置信的醫治神蹟,在19世紀80年代末被彰顯出來,是發生在阿蘇薩街和威爾斯的復興前(Azusa Street and Welsh revivals)。   

(圖片:源自 Wikimedia Commons的
John Alexander Dowie

在1888年,Dowie離開澳大利亞搬到美國,在6月7日降落在舊金山,並在沙加緬度(Sacramento編註:美國加州中部的城市)地區舉辦了第一場在美國地土上的醫治佈道會。John Alexander Dowie被大多數公認為是世界上目前醫治模式的祖師。主向我說,因著John Alexander Dowie,澳大利亞是一個“初熟果子的醫治國家”,而澳大利亞的復興是在神對澳大利亞的日曆上。


在1900年世紀交替時,John Dowie開始在伊利諾伊州的錫安,開拓一個專門為了醫治而創建的城市。人們從全國各地和國外來尋求Dowie和他醫治團隊的醫治。很棒的傳道人出身於錫安,如John G.Lake,他領受到這樣的恩膏並把它帶到了南非。他藉著聖靈的大能在五年內植了500間教堂。之後John G.Lake離開非洲,他駐足於華盛頓州的斯波坎(Spokane)開辦醫治室。在1915年,根據全國性的紀錄,斯波坎(Spokane)成為美國最健康的城市。1915年到2015年剛好是100年。(圖片:源自 Wikimedia Commons的John G.Lake)

Dowie 和 Lake兩者都是在渴慕追求著什麼!他們追求天堂到了這樣一個地步,不光是將天堂帶來他們的聚會中,也帶來了復興轉化,而最終將轉化帶來整個城市,地區和國家。

威廉·伯蘭罕鮑勃·瓊斯(William Branham and Bob Jones) 

兩週前,我和Katherine Ruonala和Jerame以及Miranda Nelson 這些朋友們在澳大利亞布里斯本(Brisbane)的Glory City Church。早上的講道完後,我開始宣告復興的雨會從天堂降臨到澳大利亞。從萬里晴空中真得有15分鐘的傾盆大雨傾倒下來如同自然界中的一個記號,澳大利亞正處於一個新的復興的開始。

一大早,我被帶到天堂與40,50年代領導性的先知和醫治佈道家William Branham一同站在講台上。他穿著他的白色西裝在成千上萬人的禮堂中。Branham走近我,將一隻手放在我的心臟,另一手搭在我的肩膀上,並奉耶穌的名宣告我得醫治。當他為我禱告的時候,我的身體感覺到來自天堂的能力。然後,在異象中他繼續分賜給我。當他為我禱告完,就好像有人轉換了頻道,站在我面前的變成是鮑勃·瓊斯。


當我從中醒過來,那是2015年3月15日的上午5點55分。主提醒我,在60年前,1955年的3月,William Branham在奧勒岡州的格蘭茨帕斯(Grants Pass, Oregon),宣告“在美國的醫治聲音”。而我在60年後,2015年的3月,於澳大利亞的布里斯本(Brisbane)經歷此。我又聽見主說,“正如William Branham宣告在美國的醫治聲音,現在我宣告今天在澳大利亞的醫治聲音!


我相信,我們正處於美國和澳大利亞復興的全新季節,這將會影響地球上其他的國家。我相信,在我們的國家中將再次有醫治復興的城市,如同 Lake和 Dowie,所產生的影響力將讓所有人都不得不承認。當人們生病了他們不是去醫院,而是來到醫治復興的城市,因為他們會徹底地並免費地得醫治

一百年前,根據全國性紀錄,因著 John G.Lake和他的醫治團隊,華盛頓州的斯波坎Spokane被稱為是美國最健康的城市。我相信在這個國家的城市裡將會看到雙倍的神出現,因為我們是正處於雙倍的季節中

六十年前,William Branham宣告,“在美國的醫治聲音“。我相信這是另一個“以賽亞書60章:興起發光,因為我們的光已經來到”的時刻。現在是教會做一些事情的時候。不是我們在等候神,是祂在等著我們!我們必須行動!現在是時候讓我們興起發光,起身和行動,踏進去,因為我們的光已經來到。當我們如此行,在我們身上將可以看到神的榮耀。聖經上說,“萬國要來就你的光;君王要來就你發現的光輝”。



Jeff Jansen

"2015 Arise and Shine – America and Australia"
Jeff Jansen, Murfreesboro, TN
May 2, 2015

I think we can all agree that we are on the doorstep of something incredible happening in this nation and the nations of the earth. The prophets are prophesying, the dreamers are dreaming, the seers are seeing, and they all point to one thing: Revival is imminent! I believe, like many others, that we are in a season of outpouring that will bring reformation and transformation to cities, regions, and nations.

Five Angels and the Flaming Boomerang

Several years ago upon flying into Melbourne, Australia, I had a prolific encounter that, in part, is still unfolding today. As the airplane was touching down on the runway, five angels immediately appeared to me on the plane, each holding five scrolls and five coins dated with the year 1849. One of the angels spoke to me and said, "Jeff, the Lord is getting ready to exchange the gold of Heaven for the gold of Australia."

