
Robert Hotchkin 2015年2月21日



『過去的已然逝去。過去曾限制你的,對你有影響力的正被限制住。那些曾阻攔你往前的,現在被阻攔住。這是一個新的時刻,新的一天,和一個新的季節。我愛你。在這愛中,我持守著我的話。所有我的話都是真實的,這都是要給你的。打開聖經(看看),如同但以理般,我要像祝福但以理這樣的來祝福你 – 具有特別的能力來理解我的奧秘和真理。當你對我的是的(MY YES也說出『是的!』並且阿門,將會更容易的讓你對過去仇敵所攻擊你的謊言和誘惑說出『不!』。

新的出任務的天使已經為了我忠心的(信徒)差派到地上 – 來幫助在這時刻滿有信心的人 – 來幫助他們抓住並朝向一直都是屬於他們的往前行。聖靈所結的果子你的。聖靈的恩賜也都是你的。沒有什麼是我尚未給你的。沒有什麼是我尚未為你成就的。在這新的一年我要因著你的宣告(命令)和讚美而賜你從深處而來深刻認知的新恩典,你將會開始看到新的和更大的我的真理的張顯。


   (圖片源自 Pixabay)



我相信主對2015年的話是賜給我們的邀請來接受這巨大的恩典,放手過去所有的(過去的挑戰,患難(注4),困惑和失望),而進入一直都是屬於我們的 – 藉著十字架所成就的全備祝福。




1. 信心的靈臨到我們,授權強化我們成為真實相信的信徒來抓住神的話語一遍又一遍的宣告直到祂的真理在我們生命中的每個層面都全然張顯。(賽55:11)(注6)

2. 我們將會如同約書亞 – 不論自然界中我們所暫時經歷的,大膽而勇敢的相信神話語的永恆真理。(書1:9)(注7)

3. 對祂的讚美會不斷地在我們唇上湧流。不論我們面臨什麼,我們立即的反應是宣告出祂的偉大並期待祂的良善。(詩34:1)(注8


4. 我們將有能超越曾經歷的而進入神所正在從事的這樣的恩典。(林後9:8)(注9)

5. 我們將得以重新深入祂的話語,並帶著神聖的能力抓住他的真理和憑著極大的信心宣告出來。(但1:17)(注10)

6. 我們要感謝神,萬軍之耶和華,因著祂把天使釋放到地上,並讓聖靈指導我們與天使合作來成就祂的目的。 


注1:根據 帖前3:2 打發我們的兄弟在基督福音上作 神執事的(作神執事的:有古卷是與神同工的)提摩太前去,堅固你們,並在你們所信的道上勸慰你們。(to strengthen and encourage you in your faith).

注2:創世記28:15 我也與你同在。你無論往哪裡去,我必保佑你,領你歸回這地,總不離棄你,直到我成全了向你所應許的。

注3:馬太福音21:22 你們禱告,無論求甚麼,只要信,就必得著。

帖前3:3 免得有人被諸般患難搖動。因為你們自己知道,我們受患難原是命定的。(so that no one would be unsettled by these trials
又雅各書1:2 我的弟兄們,你們落在百般試煉中(whenever you face your trials of many kinds),都要以為大喜樂;
林後8:2 就是他們在患難中受大試煉的時候(out of the most severe trials),仍有滿足的快樂,在極窮之間還格外顯出他們樂捐的厚恩。

注5:林後2:14 感謝 神!常率領我們在基督裡誇勝,並藉著我們在各處顯揚那因認識基督而有的香氣。

注6:賽55:11 我口所出的話也必如此,決不徒然返回,卻要成就我所喜悅的,在我發他去成就(發他去成就:或譯所命定)的事上必然亨通。

注7:書1:9 我豈沒有吩咐你嗎?你當剛強壯膽!不要懼怕,也不要驚惶;因為你無論往哪裡去,耶和華 - 你的 神必與你同在。

注8:詩34:1 (大衛在亞比米勒面前裝瘋,被他趕出去,就作這詩。)我要時時稱頌耶和華;讚美他的話必常在我口中。

注9:林後9:8 神能將各樣的恩惠多多地加給你們,使你們凡事常常充足,能多行各樣善事。

注10:但1:17 這四個少年人,神在各樣文字學問(學問:原文是智慧)上賜給他們聰明知識;但以理又明白各樣的異象和夢兆。

"Prophetic Word: Believe and Expect the Goodness of God"
by Robert Hotchkin
Feb 21, 2015

Prophetic Word of the Lord: "Be Strengthened. Believe. Rejoice. Expect the Goodness of God."

