
雷克喬納 ,2015年2月17日


在回答這個問題之前,讓我先說明,我仍不認為必需的答案或面對當今這些重大事件的領導能力將來自華盛頓,相反的這會來自州和地方等級之處。即使如此,我們不能也不應放棄華盛頓。是有希望的。有改變的記號 – 不僅僅是共和黨員接管了眾議院和參議院。

上週我被邀請參加一個大約有25名人士的小型峰會,主題是『擊敗聖戰』(“Defeating Jihad”),由安全政策中心的Frank Gaffney主持。Frank 聚集了一群令人印象深刻的智庫,媒體,國會議員,一些來自情報局,中將Boyklin,和兩位拉比。這場討論從一開始就是具實質性和穩健的。參議員Ted Cruz分享了約20分鐘。沒有筆記或提詞,他展現令人印象深刻的對於問題的深度了解以及提出明智和可行的解決方案。前議長 Newt Gingrich, 州長 Bobby Jindal, 和參議員 Marco Rubio 也提出短言。荷蘭的 Geert Wilders 和英國的 MP也用Skype加入討論。所有這些人我都對他們抱持很大的敬重並期待他們的分享是傑出的,而也確是如此。然而,我最大的鼓勵是來自於那些我本不抱以太大期待者的傑出和深度理解的分享。



第一天中有兩次,福斯新聞(Fox News)邀請Boykin將軍出現在節目中。這些要求並不是在便利的時間出現。漫長的一天後我們終於到達他的公寓,這些電話中的第二通打來了。Boykin將軍迅速換了衣服,然後我們再鑽進華盛頓(DC)可怕的交通中就為了(Fox News)的Hannity節目邀請他做五分鐘的分享。其他人例如Frank Gaffney,安全政策中心的負責人,都曾無情地教育在華盛頓的立法者和政策訂定者並針對我們這時代中最大的威脅之一敲響警鐘。經過多年,人們開始注意到他的警告是預言性的和準確的。很多人現在願意聽了。Frank 也是Team B II Report的編輯(注1)和其他由高級情報和安全專業人士針對我們國家最大威脅之一的具高效率的資訊材料(提供者)。真相開始明朗,而不久我們將可以非常清楚地看到很多這些關鍵問題的臨界點。

我們還有很多人同樣耐心和有效地在政府和其他具影響力的部門積極參與。這就是做光和做鹽的含義。是為了發現,裝備,並幫助支援如同『橡木倡議』(The Oak Initiative)所創立之目的(注2)。許多人千辛萬苦卻看到很少或不結果子,但這並不意謂著不會結果。事實上,我們在林前15:58得到很大的鼓舞和應許。


溫斯頓˙丘吉爾在任何有權有勢的人看到之前就預見了納粹對世界的威脅。僅管幾乎每個人都嘲笑他,但他忠實地敲響了警鐘。有人說他越是被譏諷,他就越生發決心。也許這有些幫助,但不是嘲笑驅使丘吉爾 – 是他對國家的愛以及他對這最大威脅的看見和理解。然後,可說是在一夜之間,幾乎整個曾嘲笑和譏諷丘吉爾的國家意識到他其實一直都是對的。這諷刺馬上就轉變成對他的勇氣和正直的崇高敬意。之後曾譏諷了丘吉爾這麼久的國家轉而要求他的帶領。

我知道不少人也同樣的試圖警告世界關於伊斯蘭極端主義的威脅。他們已經忍受遠超過毀謗 – 他們是住在持續的威脅中。無論如何,全世界現在開始甦醒過來,即使看起來我們的總統和他的管理部門是最後一位如此行的。











我們需要新的決心來知道憲法和權利法案。司布真曾說過若有一個讀聖經的人,他可以找到十個會因著聖經而死的人。這也許可以解釋為何許多最熱心讀聖經的人通常也最多扭曲其中的信息 – 他們沒有真正讀懂裡面所寫的。那些聲稱根據『憲法』所行的通常恰做的相反,因此,也帶來最大的傷害,如此要怎麼說呢?我們應該開始要求大家宣誓捍衛憲法,而至少先開始讀它。





這是我們基本決議之一。當『橡木倡議』 - 藉著教育捍衛我們的憲法,維護所有公民的權利,依據我們的憲法所規定的自由,並不斷藉著宣傳捍衛我們的核心價值觀。你將要加入我們嗎? 


