
先知性的警告: 神正為了祂真正的先知預備世上列國
金˙克萊門Kim Clement, 2015年2月13日

2015年1月17日所發的預言 – 從 『The Den 』而來的信息(注1)







(圖片源自elijshshopper.com, Jennifer Page 的“Victory Shield”)

我要你們知道神正為了祂真正的先知在預備世上列國 – 不是我們一直聽到的那些預言審判的先知們;神審判我們國家和神審判美國。我們聽過了。審判會臨到又離去;但我這幾年來一直傳講的神的祝福呢?

神告訴我這是真正的先知們興起的時刻,他們提供的情報是如同CIA,MI5, 6,7等特勤部門所無法提供的(注4)。我要你知道,這(情報)是無法獲得的。神正將確切行踪洩露給脫穎而出,真正的先知們;這正在我身上發生。我(過去)看到了,我甚至看到也在多年前就預言,會有一位蒙了一眼的人從ISIS興起,但事實上,台面以下的真相是,他變成信徒。

如同我今天所提及的也是我堅定的信念,我會對列國君王發預言,是關於:神興起恐怖主義和仇恨的可怕活動是有目的的,強壯的信徒會宣告耶和華拯救的名。假如你真的相信如此,就說 是的!

你看到我所正聽到的嗎?我聽到得勝的聲音。我聽到神的大軍正在全世界準備全球性的覺醒的聲音 - 是聖靈前所未有的舉動;從未曾被看見或感受到的。




  (圖片源自 elijahshopper.com, Marybeth Stafford 的 『Fear Not)







你必須要了解 – 神有計劃。你看到了嗎?

你了解祂有年輕的世代將被興起嗎 – 你的年輕人,你的孫輩將被祂興起成為這國家和地上列國的聲音

  (圖片源自 Flicker

英國,注意。英國,注意!要注意你跟誰連盟。俄羅斯已探出手來並對神職人員和宗教人士說話,“來,讓我們一起運籌帷幄,讓我們同心而行”。“教皇弗朗西斯,注意;注意你口中所說的,注意你所做的,因為我也正看著你。即使我應許生命予你,注意,因著你也是 – 也有背叛的靈存在正對準你耳朵說話』。



注1:『The Den』 是作者召集的每週聚集,聚會中包括先知性的音樂,教導,破解密碼者以及特別講員。在美西時間每週六12點現場同步播放。
This is Kim's weekly gathering with prophetic music, teaching, Codebreakers and special guests. LIVE every Saturday at 12:00 PM Pacific.(http://kimclement.com/what-to-expect.php

民數記13:32 探子中有人論到所窺探之地,向以色列人報惡信,說:「我們所窺探、經過之地是吞吃居民之地,我們在那裡所看見的人民都身量高大。
民數記13:33 我們在那裡看見亞衲族人,就是偉人;他們是偉人的後裔。據我們看,自己就如蚱蜢一樣;據他們看,我們也是如此。」

注3:I pray in the Name Yeshua!
Yeshuwa` {yay-shoo'-ah}- Jeshua
耶書亞 = "耶和華是被拯救"、"他被拯救"

CIA- 全名是Central Intelligence Agency (美國中央情報局)。CIA是個負責提供國家安全情報給美國決策者的獨立機構。
The CIA is an independent agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers.)(https://www.cia.gov/about-cia/todays-cia

MI5 – 安全局(MI5)負責保護英國免於國家安全的威脅。
(The Security Service (MI5) is responsible for protecting the United Kingdom against threats to national security.)(https://www.mi5.gov.uk/

SIS – 通常被稱為 MI6,是讓英國更安全和繁榮的英國海外秘密情報局。
(Often known as MI6, the British Secret Intelligence Service works overseas to make the UK safer and more prosperous.)(https://www.sis.gov.uk/

MI7- 英國軍情處第7部門(現已解散),是隸屬英國軍事情報局的一個部門。是『戰爭辦公室』(War Office)的其中一部分。MI7是為了宣傳和審查的目的而設立。
MI7, the British Military Intelligence Section 7 (now defunct), was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence. Part of the War Office, MI7 was set up to work in the fields of propaganda and censorship. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MI7

War Office – 『戰爭辦公室』是在17世紀和1964年間英國政府負責管理英國陸軍的一個部門,其職能已於1964年轉移至國防部。
The War Office was a department of the British Government responsible for the administration of the British Army between the 17th century and 1964, when its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Defence.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Office

注5:啟示錄21:6 他又對我說:「都成了!我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛;我是初,我是終。我要將生命泉的水白白賜給那口渴的人喝。
『It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End...』

啟1:8 主 神說:「我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛(阿拉法,俄梅戛:是希臘字母首末二字),是昔在、今在、以後永在的全能者。」
『I am the Alpha and the Omega”, says the Lord God, ”who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty』.

"Prophetic Alert: God Is Preparing the Nations of the World For True Prophets Of God"
Kim Clement, Camarillo, CA

Prophesied on January 17th, 2015 - From The Den

We Are Giant Slayers!