Just before the end of 2014, the Lord woke me early one morning and invited me to come spend some time with Him. As I sat with Him, my Bible, and a cup of coffee, He began to speak to me of His promises for 2015. Here is what I heard:

"What's past is past. What has limited you is now limited in its ability to affect you. The things that have held you back, they will now be held back. It is a new hour, a new day, and a new season. I love you. And in that love, I keep My Word. All My Word is true, and it's all for you. Open the Book, even as Daniel did, and I will bless you as I blessed him – with a special ability to understand My mysteries and know My Truth. As you say 'Yes!' to My YES and AMEN, it will be easier for you to say 'No!' to the lies and lures of the enemy that have buffeted you in the past.

"A new assignment of angels has been loosed into the earth for My faithful – to aid those who are full of faith in this hour – to help them lay hold of and move in what has always been theirs. The fruit of the Holy Spirit IS yours. The gifts of the Holy Spirit ARE yours. There is nothing I have not given you. There is nothing I have not done for you. In this New Year there will be a new grace to know this deeply, and from that deep place, as you declare it and release praise because of it, you will begin to see new and greater manifestations of My Truth.

"For a time the enemy has resisted you. What felt like delay and defeat, you will now see was actually a time of perseverance and preparation. Fear not. Only believe. For you are deeply loved. My plans for you have not changed, and I am well able to bring about ALL that I have always intended for you. I am strengthening you afresh. I am speaking to you anew. Take heart.Be strengthened. Believe. Rejoice. Expect the goodness of God. For I am the Lord, and I do not lose." (Photo via Pixabay)

Faith-filled Decrees and Praise

Many in the Body have been through challenging times these past years. The devil wants to point to your circumstances to tempt you to doubt the goodness of God and the truth of His promises. But God wants to point to His Word to remind you of the certainty of His promises and His ability to bring them about (see Genesis 28:15). Jesus gave us the key, "If you believe you will receive" (see Matthew 21:22), and in this hour He wants to give us a gift of increased faith so that we can see increased manifestations of what He has done and has given us.

I believe this word of the Lord for 2015 is our invitation to receive a great grace to let go of what was (past challenges, trials, confusions and disappointments), and enter into what has always been ours – fullness of blessing through the finished work of the Cross.

God is reminding us that He has given us everything. As we come into agreement with that, Heaven will move on our behalf to bring it about. Faith-filled decrees and praise are key strategies in this hour. No matter how long any battle had lasted, victory is coming (see 2 Corinthians 2:14). It will be on earth as it is in Heaven!

Prayer Directives

So let's pray this month that:

[1] A Spirit of Faith will come upon us all, empowering us to be believing Believers who grab hold of God's Word and declare it again and again until the fullness of His Truth manifests in every area of our lives. (Isaiah 55:11)

[2] We will be like Joshua – boldly and courageously trusting the Eternal Truth of God's Word no matter what we might temporarily experience in the natural. (Joshua 1:9)

[3] His praises will be constantly on our lips. No matter what we are facing our first response will be to declare His greatness and expect His goodness. (Psalm 34:1) (Photo via Freeimages)

[4] We will have the grace to move beyond what has been, and enter into what God is doing right now. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

[5] We will dig into His Word afresh, with a divine ability to grab hold of His truth and declare it with great faith. (Daniel 1:17)

[6] We will thank God, the Lord of Hosts, for the angels He is releasing into the earth, and ask Holy Spirit to mentor us in working with His angels to achieve His purposes.

Robert Hotchkin
XP Ministries