於 2015-10-20 發佈

對耶路撒冷的恐怖主義說“不是現在!”: 我們應如何禱告
來自耶路撒冷瑞克·萊汀斯 Rick Ridings牧師的禱告警報  20151015 


我確信你們已經意識到最近一波對以色列、以耶路撒冷為中心的恐怖襲擊。從101日到今天——1013日,傷亡人數如下:7人喪生,99人受傷,其中10人傷勢嚴重。許多人一直問我們如何蒙神帶領在讚美的帳幕 譯者注:耶路撒冷的24/7敬拜及禱告事工)禱告。這裡有幾個要點;:

1. 我相信我們要對鬼魔的煽動“重新強制執行”一個“禁言令”和“限制令”。

許多人讀到這裡,會想起去年十月在耶路撒冷有類似的煽動和暴力事件。當時大多數記者預測會有一次長期的起義。我領受到一個有關威脅的龍、聖殿山和煽動的異象。關於此異象的完整描述請瀏覽:http://www.succathallel.com/category/prayer-alerts/(中譯參:聖殿山異象(Rick Ridings)

簡而言之,在這異象中,我看到了一個巨大的黑龍,以威脅的姿勢盤旋在耶路撒冷聖殿山之上。每次牠口中噴出火來的時候,暴力就被釋放在聖殿山。但我知道這次牠正計畫更大的事情。突然我看見天上出現兩個詞:“不是現在”(Not Now)。然後一個巨大的腳從幾重天上降下,把龍踩在地上。接著,主從天上伸出手在龍的腳上加上鐐銬,並將牠囚禁在聖殿山東南角的地下清真寺裡。然後我看見主的手在門上加了一把帶有計時器的鎖,看似過一段時間後它將被釋放去做一些很“大”的事情,但現在還不是時候。隨著異象的延續,我感覺主說,我們要請求祂作為全宇宙的法官來頒下一個禁言令和限制令,來讓龍在一段時間內靜默下來。在我們宣告禁言令和限制令兩天後,一個重要的被監禁的巴勒斯坦恐怖分子被發現向外界走私他的錄音講話來煽動(衝突)。之後他被單獨監禁,而暴力事件也在很短的時間內就平息下來。

當我繼續呼求主,求祂啟示現在是否就是“計時器”已完成計時,聖靈會允許這個龍獲得更大自由的時候,我得到一個新的異象:我看到鬼魔的力量已經部分弄彎撐開了地牢的欄杆,並成功移除了部分嘴上的禁言令。龍噴出一些火焰並抽打牠的尾巴,試圖逃離地牢。然後我聽見主說我們要再次強制實施“禁言令和限制令”。 當我們這樣宣告時我看到兩位強大的天使進入龍的地牢,並對牠說:“聽話!”。龍就像一條訓練有素的狗停止抽打尾巴並坐了下來。天使把禁言令再次完全蓋住它的口鼻,弄直彎曲的欄杆,使它無法逃脫。


2. 宣告耶和華必“剪除那些切割的人”。

上週一晚上在讚美的帳幕,我們親愛的朋友吉恩·力特博士Dr. Gene Little 分享了一處需要宣告的特別經文。目前幾乎所有的恐怖分子襲擊都是持刀行兇。吉恩分享到古代的“基利提”這個詞,其基本意思是“切割的人”。 當我們宣告以西結25:15-17時,我們感受到強烈的恩膏。

25:15 主耶和華如此說:“因非利士人向猶大人報仇,就是以恨惡的心報仇雪恨,永懷仇恨,要毀滅他們“16所以主耶和華如此說:“我必伸手攻擊非利士人,剪除基利提人,滅絕沿海剩下的居民。17我向他們大施報應,發怒斥責他們。我報復他們的時候,他們就知道我是耶和華。


3. 為這次煽動暴力的根源被清除禱告

我們強烈地感覺到我們要宣告民數記23:23 斷沒有法術可以害雅各;也沒有占卜可以害以色列。現在必有人論及雅各,就是論及以色列說:‘神為他行了何等的大事!’讓我們繼續宣告屬天的保護臨到以色列全地,脫離法術和占卜的攻擊。

此外,我們都想起“第二次暴亂”臨近結束時,主帶領我禱告的方式。那時我們住在耶路撒冷的人經歷了近四年的自殺性炸彈襲擊。後來發現當時的主要煽動者是來自加沙的伊斯蘭精神領袖“亞辛”阿訇。雖然以色列國防軍(IDF)嘗試了幾次針對“亞辛”阿訇的“精准暗殺”行動,但他每次都僥倖逃脫。我們要禱告他會悔改。如果他不願意悔改,他的“法術和巫術的盾”的保護將被移除。結果一周之內他就被“除掉”。 不久自殺式炸彈襲擊停止,數以百計的無辜的生命得救。


4. 禱告那些已經被煽動性的謊言所影響的人們,得著關乎主和主對他們心意的啟示




瑞克.萊汀斯 2015年10月15日
讚美的帳幕(眺望耶路撒冷聖殿山的24/7敬拜和禱告) 創始人/總監


直接與萊汀斯牧師電郵聯繫:[email protected](可用中文)。

A Prayer Alert from Rick Ridings in Jerusalem, 15 Oct., 2015

To All Our Praying Friends:

I am sure you are aware the recent wave of terror attacks in Israel, centered in Jerusalem.   Since October 1st and until today - October 13th, the number of casualties is: 7 have lost their lives, 99 were injured, among them 10 are in severe medical condition.  Many have been asking how we have been led to pray in Succat Hallel.  Here are a few major points:

1.  I Believe We Are to “Re-Enforce” a “Gag and Restraining Order” on Demonic Incitement.

Many who read this will remember that during a similar month of incitement and violence in Jerusalem a year ago October, when most journalists were predicting a long-term uprising, I received a vision concerning a menacing dragon, the Temple Mt. and incitement.  For a description of the full vision, go to: http://www.succathallel.com/category/prayer-alerts/)

In brief, in that vision I saw a huge black dragon that was circling in a menacing manner above the Temple Mount here in Jerusalem.  Each time it breathed fire from its mouth, violence was released on the Temple Mount.  But I knew this time it was planning something really much larger.  Suddenly I saw in the heavens two words: “NOT NOW”.  Then a huge foot descended from heavens and pinned the dragon to the ground.  Next, the Lord reached down and put shackles on the dragon’s feet and imprisoned the dragon in the underground mosque on the southeast corner of the Temple Mount.  Then, I saw the Lord’s hand put a lock on the door with a timer attached to it , seeming to indicate it would be released to do something quite “big” in the timing of the Lord, but that now was not the time.  In a continuation of the vision, I felt the Lord say we were to ask Him as the Judge of the Universe to give a “gag and restraining order” to silence the dragon for this time period.  Two days after we proclaimed the “gag and restraining order”, a major Palestinian terrorist who had been jailed, was discovered to be releasing incitement through recordings smuggled out.  He was put into solitary confinement, and within a short time the violence had died down.

As I was crying out to the Lord for revelation whether now was the time that “timer” was finished, and that spirit allowed a greater freedom, I had new vision:  I saw that a demonic power had partially bent open the bars of the dungeon, and had succeeded in partially removing the gag over it’s mouth.  The dragon was breathing out some fire, and thrashing with its tail, trying to break out of the dungeon.  Then I heard the Lord say we were to “re-enforce the gag and restraining” order.   As we proclaimed that, I saw two strong angels enter the dragon’s cell, and say “Heel!!”.   Just like a trained dog, the dragon stopped thrashing and sat down.   The angels then put the gag back fully over its snout, and bent the bars straight, so that it could not escape.

I would encourage you to join us to keep proclaiming this “gag and restraining order” and “Not Now!” until we have seen a fully calming down of the situation as occurred last year in November and December.

2.  Proclaim that the Lord will “Cut Off Those Who Cut”.

Last Monday evening at Succat Hallel, our dear friend, Dr. Gene Little shared a very specific Scripture to proclaim.  Almost all of the current terrorist attacks are knifings.  Gene shared that the word for the ancient people, the “Cherethites”, basically means “those that cut”. 

We felt a strong anointing as we proclaimed Ezekiel 25:15-17:

15 ‘Thus says the Lord God, “Because the Philistines have acted in revenge and have taken vengeance with scorn of soul to destroy with everlasting enmity,” 16 therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I will stretch out My hand against the Philistines, even cut off the Cherethites and destroy the remnant of the seacoast. 17 I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes; and they will know that I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance on them.”

We are continuing to proclaim that the Lord will “cut off those who cut” in Jerusalem and throughout Israel.

3.  Pray for the Roots of this Incitement to Be Uprooted

We felt strongly that we were to proclaim Numbers 23:23:  There is no divination against[a] Jacob, no evil omens against[b] Israel.  It will now be said of Jacob and of Israel, ‘See what God has done!’  Let us continue to claim over Israel divine protection against witchcraft and sorcery.

In addition, we were reminded of a way the Lord had led me to pray towards the end of the “Second Intifada” when we who were living in Jerusalem had experienced almost four years of suicide bombings.  It came out at that time that the primary incitement was coming from “Sheik Yassin”, the Islamic spiritual leader of Gaza.  Although the IDF had tried several times a targeted, “pinpoint” assassination of Sheik Yassin, he had narrowly escaped each time.  We felt we were to pray he would either repent, and if unwilling to repent, that his “shield of occult and witchcraft” protection would be removed from him.   Within a week, he was “taken out”, and soon after that the suicide bombings stopped, saving hundreds of innocent lives.

Let us pray that terrorists who do not have a completely hardened heart would have a revelation of Jesus like Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus.  But if they, like Pharaoh, have fully hardened their hearts, that they would be exposed, lose their occult shield of protection, and be uprooted.  

4.  Pray that those who have been influenced by the lies of incitement would have a revelation of the Lord and His heart for them.

So many of those who have been carrying out these demonic knifings have been teenagers.  We felt we were to pray for huge numbers of those who have been under the influence of the lies and incitement to have dreams, visions, and visitations from the Lord.  Only the Lord can change hearts, even as He did for Saul of Tarsus.

Last year we had a visit in Succat Hallel from an Iranian who had been a Hezbollah terrorist.  He shared an amazing encounter with Jesus that had transformed him from hating and killing Israelis, into someone who had the Lord’s heart of love for them.  What an amazing testimony of the greatness of the Lord!

Let’s join together for a miraculous turning of the tide in the hearts of this generation here in Israel.

Rick Ridings, October 15, 2015
Founder / Director, Succat Hallel (24/7 worship and prayer overlooking the Temple Mount in Jerusalem)