Is this the end? No! I see light in the nations. I see the Jews returning to their land from all over the world. "Do not fear," says the Lord. "If you fear, they will know it. If you fear, your enemies will know it. Do you remember when the spies returned from the land and they said we are afraid for the giants are in the land. They said these words: They said, 'They saw us as grasshoppers, therefore we saw ourselves as grasshoppers. Therefore, they saw us as grasshoppers as well.'"

We are not grasshoppers! We are giant slayers. We are Davids of this world! We are Davids of this world! We don't see the giants; we see the slayed. We see a mighty army being raised up.

Arise in this meeting, O Lord. Speak to us and destroy the power of our enemies, I pray in the Name Yeshua!

God is Preparing the Nations for True Prophets

And the Spirit of the Lord told me, "It is impossible for the nations to conduct this kind of warfare without prophetic insight and wisdom." And so as He said those words to me, He said, "I am preparing the world, the nations of the world, I am preparing them for the prophets. You may say, 'Well, there are plenty of prophets around.'" (Photo by Jennifer Page "Victory Shield" via elijahshopper.com)

I want you to know that God is preparing the nations of the world for true prophets of God – not prophets that will prophesy the judgments that we continually hear about; God judging our nation and God judging America. We've heard that. Judgments will come and go; but what about the blessing of God that I have spoken about so many times?

God told me that it is time for true prophets to arise and offer an intelligence that is not available by the Secret Service, by the CIA, by MI5, 6 or 7. I want you to know, it is not available. God is bringing to the fore, true prophets that will show the exact whereabouts; it's happened with me. I saw this; I even saw a person arising out of ISIS and prophesied it years ago that would have one eye that would be blinded. But actually, underneath all of that, he became a Believer.

It is my firm belief as I address you today, and I will prophesy it to the kings of the earth, that: God has purposed to raise out of this horrific movement of terrorism and hatred, strong Believers that will proclaim the name of Yeshua. If you truly believe that, say yes!

Are you seeing what I'm hearing? I'm hearing the sound of victory. I'm hearing the sound of a multitude of God's army that are preparing for a global awakening in the world right now – a move of the Spirit that is unprecedented; has never been seen or felt ever before.

God is Going to Deal with ISIS

God has purposed to confound this enemy like no other. Not Al-Qaeda; not one of them has ever been dealt with in the manner that God is going to deal with ISIS. Not only has ISIS come against God's people, but they have planned many other things in Canada. They're already present in the United States of America and in certain states. They're already present in Belgium andGermany. They're present in Turkey; they are present all over Europe as well. They are prepared for a huge battle.

However, when I was praying, I said to the Lord, "Open my eyes like You opened the eyes of Elisha." Suddenly my eyes were opened and I saw it. I saw thousands of angels gathered to fight this fight. Do you really believe that God's going to leave us alone? Do you really believe that God's going to do nothing about this terrible attack that's come against our children, against the children and the future? (Photo by Marybeth Stafford "Fear Not"via elijahshopper.com)

They're not attacking the present; they are attacking the future. And when they attack the future, they are attacking Omega. When they attack the future, they are attacking the end, the last; they are attacking the One who is, who always will be, who has made a declaration that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.

Canada will be protected. Colorado will be protected. New Mexico will be protected (in the United States, now). New York, over and over and over, will be protected. God will protect even Chicago even though He sniffs at it and there is a stench, is what He said to me. He said He will even protect the Capitol... He's going to do it over and over again as long as you and I pray with insight and not with fear. We act out of faith and not fear and unbelief.

If the enemy is doing so much, why would God sit and do nothing? No, He's not. There are conversions taking place. Nine groups will arise that will be dissatisfied with ISIS and they will even be worse and yet they will not plunder the righteous of the Lord. They will not touch them. There will be a few deaths here and there, but what they are planning will not happen.

As Long As the Church Prays, There Will Be Victory

There are many other states that God told me about."Even so because of My elect. Even because of My elect will I protect," says the Lord. This is a very big Prophetic Alert. I want you to listen.

Their names will be scrolled out... 1, 2, 3... 10, 20 of them at a time, as they are exposed. And one of the biggest leaders that has been in hiding shall cry out for help before the summer comes to this nation. They will say, "How could he have fallen so strongly?" Because, you see, God says, "I have put agents in their midst who will betray them and the betrayal shall hurt them so badly and pierce them so badly that they will cry out and scatter."

You've got to understand – God has a plan. Have you seen it?

Do you understand that He has young people that He's going to raise up – your young people, your grandchildren that He's going to raise up to be a voice in this nation and the nations of the earth.(Photo via flickr)

"England, watch out. England, watch out! Watch out who you align yourself with.Russia has stretched its hand out and it has said to the clergy and to the religious, 'Come, let us reason together, let us join our hearts together.' Pope Francis, watch out; watch out what you say, watch out what you do for I'm watching you as well. Even though I promised life to you, watch out, for you are also – there is also a spirit of betrayal that exists and speaks into your ear."

God is not pleased with religion yet we see from Russia, them stretching out their hand to shake. "What shaking is this?" says the Lord? "I will not allow it,"for God says, "My Church is praying and as long as My Church prays, there will be victory," says the Lord.

Kim Clement 
Kim Clement Center