在2011年4月26日,華盛頓:今天一份信件送達國會領袖,這份突破性報告的作者們命名這封信件為 『伊斯蘭教法: 對美國的威脅』(“ Shariah: The Threat to America”),(此信)呼籲立法部門採取看似行政部門決定不承擔的舉動:一個關於穆斯林兄弟會的隱身『文明聖戰』之嚴謹調查。他們已經在美國政府中獲取通道並造成影響,對國家安全造成嚴重威脅。

Team B II 成員包括經驗豐富的國防,情報和執法從業者 – 特別是前中央情報局長R. James Woolsey; 中尉Harry E. SoysterWilliam G. Boykin,前國防情報局長和前國防部長代表;前總司令,太平洋艦隊司令James A. Lyons;和前聯邦檢查官Andrew C. McCarthy。

APRIL 26, 2011, WASHINGTON, DC: In a letter sent today to congressional leaders, the authors of a groundbreaking report entitled Shariah: The Threat to America called on the legislative branch to do something the executive branch seems determined not to undertake:  A rigorous investigation of the extent to which the Muslim Brotherhood’s stealthy “civilization jihad” has gained access to and influence over the United States government, with grave implications for the national security.

The group known as “Team B II” includes experienced defense, intelligence and law enforcement practitioners – notably, former Director of Central Intelligence R. James Woolsey; Lieutentant Generals Harry E. Soyster and William G. Boykin, the former Defense Intelligence Agency Director and former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, respectively; former Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet Admiral James A. Lyons; and former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy.


Shariah: The Threat to America” 這份原始報告的連結:http://shariahthethreat.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/TeamBII_Letter_to_Congressional_Leaders_32011.pdf

Shariah:  伊斯蘭教法。是根據古蘭經的教義和先知(聖訓和聖行)的傳統伊斯蘭規範的法律。規定宗教和世俗的職責,並有時對違法有報复性的懲罰。它通常作為順應當今情況之律法的補充。雖然對於在現代國家中所應採用的方式是伊斯蘭原教旨主義和現代主義所爭論的議題。

Shariah:Islamic canonical law based on the teachings of the Koran and the traditions of the Prophet (Hadith and Sunna), prescribing both religious and secular duties and sometimes retributive penalties for lawbreaking. It has generally been supplemented by legislation adapted to the conditions of the day, though the manner in which it should be applied in modern states is a subject of dispute between Islamic fundamentalists and modernists.


『橡木倡議』(The Oak Initiative)是項草根性運動,以團結,動員,裝備並激活基督徒如同他們所呼召的做光做鹽,以符合聖經的世界觀參與當今世代的重大問題。


美國正處於危機中,可能會是關乎它繼續存在的最大威脅。然而我們可以為此做些事,而這也就是『橡木倡議』(The Oak Initiative)創立的目的。

The Oak Initiative is a grassroots movement to Unite, Mobilize, Equip, and Activate Christians to be the salt and light they are called to be by engaging in the great issues of our time from a sound biblical worldview.

Started by more than 300 Christian leaders from across the spectrum of the body of Christ, within months of its founding, The Oak Initiative had a presence in all 50 states and more than 50 nations, with Oak Gatherings and Oak Chapters springing up rapidly.

America is in crisis, possibly the greatest threat to its continued existence yet. However, we can do something about it, and that is the Purpose of The Oak Initiative. 


Taking Back Our Land
MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #91 - February 17, 2015
Rick Joyner 

   I recently had the unexpected experience of leaving Washington, D.C. encouraged. I saw change, and in the right direction. I have never given up hope on the prevailing of the American Republic or the ultimate preservation of the Constitution, but I admit I had begun to lose hope that any fundamental solutions would come from Washington. For decades, every visit I made to Washington left me more concerned about our Federal Government. So to leave Washington encouraged was a new experience for me. How did it happen? 