As I was pondering what this meant, the Lord spoke again and said, "Jeff, I'm going to light My boomerang and it will go all throughout Australia, starting in Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, and Sydney, and it will exit the north gate of Brisbane, and all of Australia will be ablaze in revival. My flaming boomerang will go into Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and all of South East Asia. It will hit Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and land in China. When it hits China, it will explode in revival and the underground Church will come up." (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

The five angels were holding five scrolls which represented five cities: Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, and Brisbane. The Lord called it His "Boomerang." These five cities create a "Hook" around the bottom of Australia that form a boomerang. These five revival cities would break out and cause Australia to explode in revival, which will cause a ripple effect in Asia.

John Alexander Dowie

Upon finishing the meetings in Melbourne, I boarded a flight for Adelaide for another set of meetings there. Before landing in Adelaide I was looking out the window of the plane at the houses below, and sitting on the wing of the plane were two angels. One was swinging his feet as he sat on the wing of the plane and the other was looking at his wristwatch. As I was looking at the angels, the Lord said, "Jeff, I'm going to fulfill the Man-date (mandate) of my servant John Alexander Dowie."

Little did I know that John Alexander Dowie grew up during his teen years in Adelaide, Australia. He planted his first church about 50 miles from there before moving to Sydney where he started studying Matthew 8:8, "Power of the Spoken Word." Dowie then moved to Melbourne, Australia in the early 1880s. He planted a church there and started laying his hands on the sick, proclaiming them healed by the power of the spoken Word. Incredible miracles of healing were manifesting in the late 1880s, pre Azusa Street and Welsh revivals.(Photo: John Alexander Dowie via Wikimedia Commons)

In 1888, Dowie left Australia to move to America and landed in the Bay of San Francisco June 7th, where he conducted his first healing crusade on American soil in the Sacramento area. John Alexander Dowie is considered by most to be the grandfather of the current healing model in the world. The Lord had shown me that Australia was a "first-fruits healing nation" because of John Alexander Dowie, and that revival in Australia was on God's calendar for Australia.

Zion, Illinois: A City of Healing

At the turn of the century in 1900, John Dowie began to establish Zion, Illinois, and created a city dedicated solely for the purpose of healing. People came from around the nation and abroad to be healed by Dowie and his healing technicians. Great ministries came through Zion like John G. Lake, who received this anointing and took it to South Africa. He planted 500 churches in five years through the raw power of the Holy Ghost. After John G. Lake left Africa, he started the healing rooms in Spokane, Washington. In 1915, Spokane became the healthiest city in America, according to the national record. 1915 to 2015 is 100 years ago this year. (Photo: John G. Lake via Wikimedia Commons)

Both Dowie and Lake were after something! They went after Heaven in such a way that it would not only bring Heaven into their meetings, but that it would bring a revival reformation that would ultimately bring transformation to an entire city, region, and nation.

William Branham and Bob Jones

Weeks ago, I was at Glory City Church in Brisbane, Australia with Katherine Ruonala and friends Jerame and Miranda Nelson. After preaching the morning session, I began proclaiming that revival rains were coming from Heaven and pouring into Australia. It began to pour out of a clear, blue sky in a downpour for fifteen minutes as a sign in the natural that Australia is in the beginning of a new revival.

Early in the morning I had an encounter where I was taken into Heaven and was standing on a stage with William Branham, who was the leading prophet and healing evangelist of the 40s and 50s revival. He was dressed in his white suit in an auditorium filled with thousands of people. Branham then approached me and placed one hand on my heart and another hand on my shoulder and proclaimed me healed in Jesus' name. I felt power from Heaven in my body as he prayed for me. Then he proceeded to impart to me in the vision. Upon finishing his prayer for me, it was as though someone had changed the channel, and standing before me was Bob Jones.

Bob was talking to me as though I had picked up a conversation in mid-sentence. Bob was speaking very fast, telling me what I needed to do. "Jeff, you need to make sure that you take care of this and this and this, and, oh yeah, don't forget to do this...," and then added, "and don't mess it up, because you're connected to my testimony!"(Photo: Bob Jones)

When I woke out of the encounter it was 5:55am on March 15, 2015. The Lord reminded me that 60 years ago, in March 1955, William Branham declared the "Voice of Healing in America" inGrants Pass, Oregon. I had this encounter March 2015, 60 years to the month in Brisbane, Australia. I heard the Lord say, "Just as William Branham declared the Voice of Healing in America, so now I Am declaring the Voice of Healing in Australia today!"

Get Ready America and Australia

I believe we are in a brand new season of revival in America and Australia that will affect the nations of the earth. I believe that there will be cities of healing revival in our nations that will once again, like Lake and Dowie, have such power of impact that all will recognize it. Instead of going to the hospitals when people are sick, they will come to the cities of healing revival because they are thorough and they heal for free!

One hundred years ago, according to the national record, Spokane, Washington was called the healthiest city in America because of John G. Lake and his healing technicians. I believe we will see a double portion of this played out in cities in this nation and around the world as we are in a season of the Double Portion!

Sixty years ago William Branham declared, "The Voice of Healing in America." I believe it's time for another "Isaiah 60: Arise and Shine Revival for our Light has come." It's time for the Church to do something. We are not waiting on God, He is waiting on us! We must MOVE! It's time for us to RISE and SHINE, get up and move, step up into it, for our Light has come. When we do, the glory of the Lord will be seen upon us. The Bible says,"Nations will come to your light, and Kings to the brightness of YOUR RISING." (Photo via Pixabay)

Come on, America, Australia, and nations of the earth. It's time to step up into the glory of God in this new season... It's time to rise and shine!

Rich blessings,

Jeff Jansen 
Senior Leader, Global Fire Church & Global Connect
Global Fire Ministries International