    Before answering that question, let me first state that I still don’t think the necessary answers or leadership for facing the important issues of these times are going to come from Washington, but instead will come from state and local levels. Even so, we cannot and should not give up on Washington. There is hope. There are signs of change—more than just having Republicans take over the House and Senate.

    Last week I was asked to participate in a small summit of about twenty-five people with the theme of “Defeating Jihad,” hosted by Frank Gaffney of The Center for Security Policy. Frank gathered an impressive group from think tanks, media, members of Congress, several from the intelligence community, Lt. General (ret) Boykin, and two Rabbis. The discussion was substantial and robust from the beginning. 

    Senator Ted Cruz shared for about twenty minutes. Without notes or teleprompter, he demonstrated an impressive depth of understanding of the issue and proposed wise and workable solutions. Former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Governor Bobby Jindal, and Senator Marco Rubio also gave short addresses to the group. Geert Wilders from Holland and a British MP also contributed by Skype. All of these I have a great respect for and expected their input to be brilliant, and it was. However, my greatest encouragement came from the brilliance and depth of understanding shared by those I was not expecting much from.

     I have known a lot of lawmakers and policy makers who have knowledge and even expertise in areas of importance for these times, but almost all have seemed ignorant about the threat of Islamic extremism. At a breakfast I attended with General Boykin for a number of lawmakers, as well as at the summit described above, some of these people demonstrated a remarkable depth of understanding about Islamic extremism, as well as a resolve to do something about it. I was more than impressed. How could such a transformation happen?

    This change had to be the result of more than just the rise of ISIS. I think one major factor has been General Boykin spending two or three days a week in Washington for the last two and a half years, tirelessly meeting with lawmakers and policy makers, educating them, and bringing others in who also helped educate them. This persistence is paying off.

    Twice on the first day I was there, Fox News asked General Boykin to appear on programs. These requests did not come at convenient times. After a long day when we were finally getting to his apartment, the second of these calls came in. General Boykin quickly changed clothes, and then we plowed back through the terrible D.C. traffic to have just five minutes on Hannity for him to share about his cause.

    Others like Frank Gaffney, head of The Center for Security Policy, have relentlessly labored to educate lawmakers and policy makers in Washington and to sound the alarm about one of the greatest threats of our times. After years, people have started to notice that his warnings have been prophetic and accurate. Many are now listening. Frank is also the editor of the Team B II Report and other highly effective materials by top intelligence and security professionals on one of the greatest threats to our nation. The truth is starting to prevail, and we could very well see a tipping point with many on these crucial issues soon. 

    We have many more who are likewise patiently and effectively engaged on every level of government and influence. This is what it means to be salt and light. It is for finding, equipping, and helping to support such as these that The Oak Initiative was founded. Many have worked extremely hard and have seen little or no fruit, but it does not mean there will not be fruit. In fact, we have the great encouragement and promise of I Corinthians 15:58:    

      Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

    Winston Churchill foresaw the threat Nazis were to the world years before anyone else of position or influence did. He faithfully sounded the alarm even though almost everyone ridiculed him for it. Some have said the more he was lampooned, the more resolve it produced in him. Perhaps this helped, but it was not ridicule that drove Churchill—it was his love for his country and what he saw and understood to be the greatest threat to it. Then, almost overnight, virtually the whole nation that had caricatured and made fun of Churchill realized he had been right all along. The lampooning immediately turned into a great respect for his courage and integrity. Then the nation that had ridiculed him for so long asked him to lead them.

    I know quite a few who have likewise been trying to warn the world about the threat of Islamic extremism. They have endured much more than slander—they had to live under constant threats. However, the whole world is now starting to wake up, even if it seems our President and his Administration will to be the last to do so. 

Tipping Points 

    As we are engaged in the struggle at any level, we need to keep in mind the great tipping points in history have rarely come from the majority. Some of the most profound cultural and political changes have come because of a tiny but resolute minority. Karl Marx rightly perceived that the 2% who were passionate would dominate the 98% who were indifferent. This was proved when just twenty thousand Bolsheviks took over Russia, one of the largest, most populous, and powerful nations of the time. This can work for good or for evil.

    We must not be deceived into the false mentality that it takes a majority to accomplish something. Just one high-impact person with courage and resolve can be worth hundreds or even thousands of lukewarm people. Studies have shown the numbers needed to bring radical cultural change can be as little as the square root of 1% of the population. This means just one hundred people can bring radical change to a million. There are some biblical and historical cases where far less accomplished this.

    America is now known around the world as a homosexual nation dominated and run by homosexuals. In truth, homosexuals are less than 2% of the population. This tiny group of people is now dominating much of the cultural conversation and agenda in America, even when their values remain in contrast to those of the majority of Americans. Clearly, the majority holds to their values without much conviction, which is why so much of Islam refers to America as “the great Satan.” But is that who we really are, or is it just who we appear to be now because some very small groups are so vocal?

    Consider The American Revolution. The patriots who were seeking independence probably never numbered more than a third of the population of the colonies. Those loyal to the King of England, the “loyalists”, were likewise about the same percentage of the population. Roughly 40% of the population was undecided and would waver between the other two sides mostly based on who seemed to be winning at the time. Better than numbers, what the patriots had was depth of conviction, unflinching resolve, and endurance. That is what we need more than numbers. 

A Strategy

    Just about everyone is starting to understand that Islamic extremism, defined as those seeking to impose Sharia law, is in fundamental conflict with basic Western values and culture. Even so, the tepid reaction of the West to this increasing threat of our times is telling. This is the result of the West drifting from its core values. So a major part of our strategy for defeating Islamic extremism must be fortifying our own values.

    It is a basic military principle that you cannot defeat an enemy you do not see, so identifying the enemy is basic to winning any war. However, there is much more required to defeat an enemy than identifying it. In order to win, you will need better people, better weapons, better strategies, and better tactics. First, we need depth of conviction, unfailing resolve, and endurance that only comes from having a deep love of and commitment to what we are fighting for.

    The jihadist goal is to destroy Western civilization. Their strategy begins with destroying America, because America is viewed as the power center for Western civilization. We may be that to our enemy, but what are we to our own people? What defines us as Americans?

    We need a new resolve for knowing our history. The most effective way to kill a plant is to cut it off from its roots; and the most effective way to destroy a nation is to cut it off from its history, our roots. Our history is under constant assault from those seeking to revise it to fit their narrative. This most deadly poison will destroy our country if not countered.

    We need a new resolve for knowing the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Spurgeon once said that he could find ten men who would die for The Bible for every one that would read it. This may be why many who are the most zealous for The Bible often distort its message the most—they have not actually read what is in it. How is it that those who claim to do what is “constitutional” are so often doing the opposite of what is in the Constitution and are, thereby, doing the most damage to it? We should start requiring everyone who swears an oath to defend the Constitution to at least read it first.

    We need a new resolve for understanding, loving, and being committed to liberty. The cause that fueled The American Revolution was the belief all men were created equal as far as their rights and should, therefore, be treated equally under the law. That is still a worthy cause. A commitment to this cause requires we first understand it.

    We must also be committed to truth and integrity. This would also cause us to acknowledge that for much of our history the Constitution did not work for many Americans, such as African Americans and Native Americans. This is an example of how you can have the best form of government but still have bad government if you do not have good people in it. 

    We may have the best Constitution, but if you do not have the right people applying it, it will do little good and can be used for evil if it is only applied to certain citizens. As the notable historian Will Durant observed, “Caesar sought to change men by changing institutions. Jesus changed institutions by changing men.” You can have the best documents in the world and have them used for evil if you do not have good men holding them. The truly good will, at least, have the integrity to know what they are upholding and defending.

    So while fighting the threats from Islamists who would impose Sharia law that is contrary to our Constitution, we need to fortify our knowledge of the Constitution and our core values. Every American citizen should be educated on the Constitution. Defending the Constitution also means ensuring every citizen is given the full benefits of their citizenship under it. We must resolve we will do more than just say that all men are created equal, but we will ensure all men are treated equally.

    This is one of our basic resolves as The Oak Initiative—to defend our Constitution with education about it, to defend the rights of all citizens to the liberty provided in our Constitution, and to defend our core values by constantly promoting them. Will you join us?